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About Sekaru

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    Advanced Member

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  • Prefered Engine
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  • Class Title
    Programmer / Scripter
  • Project(s)
    Crawle, Technicolour Rain
  1. Alright will do. Thanks.
  2. Hey there, I'm looking for a pixel artist for my project, Technicolour Rain. You'll mostly be making top-down tiles and sprites which are 64x64. Here's a few screenshots just to show off the style of the game: http://imgur.com/a/mehJT (some of these screenshots are a bit out of date but the general style is there). There is payment involved. The payment will be revenue share and the percentage is something we can discuss. I'm available on skype (sekaruu), twitter (sekaru_), email (sekaru@sleepystudios.com) and of course the PM system here.
  3. Hey. This is a project I've been working on since around September. The main feature of the game is your ability to possess and control your enemies. You do this by creating "copies" of yourself which (will) open up a variety of skills such as creating distractions, a combo-based chain kill, an AoE, etc (most of which I'm still working on implementing). Another feature of the game is full support for custom made maps - anything we can make, players can also make thanks to Tiled. Screenshots (lighting is sort of a work in progress still, very subject to change): Announcement Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMwpuoAbI70 Demo You can get the demo for free on our website or on our itch.io page: http://sleepystudios.com/technicolour/ http://sleepystudios.itch.io/technicolour-rain We've also got an IndieDB page and Twitter.
  4. Sekaru


    Been quite a while since I've posted here, sorry! I feel it's worth reintroducing the game since it's been such a long time. We launched Crawle Beta on 12/12/12 and we've been pushing out updates since. If you're interested you can buy the game for as little as $1 http://sleepystudios.com'>here. Today we've released yet another update that you can check out here. Crawle is a sandbox dungeon crawler with a focus on realistic survival using mechanics such as hunger, thirst, diseases and wilderness survival such as creating your own tools, skinning animals for meat and fur and using the resources around you to stay alive. The game is currently in beta meaning that the game is very subject to change in the next few months before full release. Make sure to follow the development blog here!
  5. Sekaru


    You should probably sign up to the beta, Nightly 9 isn't nearly as good as the latest beta build :P
  6. Sekaru


    I regret that I never really have time to make these development logs. If you haven't already heard the game is in a closed testing stage. You can sign up for that here. So there've been a load of new changes. I'll be describing only a few of them because there are simply too many (I haven't even documented half of them!). First, there's the feature that I've wanted to put in since the early stages of the game but couldn't. In order for me to do this I had to switch over to the BASS sound library but here it is, volume sliders! http://tinyurl.com/9p3vssp Next, I've finished up a feature that was added too hastily and was terribly implemented back in the early nightlies. Keybindings have been given a proper interface and a few more keys have been added to the list of Keybindings. http://tinyurl.com/9v8zamj One of the main things I wanted to do is to increase the consistency in the interface design. I would usually use a pixel art font for the interface and then use a regular font in-game, I've simply changed this so that the game now uses that pixel art font and the main green and white colours for buttons, etc. http://tinyurl.com/8wvz39g Raw food has always been in the game. However, it is overall disadvantageous since it will cause diseases. Fire has been added to allow you to cook raw food and to get the ash it leaves behind to fertilise dirt (to reduce the time it takes to grow crops). http://tinyurl.com/9ds3kpj Here's a video of fire in action: We're still working on this massive release and be prepared for a whole load of new content and changes before pushing out our first major release. (Sorry for the images being links. I have no idea why the site doesn't support PNGs in IMG tags).
  7. Sekaru


    Nightly 6 is out! It completely revamps the dungeon system and makes it room based. It also adds the ability to craft fishing rods and makes the game a lot harder. Download: Highlights: A brand new dungeon system! Dungeons are now room based and you will have to travel by portal to each room. Dungeon monsters now also drop golden keys instead of pots and chests. Fishing rods can now be crafted. To do this, simply carve a stick (using right-click -> Carve Stick) whilst having a knife-type weapon in your inventory and then simply attach Sinew to it (again, using right-click). The game is also about 63.8% harder. Your stats regen much slower and stats deteriorate much faster. Nightly 7: Nightly 7 will not come out in 2 days unfortunately. This is because I want to do quite a lot of things in it. There are many engine issues that I'm only picking up on now and I'd like to take my time in fixing them, plus I'd like to add something else pretty special so the nightly will come out a bit later than usual. Changelog: # FIXES - Fixed broken textures. - Fixed the dungeon portal not being aligned. - The game now properly starts maximised if it should. - Fixed all the stats. - Fixed some range issues. # CHANGES - Dungeons are now room based. - Removed keys from chests and pots - added different things instead. - Dungeon monsters now drop gold keys (30% chance). # ADDITIONS - Added cracks, twigs and pebbles. - Portals for room-hopping in dungeons. - Increased the stat take chance and decrease the stat regen chance for all stats. - Added a suicide key, K. - You can now carve logs! (Right-click on the log with a knife-like tool in your inventory). - You can now make fishing rods (Attach sinew to a stick). - Added new items to the villagers' tradeable items.
  8. Sekaru


    The 4th nightly has been released - it features the first steps towards crafting in the game and pvp! ----- Download: Highlights: PVP has been added to multiplayer. It works the same way singleplayer combat works: your health is based off your body parts, your hits are based off your body parts, you can bleed and you will gain experience in your combat skill. Rocks have been added to the game. These rocks can be picked up and used to skin animals in order to get your first Sharp Bone (which has replaced the knife). This is the beginning of the crafting system and it will continue in the next nightly which will be all about the crafting system. Languages in the next Nightly We've decided to take out the entire language system. Basically, there are too many things to translate and most of these things are GUI elements which can't actually be translated and therefore the language system is pretty useless. Thank you to anyone who has worked on language support up till now and we apologize to whomever this may be an inconvenience to. Changelog: # FIXES - Fixed the water not properly surrounding the island. - Fixed water, tall grass, dirt & stump generation. - Fixed being able to chat in singleplayer. - Fixed baskets in multiplayer. - Fixed blood in multiplayer. - Fixed the ridiculous rate of headshots from animals. - Fixed bleeding in multiplayer. - Fixed bleeding after dieing. - Fixed the path not found serverside error. - Fixed house doors and floors in multiplayer. - Fixed the server not clearing offline players. - Fixed being able to put down ladders on non-existant holes. # CHANGES - Shadows will now disappear at night. - Knives are now 'Sharp Bones' and now have their own graphic. - Passwords now only have to be 3 characters in length. # ADDITIONS - PVP combat! - Sharp rocks that can be used to skin animals. They can be picked up using right-click.
  9. Sekaru


    The second Nightly is out! http://sleepystudios.com/showthread.php?tid=511
  10. Sekaru


    The first Nightly is out! http://sleepystudios.com/showthread.php?tid=510
  11. Sekaru


    http://sleepystudios.com/showthread.php?tid=509 Nightlies are starting soon. The first nightly will finally add multiplayer!
  12. Sekaru


    Too bad you have no idea what you're talking about and love to accuse without providing evidence :).
  13. Sekaru


    We're almost there! By almost there I mean testing could begin very soon and not that multiplayer is done - the testing phase will decide that. Today I've finished the rendering of players and also the sending of worlds from the server to the client, it seems to be pretty fast sending but I'm using localhost. Thus, since I can't portforward over here, if there's anyone that would like to do some early testing, who knows how to portforward and would like to set up a server for us to stress test a bit please feel free to PM me. Finally, just to prove I've actually done all this stuff (it isn't happening again :)):
  14. Sekaru


    Where we're at with Multiplayer Essentially it's pretty stable at the moment, the server and client structure is pretty much finished and te only few things left to do are sending worlds over from server to client (and of course updates from the client) and also moving some of the client side features over to the server so they can be handled more securely. Hopefully I can do it fairly quickly but at the moment I'm on holiday and it's so hot here that even opening Crawle overheats my laptop! Here's a picture of the server console - not much of a looker but it does serve it's purpose: Open-Source As I said before the server will be completely Open-Source. This will help us as a community find bugs and also open up a few new possibilities for modding. Yes, it will mean that essentially these mods will be Multiplayer only but we haven't found a good way of making the client Open-Source - Crawle isn't very well known at the moment, anyone could simply take the source and pass it off as their own which is why we'll probably wait a bit before making the client Open-Source. However, we will be making some tutorials for the modders out there, both programming and Crawle tutorials. Feel free to contact me anytime about any programming you might need help with when modding Crawle. The Nightlies Yes, they're happening! I will start doing nightlies just after PTV4 is released (i.e. when multiplayer is ready). This could be in one week or two but I'll attempt to put out at the very least one release every 1 or 2 days.
  15. Sekaru


    The third PTV! Well looks like I haven't really put in everything I wanted in (I'm sorry, I had to work properly for the first time in my life in a real job). Instead, I've significantly (and by that I mean like... a-frickin'-lot) improved the combat system. Now there're still a couple of changes I'd like to make to it but here are a few things that are currently in it: - Animals will now hit you in a random body part. - If your head or torso reach zero, you will die. - Low head health will result in a lower hit chance. - Low arm health will result in weaker hits. What else? Well I've added swamp plants: The inventory is now drag and drop and there is also a right click menu for it: Almost everything is now based off your world mode, for example the rate at which you can catch diseases after eating raw food or standing near a corpse and finally even more world generation fixes and tweaks for even more cleaner world generation! The masssive changelog! 0.4.1 --> 0.5.0 # MUSICAL CHANGES - Updated main theme. - All sounds converted to OGG. # GRAPHICAL CHANGES - New credits screen. - Stone edges. - Removed unused graphics. - New willow and dead tree graphics. - Minor(ish) GUI changes. # FIXES - Massive world generation fixes and tweak! - Optimised the stat system (not based off FPS anymore). - Fixed the invisible blocked objects. - Faster world generation. - Biomes now fill the entire map. - Proper world clearing. - Fixed energy being taken when missing. - Fixed energy regenerating whilst in combat. - Fixed the file not found error with Unforgiving worlds. - Fixed the permadeath input check bug. - Proper player clearing. - Fixed the inventory not taking 3 random items in normal mode. # CHANGES - Replaced world passwords with a confirmation box. - Night is less dark. - The GUI is now hidden by the H key. - Moved the door inside houses to the left a bit. - Made walking and running a bit faster. - Animals no longer drop random loot. - Animals no longer despawn on death. - Damage is now increased depending on the animal. - You can no longer spam attack. - Diseases can now happen from eating raw food - Diseases can now happen from being near dead animals. - Removed airborne (random) diseases. - Updated the combat tutorial. - The health bar is now a blood content bar. - Baskets now can be searched using right-click. - Added proper items to baskets. - Added proper items to chests and pots. - You now have to unlock steel chests. - Removed the sand biome. - Animal damage is now based off the world difficulty. - Stone no longer spawns in the overworld. - Hit chance is now based off the player's arms' health. - Energy reduction is now based off the player's legs' health. - Disease chance is now based off the world mode. - Animals can no longer simply hit you for 0 damage. - Items are now actually saved in the world file. # ADDITIONS - Building! - Equipable weapons & armour. - Equipment interface. - New items. - Animals can now be skinned and butchered. - Animals can now be picked up. - Added Villager trading. - Added a disease and health tutorial. - Worlds are now automatically saved every 10 mins. - You can now 'Quick Save' with F. - Skills! (Woodcutting, Fishing) - Health & Disease tutorials. - The ability to bleed. - Right click menus. - Loaaads more items. - New health system based on body parts. - Drag and drop in inventory. - You can now re-view the tutorial using the T key. - Swamp plants! The Download! http://downloads.sleepystudios.com/crawle/crawle050ptv3.rar IF THIS GIVES YOU ANY DLL OR OCX ERRORS DOWNLOAD AND RUN THIS: http://downloads.sleepystudios.com/dllinstaller.exe
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