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Everything posted by ShinGamix

  1. I was inactive during the RMXPU era about a year after my sign up because I had forgot about the site then I didn't even have a computer for about a year and a half after that. and where area ll the other '06 members at now? OFF TOPIC- I wish there was a active list for chat at the bottom of the index like active users have __________________________________________________ 191 users are online (in the past 60 minutes) 4 members, 187 guests, 0 anonymous users (See Full List) ShinGamix, Bob423, bigace, FatYogi __________________________________________________ It could look like __________________________________________________ 7 users are in the chatroom (as of 5 minutes ago) 4 members, 2 guests, 1 anonymous users (See Full List) ShinGamix, Bob423, bigace, FatYogi __________________________________________________ That would be nice!
  2. I'd prefer that the scripts, level designs, and tools be separate idea topics at least. and then have a brainstorm/direction topic separately also.
  3. I still like my answer!!! ROFLMAO!
  4. sorry marked I was making sample loops and stuff and made a track out of them. and yes they really arent too special just was goofing off.
  5. oh sorry didnt mean it that way. Now I can read all the hover help! Its hard to take a snapshot while hovering the mouse.
  6. I voted for the devil..... wait he wasn't on the list... and HOW CAN WE STEP UP SPECIFICALLY? I will nomi-date someone next time. and speaking of activity this is ironic-ly funnyI
  7. RMU-GDU-RMXPU starting to look like a serial number hahah! Nice to see Wyzrd again and i know how you feel man (I put in a 17 hr day yesterday) Marked no matter what you call it or the site is called I will always be supportive!
  8. MY EYES ARE BURNING! AHHHHHHHH! LOL JK Welcome to the green eyed forum monster.
  9. @Dolarmak Yes. I made two tracks this weekend and they are my first custom from scratch music ever.
  10. I don't know where to post my first music track? http://soundcloud.com/shingamix/alive-skulls
  11. There is just not too many reasons for me to be here much anymore. I still love the sites design though. Best of luck.
  12. I found a way so you were wrong pal. sorry.
  13. I found the kiwi!!! It is in the post above this one! hahaha!
  14. YOu just need to change all the GDU words to RMU and then you would have gold.
  15. So I was so eager to get my hands on Ace when it came out and I couldn't then my family suprised me with a Japanese copy a few weeks after the initial release. I was surprised and more than astonished. Now I am still using my Jap version of it but all the hover help pop ups don't help me at all. Is there any way to fix this besides buying an English copy?
  16. The home page is looking better.
  17. Foxy Kitty! Don't leave me...hahah! I will miss ya. :ehh:
  18. One thing could be that GDU is not completely gone. I still see GDU a lot of places even the url is gdu still. I am not saying it is anything bad but it prob doesn't help either. but things around here are looking better.
  19. ShinGamix


    Just saw this...
  20. I missed the whole month just about. been at work 10+ hours a day 6 days a week. good luck.
  21. Well 80% of the topics here are in Necro? and my reply had equal substance to Madanchi's post above me.
  22. you should add a few to these like How to add scripts How to add characters What to do when you get an error message? Common bugs.
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