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Shalaren Metropolis

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Everything posted by Shalaren Metropolis

  1. Heeeeeey I’m Kyle :D I actually singed up 2 days ago but decided to open this post only now (means I choose to stay xD) I really want to get to know some of you like I do in other forums, (it makes the community thing much fun for me) and yeah, :P
  2. the link for the post isnt working X: so I'll ask it here Im trying to take off the skin option I dont want people switchin skin while playing. but then it gives me an error +I want to take off the map option aswell X: +I want to put an option for hotkeys, (BLIZZ ABS) any Idea how to do that?
  3. Digimon! D:, because they don’t have those ridicules scenes of "Yes I got a New Digimon!" or when they win, their enemies don’t fly to the sky (and eventually survive it), but Pokémon is cool just because the Pokémons keep on repeating their own names
  4. "I see you'v got bbq sauce on my bath rob" "you have done that your self!" LOL! I rofled my a## off!
  5. Final Fantasy 6! it would be so awsome with today's graphics! D:
  6. I agree with you S:, I used to love them, but now when I play the final Fantasy games, they are so lame D:!
  7. I find something in that scripit, as not good o-o! the fact that when u lvl up, you go to menu, it says LVL up. so you go to stats and then your character and then it asks if you wanna lvl stats up, if you say no, your screwed until next lvl xD! I mean, "accedently I chose no, how do I lvl my stats now? the window that asks me if I wanna lvl stats up wont appear until next lvl :(" is there a way to make it appear everytime you go to the stats window?
  8. HAHA thanks D:, I hate the rtp characters, for some reason.
  9. "This is of course not a real problem if you have a complete game and then make a demo" I would say thats the only Solution X:
  10. could anyone help me with my game? X:, Ivebeen looking for a team ffor so long now

    1. DarkGamer


      lol i said what kind of game. i use RMXP engine too,lol private mesage me.

    2. ShinyToyGuns


      I'll help...but only if you want me to =P

    3. Kiriashi


      What kind of help do you need?

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  11. D: agghh.... I dont seem to find any help ><" @Chief: Usually I would love to, but I really rather not share any of the game resources with rendom people X:
  12. I have a new Request! look into this scripit it is a custom menu and it has some more features. but I want to change the list. right now its Item Skill Equip Status Save Map shows minimap Options - Skin - BGM Volume - SE Volume Exit so I want to chanfe that list, I want to take the Skin option down (I dont want people switching skins in gameplay) I want to take the Map off the Menu just take it off there and instead of the skill in me Menu put it so instead of going to skill window it will go to the hotkeys window in Blizz ABS. Item Hotkey Equip Status Save Options - BGM Volume - SE Volume Exit Itried doing it my self, but I fail as usual X:. The rest of my requests that will probably never get completed and
  13. Ahhh lol, it makes things so much easier now D:
  14. Save file will work on both Demo and final product only if they have the same data, I’m not talking about events, but let’s say you added a script to the final product that the Demo does not have, in most cases it won’t work. Another example is that if you changed something in the character, it will not change in the Save file, and it’s possible that the save file will not work as well.
  15. it looks pretty neat! but I think the wall would look better without the texture. because the texture makes it look like... where is the light coming from?. anyway, its important not to forget to make an autotile for the walls!
  16. Hey people! :P Im Kyle nice to meet ya

    1. Marked


      Welcome Kyle :)

    2. Kiriashi


      Welcome to the forums! If you stick around for a month, you will be pleased. : >

    3. Shalaren Metropolis

      Shalaren Metropolis

      Alright then! :P I will, my friend recomended me to this site, he said it'll help me with my game :D

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  17. @Kage Kazumi exactly what I wanted to say S: @ Kiriashi and yes if you could @Enigma Sounds good! let me just figure out where is that chat exactly :P about eventing, look at the scripits I am asking for up in the topic I dont think you can event these.
  18. thanks :P but I hear otherwise about these maps too ><. about the information from an artis to pixel monsters, and stuff, and pixel things that I need for a map, all these kind of things a scripiter, umm, I besically need them because Im not goos with scripits, and sometimes something goes wrong and x: yeah idk what to do and having a scripiter will allways help to fix it :P +there are two scripits that i need to request anyhow X: they are besic tilesets that i just changed the colours of the walls and floors, and added all the things I felt should be in the tileset. about the city map, some of the pixels there, are made by some company i forgot its name, gotta find out so I can give credit Thank you! I like it too :P I know! D: this is why i wropt in the botton "woops wrong forum" that'll be great to learn RGSS, but i know I'll never be good enough to know how to scripit these scripits.
  19. Thats the company, though since Im looking for help , if you have a company and want to Invest on the game. your company will get a splash screen too. The story is about a Metropolis obviously. shalaren was a young man at the time, he spends countless years in the human army fighting demons, throughout his years he learned magic from magicians all over the world. It was a war that never ended between the humans and the demons. Magicians gave up because they did not have a seal strong enough to hold the demons, and that’s when the Sagittars showed up, they were able to fight the demons but only for a while, the number of the demons is just getting bigger, they weren’t strong enough, none was, there were too many demons taking over. And that’s when one of the ancient magicians tells shalaren that there is a spell that can keep demons at bay but comes at a price, the price is death. That’s why no magician ever used it yet. Shalaren looking at the metropolis being destroyed and decides to offer his life to enable the spell, when he dies, the spell allows his power to spread over the city, and that’s when the city was named after his name. All the Shalarenians gained special Strength that will allow them to fight all the rest of the demons. But the spell's limit is that it only keeps larger demons away but smaller demons are able to penetrate the spell's shield, the only way to summon the larger demons is by using dark magic, but with Shalaren's death, dark magic became the forbidden magic, and anyone who uses that magic will pay with their life. The reason that the shalarenians pay with their life for crimes is because they are destroying what shalaren died to protect, thus killing them is an act of respect. Shalaren Metropolis now exists to protect humans from the demons and keep the secrets of the underworld hidden from the rest of the world. thats what I got for now! thanks to rgangsta :3, though I need more. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Characters: (for now at least) Kathel, is 19 years old. hes the son of the king Remus Areaon, The king of Shalaren Metropolis. Kathel is a third class warrior and is excellent with hunting demons. for a couple of years, Kathel have protected his father from any Intruder, and Katherl never lost. his mother, is Uknown. Main Character Traits: adventurous, clever, honest, helpful, and generous. Rendler, age is unknown, location is unknown, almost everything is unknown about this character. thats besically the evil character in the story, he uses a dark spell, (which is forbidden) to control a high class demon, and to gain strength for every Shalarenian he kills. Main Character Traits:Unknown, but I would still say "EVIL". Finely, is 18 years old. She came from the Sagittar Nation, at age 16 she decided that she should quit the Sagittar Proffesion. she went to the Priest of Shalaren Metropolis and learned his Techniques. Main Character Traits: adventurous, clever, brave, helpful, and mature. Remus, the age is Unknown. hes the King of Shalaren Metropolis. Main Character Traits: impatient, somewhat cruel, daring, bossy, and brilliant. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Rewrited at august 25 2010 Hey you guys! I edited this page completely, cause the game changed alot ever since I opened the thread. I took all the screenshots down because as I said, its not how the game looks right now. I would put new screenshots, but I feel like its still not the time, I will realease screenshots only when I'll complete the mapping and the quests. The thing is I still hadnt made any monsters, weapons, skills, etc because things are moving really slow when there is none to help. and I want you to know, if you join the team, means you'll own the game too when we realese it. credits will be provided to everyone. and not just a credit file inside the game folder. it'll be provided in the game. what do I need? Scripiter - Im not a scripiter and have no Idea how it works, the only thing I do with scripits is move locations around. so I need a scripiter, not for making unique scripits but just to help with scripiting - pixel artist - aw man this is going to help so much, there are just some sprites I still dont have. - Mapper - I am a horrible Mapper! period. I have the tilesets I need but i cant map them the way I want, and I know there's some good mappers here. - Writer - I need someone to write the background story of the Metropolis! in another way write the history of it. what happens in the history is only a history of the Island, but itsnot the plot in the game! I did some brain storming, so here it is everything that is red, is stuff that have to be mentioned in the story! in some way. all the green stuff is stuff that the history needs to be built from, it doesnt have to be mentioned (it can if you want) but thos things are importent facts. everything that is black, are just small facts, does not have to be mentioned at all, its just to let youy understand. all the Blue things, do not need to be in the history at all! its what is going ot happend in the game! (the gameplay) I put it there just so you make connection from to history to the gameplay. Credit will be shown on the title screen! if you are a writer and want to help. reply here or pm me, or just start writing and send me the complete copy, it doesnt really matter. Thanks! I will provide screenshots later!. I just need people to join! X:. Edit: ok here is a screenshot, just so you'll see what kind of game ur joining. Need mappers!. im not a good mapper, I have only the city\castle part mapped, but I still need someone to map the mountain forest of the Sagittar Nation, I will give the tilesets to the mappers. as you see I have only Shalaren Metropolis located on the map.
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