You know, i started this and i have no idea what these mean. By the way, is the answer the answer that is the right one? (p.s. i'm bad at riddles) :sweatdrop:
My real answer is a person, tho
Alright, a new one:
What goes up but can't come down???
Hey. I was board and i figured since i like riddles, ill start a little post for telling and answering riddles.
Only one rule: No profanity(please).
I'll start with the first riddle:
What has an eye that cannot see?
Hey... im new, and that's about it. Ummmm... I like games (mostly final fantasy), I usually dont do much except for sit around the house. I like almost all different kinds of music... Ummmmm....
OH!!! I like rabbits!
(U U)
Yayyyyy, random. Thanks for caring.