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Everything posted by CircleDrain

  1. Im posting some of my sprites you can take a look and leave a comment. If you want to use one sprite please ask ;) An old tree made by me :
  2. Thx Kiriashi :D UPDATE: We have 2 new Members :) Acolyte luv_kitty12 And a new Project: Autumn's River http://bb.xieke.com/files/1/Elainas%20Village.png ( big picture) We are still searching.
  3. UPDATE: 2 More Members: Genji and Shiruba_Sora We are still searching.
  4. UPDATE: New Member: DarkGamer and a new Project ;) Waking Dead http://img96.imageshack.us/i/superoctomanattack.png
  5. Enigma and rGangsta you have got a PM ;) And thx :) UPDATE: 2 new members: Swick and Star Skipping And our first english project: Kingdoms: The Tale of Sir Julian http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc184/swick153/NewScreenshot5.png We are still searching:)
  6. http://yfrog.com/elichiwerbunglogop Hello and welcome. Do you have a Project and don't know how to continue, or do you just need some help? Have you been searching for a production Team but can't find one? We can help. This is a topic from Ichi-Engine! What is Ichi Engine? It is a gathering of People whom are working on games together. You show us your Project, and we try to improve it with things like: Story, technique, graphics, artwork, music and many more things. This is the English production team of Ichi, we already have a German Team with 20 people. If I want to join Ichi is it possible just to help other games with and without having my own game? Yes of course. If you have to wait for any graphics, feel free to help others. It is give and take. It is like a big team which works together to develop some games.. What happens if I don't have my own project? It doesn't matter. Too many projects are not so good. If you are good enough, you can help with other projects. Listen, I've had RM for 2 weeks, can I still join? No, we are searching for more experienced people. We need enough energy for the projects. We don't want to have to answer every question from rookies or let beginners join. How do I communicate? How can I join? Its pretty easy. First you need to contact me through a PM or just tell me in this topic that you want to join. I'm will give you my ICQ, MSN or Skype account so you can add me, or I'll add you. I will see if you are good enough for Ichi and if you are, I will send you the link on the forum. Who is already in the Team? German Team: Circle Drain goldenroy Tigercin Rayne Daru G-Brothers niR-kun Koshi Sain Ligiiihh Miu Geyridir Braska Feuerseele Clades relxi Mr.Funkymaus DSA-Zocker LagoonLenji Leero JasonRoar English Team: CircleDrain Lobster Star Skipping Swick DarkGames Genji Shiruba_Sora At the moment we don't have an English project so I'm going to show you some screenshots from German games: Awoken: http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/1821/awokenzusabd.png Graveyard: http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/2082/zwischenwelt.png Namida: http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/2662/titelbild.png Valkyrie Tears: http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/2787/5fg2eg.png Dämonenseele: http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/6175/schleimkeller.png Broken: http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/2466/waffekyle.png English-Projects: Kingdoms: The Tale of Sir Julian http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc184/s...Screenshot5.png Waking Dead http://img96.imageshack.us/i/superoctomanattack.png Greetz Circle and the production Team Ichi ;)
  7. That map is of a french game, i saved aswell some screens of this game Here some screens of this french game: and
  8. Not you siverix, i talked to Eco. It would be great siverix if you show me a human ;)
  9. Well thx for your try, but well we are a very professional team and you are just okay, not amazing... sry maybe next time
  10. Something like a Textbox or the grpahics for the menu. Stuff like that ;) Can you show me an example Siverix?
  11. Well, your map was "okay", but not something impressive.... If you really want to join, make a second map and impress me :) Make mountains and show me ;) Well more interested ppl? I am glad if some more are interested to create such a Project.
  12. Well, show me a map of yours, and I will say yes... We need very skilled ppl. Thx madanchi ;) I wish you good luck with your projects ;)
  13. BUMP :) Member update. We dont need an Eventer or Composer anymore. And here a Sprite for the game.
  14. Thx for your interest ;) AH!! I changed it now, it is RPG Maker XP. Yes if you want you can edit it ;)
  15. ello, Im CircleDrain. Im not very popular in the english community, but in germany-community they know me. Maybe you alread know the titel. Yes I wanted to create a game from a popular book. The Dark Tower written by Stephen King. If you dont know the book, it doesnt matter. Now some details: Story: In the story, Roland Deschain is the last living member of a knightly order known as gunslingers and the last of the line of "Arthur Eld", his world's analogue of King Arthur. The world he lives in is quite different from our own, yet it bears striking similarities to it. Politically organized along the lines of a feudal society, it shares technological and social characteristics with the American Old West but is also magical. While the magical aspects are largely gone from Mid-World, some vestiges of them remain, along with the relics of a highly advanced, but long vanished, society. Roland's quest is to find the Dark Tower, a fabled building said to be the nexus of all universes. Roland's world is said to have "moved on", and indeed it appears to be coming apart at the seams—mighty nations have been torn apart by war, entire cities and regions vanish without a trace and time does not flow in an orderly fashion. Even the Sun sometimes rises in the north and sets in the east. As the series opens, Roland's motives, goals and age are unclear, though later installments shed light on these mysteries. We work with the RPG Maker XP. Looking for: -Mappers- 1. CircleDrain 2. -Graphical- 1. 2. -Scripters- 1. - Spriter- 1. CircleDrain 2. Lobstrosity 3. -Eventer- 1. CircleDrain 2. lonely_cubone -Composer- 1. lonely_cubone 2. Artworker 1. If you think im a noob here 3 Screens from me http://s10.directupload.net/file/d/2207/vmxdlj7r_png.htm http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/1961/jojoasdo.png http://s10.directupload.net/images/100523/d6b664wt.jpg ( The Sprites in the 2 Rooms are done by me and Daru) Well if you are interested jsut write in this topic or a PN
  16. Well, I wish you good luck, but you wont find serious persons with this kind doing ;) Lea´rn to accept critique :P No one cares if you are angry or not. If you dont show ppl your skill, they wont join. Or you get some unserious persons. Well Good luck m8 ;)
  17. pls complete it, because your work is a work of 2 minutes. If you want honestly a team project, than you have to put more power in it. Believe me! I lead one of those Team-Projects. So come on, finish a Sprite or a Map and show me. If you let me think okay he is not bad, I definitely join...
  18. Can you show me something ....a map or a artwork...a sprite ...something done by you :) If yes, im you can count on me ;)
  19. Maybe i would join as a Mapper, but first i want to know little things. You sarch for everything a person...but what are you doing? Do you only put the pieces together and make the story? If yes then pls forget it :) You make this story more dramatical if you let him loose everything because of those 12 guys. Yeah well.... How many people are helping at the moment? What about some Artworks?
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