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Everything posted by jporter917

  1. Character could only have one pet and would pick it up through story play early in the game. There would have to be a way to hide the pet so when they player is in an area, like a dungeon, the pet wouldn't come in with them. Special effects - - (Of course not actually needed) - Player talk to pet and pat them pet would make noise and jump. << Show jumping graphic - Pet would sit outside the entrance to places it couldn't go til player returned to that map. << Show sitting graphic
  2. I've have been using RMXP for some years now, off and on, I have started many projects and have let many projects die on the wayside. I have always wanted to use an evented abs, but I can't seem to find one or can't find one with a good tutorial on how to use. So I am looking for an eventing artist to help me bring something to life for not only myself to use, but everyone as a alternative to scripted ABS. I've been told that evented ABS are better than scripts. Any takers?
  3. I am looking for a script, that isn't a Caterpillar, that will allow for a "pet" we will say a dog for now to follow the actor around without the dog being in the actor's party of part of combat. The "pet" wouldn't have any effect other than following the actor around on screen. The script would also need to have a feature that would turn on and off the ability for the pet to follow the actor. If off the pet would simply no be displayed. Can anyone help me out? Thanks
  4. My project will be postponed due to two of my friends dying in a car wreck this past sunday evening.

    1. madanchi
    2. jporter917


      Yes, two my friends were killed in a car wreck. Another is currently still in the ICU. I will be back to working on my project as soon as I can. However, we all know how life is.

  5. Been busy, back now

    1. Joey


      Kay. *gives cookie*

    2. Kiriashi


      WHERE THE F*********ing ***** with a ***ing *** up its ****ing *** IS MY COOKIE??!

    3. Joey


      lolz...*gives another cookie to jporter*

  6. You only been dating a few days, I wouldn't tell you that you love her quite yet. In fact in my opinion if can take awhile to love someone, true love anyways, I've dated a girl for six months before I ever told her I loved her and even then I wasn't really sure. Be careful with that word and use it wisely, I would suggest taking some time to think about telling her that. More time than you have, if you tell her you love and late on it doesn't work out and you decide to dump her she will call you out on it and say, "I thought you loved me!" Which will make you feel like shit even more then you already do for dumping her. Cover your own ass before you put something like love into the picture. I take it you are a young one and this is your first "real" girlfriend so it is really up to you how you take my advice.
  7. Newest Project is coming together great! Need a cartographer, event artist, and some minor graphics done.

    1. joman195


      I sent you a pm about being an event artist. Give me any test you want.

    2. chayseman195
  8. Says it on the bottom of the website and in the name: © www.jeffreyjene.com 2003-2010 Web Designer/ Webmaster: Jeffrey Jene There is also a contacts page.
  9. Wine testing to see if we like a wine before we waste money and time buying one we may or may not like. Starting to see how it works now rgangsta, Leon knows. So very true! Human nature to care about yourself more than others (Survival and protection instinct) Girls aren't complex that is just an excuse guys use for not listening Girls want to be with a prefect man, doesn't exist. Humans are humans like any other animal they trend to Custer together, pare up and mate, love and emotions are what we add. Other animal don't do those thing at least not our complexly. Girls want what guys what, talk, listen, sex, security and stability. That equals out to; love, money and sex. People date casually for one reason; For sex and cause they know they have 60+ years to find "the one". At least that would be the only logical reason, but if you would like we can drive into the mental side of relationship and open up a whole new, large, can of crazy bullshit. But anyone out there that is looking for a "serious relationship" is just someone who feels they are ready to find the one. That person could be 16 or that person could be 60, but either way doesn't mean they know what they are doing or looking for. Profoundness from the google: Relationships quotes
  10. @Ecowolfsteen dude get the hint ;) As for the first post, life sucks, girls and guys suck. You get hurt you don't get hurt, you live once you like someone try spending time with them don't worry about all the in between shit, if it doesn't work out take a breath and move on. The problem isn't people getting hurt it is people letting themselves feel hurt and feeling sorry for themselves cause they were dumped. It is a mental thing, people get with someone and except it to be like the movies, books, etc and when it doesn't they get "sad" as they like to call it, when really they just feel sorry for themselves cause their "dream" didn't live up. Dating is like wine tasting you don't sallow the wine. It is as simple as that the point is to find something you like, "your drink", one that you could "drink" for the rest of your life. As far as dating in high school I did it, I was one of the foolish dumb stuck ones too, but I learned. However, lets get real for a second teenager will date, will have sex and will do whatever it is they feel like doing period. So on that note they should simply add a class that freshmen or even 6th graders must take about dating, oh wait they had that sex ed. however thanks to parents and politicians a lot of schools don't have sex ed anymore. I can speak for myself had sex when I was 15 didn't effect me a bit or the girl, we still see each other and say hello. It is the mind set of people that defines how they will act and react in the dating trend, that is why you taste the wine don't sallow it. btw, woman are dumb they will date the most nastiest, meanest, fucked up guys there are plain and simple. But in the end do you really know those guys you think are bad? I mean the cheaters yea and beaters yea, but I've seen my dad yell at me mom, seen her yell at my dad in public, it was stupid. But they aren't bad people at all been together for 30 years. Who is to say an on looker wouldn't say my dad was being abusive? My point is if a girl is with someone, find someone else to chase don't try to be the stereo typical "hero/good guy/knight is armor" <<Two cents entered>>
  11. I have finally got to the mapping stage of my game after weeks of script trial and error. I am looking for a cartographer (mapper) to create a single map, named Anemone Refugee Camp. - - This map's story, Anemone is a camp for refugees of the current on going war in the world. The camps inhabitance where forced from their homes on another continent. With no where to live they where lead to Camellia Plains, where the camp is located, by a man named Flol. However, Camellia plains is host to many dangerous beasts. From Kobolts selling supplies, wolfs eating food, bee poisoning the people and worst of all goblin steal children and destroying homes. The map should be centered around Anemone camp which is made up of one complete constructed building and two others in construction. The rest of the camp is made up of tents and various camp sites. Otherwise be as creative as you wish. I don't have a single title set chosen for this map, if you need resources let me know and I will get them for you, otherwise you can surprise me. :)
  12. jporter917

    Text Box

    I got the script to work with my game. I had to change a variable from 0 to 1. Anyways, now I am having a problem with the stupid thing. Event; Flol NPC Commands: Text: \z[6]\name[Flol]\p[1] However, in game, when I interact with the NPC I get this response: [Flol] Although, the actual methods of the script are working; displaying character's name, in color and over the right event.
  13. jporter917

    Text Box

    Yes like this... Screen shot is from Runes of magic
  14. jporter917

    Text Box

    I will give them a shot and see. But for this topic I was looking for the effect like WoW, Aion or other online games. Where a box is displayed with text in it, I am sure you know what I mean or at least seen it before in someone mmorpg. It returned an error no matter where I put the script, but yes AMS is much better then UMS. Anyways this is the error.
  15. jporter917

    Text Box

    I been trying to use UMC, however, it is returning an error with all the scripts I am using I am wanting on another forum for someone who is helping me fix the problem. I think I made a post here about it too.
  16. jporter917

    Text Box

    Thanks for being a smart ass, but I don't want to use the default text system. I wouldn't have made the request if I wanted to use it.
  17. jporter917

    Text Box

    I am looking for a simple script for NPC text. It will use a call scene method, the scene will display custom text. Example: Player clicks on event (NPC) then event will use a call script method. This will pull up a window which will display text for that NPC. Something like @scene_textbox(id) id = 1,2,3, etc The text displayed in the box will be define by the id If anyone can help me make this happen?
  18. I am looking for someone to do and or help me edit Tornado Quest Book by storm for my game. I included that script and the RMX-OS save script. I am wanting to add a effect to the script the calls a scene when the call script, $game_party.add_quest(id), is used. The scene will be a small window that displays the information about the quest, ["title","author's name","text","reward"], and also offers the player an option to select either accept quest or cancel the scene. If a player selects accept then the quest is added to the Quest Log, if cancel then it isn't. It will also check rather a players has completed the quest already. If a player has completed the quest already then scene will just display no available quest. When a player completes a quest and returns to the quest giver the script will check if it is complete, if it is then the option accept is replaced by complete. Player selects complete the quest is removed from their quest log and they are rewarded. Much like the interface for most MMORPG's **Since quests can only be done once so the script will also need to check if a player has already done the quest too, which that data will need to be saved by RMX-OS. Which I can handled and define myself if someone so choices to help me. The scene it calls will use the current windowskin and be slightly translucent, like in the following picture. Tornado Quest Book RMX-OS Save Script
  19. I so tired that, but it didn't work. Lame that now yours does. I hate when that stuff happens. Thanks. Question if the event is on page 2. switch a, and the player leaves the map then will it pause the event or reset it and start again when the player enters the map again?
  20. Thought I did, I guess I was just spacing. I will do that.
  21. jporter917


    Well I have the script :) I needed to fix the error with it. :)
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