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About Kadski

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    In your closet
  1. List of games that have been suggested: Fable 2 - Amazing game kinda repetitive though Halo Wars - Not that cool GTA4- I didn't like it and i doubt you could play it Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion- FRICKEN AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fallout 3 - Amazing!!!!!! My Suggestions RE5 - Yeah bloody but epic. LOTR:Conquest - Not bloody and its fun Guitar Hero World Tour - Awesome Halo3 - If you own a 360 and don't own this game I will personally beat you to death Cod4: Fun campaign, epic multi-player BattleStations:Midway - Fun 3/5
  2. It's like 2005 graphics, nothing amazing but not too bad, it would pass for a low budget pc shooter. Hmm think around a bit better then Halo 2 (Except no outside maps, I know, that made me mad). But amazingly user friendly.
  3. Haha my picture is a quarantine poster saying to maintain the quarantine around a zombie infested area, deadly force will be used to maintain the quarantine. Haha epic....
  4. Wow I was being stupid back then. I am against Gay marriage in any way shape or form now, even legal unions should be illegal!
  5. Draw yourself on the computer and post the pic up on here!!!! This one kinda borrows off of the outfit of a character from an anime I saw, think his name was Kyon. Anyway The only thing I hate about this drawing is the hand. Besides that it looks almost the exact same as me!
  6. I woke up at like 10 so I just had lunch. Hahahah!!!
  7. That dude who cut me off in traffic.... Lol joke.. I ate Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch and a Bagel With Blueberry Cream
  8. This kinda relates the the stupidity of windows and it's FUNNY!!!!
  9. Try Melatonin pills (Melatonin is the sleep hormone), it's a chemical naturally made in your body so you can't get addicted. It just boosts the melatonin to help you sleep easier. It's also over the counter.
  10. Have no idea what you said, lol. I don't get spriting one bit, they just need to work with RPG Maker VX, that's all I know, go ahead about them how you want.
  11. We should have the death penalty for nearly all crimes. Burglary, Murder, Rape, Rioters, etc. 90% of all crimes are committed by repeat offenders. You know why we have so many criminals nowadays? Because jail is cushy and soft and death in painless, etc. 2000 years ago if you stole something they cut off your fingers so you couldn't steal again, now which sounds a bit more threatening, 6 months of free food, home and such, or losing your fingers? We should make the death penalty hurt, burn them, stab them, bludgeon them to death, I don't know, just make it hurt. For smaller crimes they should at least have an arm broken or something, hell if I stole something and then went to jal and they broke my arm backwards I wouldn't steal again compared to just chilling out for six months. I hate rioters most of all, and it's always leftists, you never hear "Capitalists rioted in downtown today and burned down 16 buildings" it's always "Left Wing rioters burned down 16 buildings today in riots downtown". I HATE RIOTERS!!! We should do it like the German riot police, walk in a line, beat down and rioters we find and zip tie them to poles until a big police bus can come by and take them to jail, or hell with it, just pull out a few Humvee and some Black Hawk Helicopters and just start firing away into the crowds. Nowadays the worst rioters get is a night in jail, imagine what they would think before they almost rioted next time "Hey almost 500 people were shot for rioting, maybe I should just go home". I am for capital punishment along with a "No Bull" policy, you commit a crime and you are now hostile and therefore a valid target to shoot. If the person flees the scene we should open fire, if they rob someone we should open fire, if we arrest them we should torture them so they will never do that again. I hate criminals and they should just be killed off, and yes I am for Kira in Death Note along with Nisage. For crying out loud why bother with "Painless death by drugging" just take an axe and chop off their head, or burn them (Free power heh?) OH OH OH!!!! Even better, put them in labor camps where they would be forced to work for basic food and they would sleep on the ground and they would have to work in fields and dig mines and lay railway, instead of letting them chill in jail put them to work or burn them or gas them or something. Just make them work or get rid of them, and really? Waste money of funerals? Just take them and throw them in a big ditch with all the other scum.
  12. Kadski

    Where is everyone?

    EHHHHHH NOBODY MISSED ME???? I mean with my massive 0.50% of all posts where's the love?
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