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Everything posted by Grandor

  1. Well, I suppose it was a good decision. But, all of a sudden, Marked just decides to quit. That's a little retarded. But, hey hopefully Leon, you can do a good job.
  2. What's good everyone?

  3. Yeah, if you forced all guests to log in, it might create problems, because people want to see what your site looks like, before they make the decision of signing up or not. Personally, I would never join a Forum, I never even got to see or preview. However, their must be another way about dealing with this problem. My best guess, is someone who doesn't like this Forum, creates new accounts under a anonymous proxy and by using that he/she escapes any IP Bans. By escaping IP Bans, they can escape any bans they want, create as many new accounts as they want, and wreak havoc on this place by posting (removed) and stuff.
  4. Well, their is a Script like this somewhere, which allows you to do exactly the same thing.
  5. I like the idea of where this is going, this is sort of like the FF disk sets. Good work for a first.
  6. That's pretty strange, because I've noticed gender Topics like this on my Board as well, along with Spam Topics. I had to delete like 4 members. Even still though, it's pretty bad that someone has to post that stuff here. Hope you guys take care of it as you have been. ;)
  7. Loved, FF8, while everyone may say 7 or 10 was the best. I stay by 8 all the way.
  8. Well, what inspires me game wise, is the ability to make a game, that actually reflects life in general. I wanted to make my game as engaging as possible, while making people think about their actions. Far to often in life, do people fail to realize (including myself) that the actions they may be doing now, will affect them somehow in life. I wanted to create a game, that would show people, their are consequences, for peoples actions, and put the emotion of real life in it. Everyone has felt sad, mad, happy, whatever in their lives. I wanted to incorporate all those emotions on a fictional character, because if you play my game, you would realize, while the character may seem fake, he really isn't, because he acts in the same way as we do, with the same emotions. Now, as for what inspires me to keep going, is success. I have seen failures, and the one thing they all share in common is that they think they can't amount to anything. Why? Because their not trying. It usually takes 1 million tries to get something right, while to somebody else it may only take one try. Does that mean you're stupid? No, it just means your going about it wrong. I get inspired every time something works out for me, or something goes right. That pushes me further to keep that going, and to make everything go right again. I know things won't always go right all the time, so I have to better prepare myself for dealing with it, when it doesn't. And hopefully, through this inspiration, I can achieve success in all fields of my life. That's my say on the matter. ~Grandor.
  9. Good work, Marked. Look like you ad team is doing great.
  10. Lol, I only got like 14 Gigs left on my Hard drive. I download new stuff everyday.
  11. You mean like a city Tile set or something? Phanxgames has plenty of those.
  12. I especially like the Ragnorok Layouts. Good work. I need to learn how to do that, I'm still new with Photoshop. And perhaps your friend may help me with this whole layout thing as well?
  13. Glad to see someone else has been converted to the awesomeness of Firefox.
  14. No offense, but it's spelled "congratulation's."
  15. If that was to SC Mike then never mind, but if it was to me, then I can't because I've been suspended from there for a week. And man is it boring over at OtherRealm. We need more members is what we need.
  16. Of course proper grammar is important, and they treat me like crap. But I try to be good to them, and I stay there, because I like the place. (The place in general, not the people.) If I could own that Board, and replace all the staff with you guys, then CA would be so much better.
  17. I never really liked CA, because of the Staff, but that's my personal opinion.
  18. Lol, that's pretty kool. I need to get me a Support Firefox Userbar or something.
  19. Firefox is kick rear. I love the speed, and features it has. And I can't live without the automated Spell Checker built in version 2.
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