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Everything posted by kaninersynger

  1. if its placed on the map will it still afect the battle? and im not sure what your trying to get out from that command there. the variable i guess whoul represent the hp, but it wont be actuly br linked the the players hp, and thats what im looking for. if you dont mind, maybe you could explain it a bit more if you got the time
  2. Found a way out to change the actors graphic at a percentage, but left with the problem that it wont change back if it gos over again. what iv found so far: Troops tab under database, and the condition there, you can sett it to act if the actor [name] gos below a serten percentage but this seems to get the character stuck in that form for the rest of the battle. iv tryed to control it with switches, variabels and a condition branch but seems like they dont work in combat. anyone got any ideas how i could get this to work? info bump
  3. Been all over the net to see if i could find anything like this but my search have left me emtyhanded. so i have to ask for some aid on this, what i want is for my battlers to change when they reach a serten hp percentage exsample, at say 25% hp the actor changes to a wonded image and whould turn back to normal as soon as the actors hp gos over 25% again. im using the standard combat system in RMXP. whould be thankfull if there are anyone here who got some ideas or a solution
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