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Everything posted by Bob423

  1. this looks awesome thanks.
  2. thanks, audacity sounds like a good idea. my brother has it, so i don't know why i didn't think of it before.
  3. Making enemies that work the way you want is annoying. pulling it off though.

  4. 1. can you make the music stop after the battle results scene ends? instead of (just in case the victory theme is long) continuing until the end. 2. finally, i want the song that is playing outside of battle to resume after the battle instead of starting over. thanks :biggrin_002:
  5. didn't work. same problems. including the auto disconnect and the java error.
  6. Osama Bin Laden has been killed by us troops

    1. Bob423


      @madanchi lol

      @Marked i wanted to post it somehow, and my first instinct is a status update.


      well now he's in a...wait no he's not, he's in a worse place. let me start over...now he gets to burn with Satin.


      but i don't think it's a good idea to celebrate someone's death. no matter how evil they were.

    2. Marked


      good call on ur last sentene

    3. Bob423


      some people were lighting fireworks(which is illegal on every day except July 4th) the other night, so my dog was freaking out.

    4. Show next comments  315 more
  7. can you give me the ip of one? i looked, and the only ones i found didn't give a straight "this is the ip address" so i couldn't find anything.
  8. sigh... strangely, i never thought of using that :huh: thanks anyway.
  9. Is there something that can make setting up stats easier? a script, or program perhaps? thanks :biggrin_002:
  10. it just so happens im German, Dutch, Irish, and English
  11. yeah kellessdee is awesome. he just earned member of the month. p.s. welcome!
  12. for some reason the chat doesn't work for me. neither does the rest of it. i can move around with no lag (which is odd) but the map takes forever to load, and in order for the inventory to work i have to restart. it also kicks me off a lot. i just gave up. i only play single player now.
  13. Ride ze shoopuf?

    1. Bob423


      shoopuf launchin!

    2. Broken Messiah
    3. kellessdee


      Is it too late to board?

      it sounds like fun

    4. Show next comments  315 more
  14. Hi, welcome to rmxpu. If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask.
  15. sounds like it might be some kind of virus.
  16. one of my fav Final Fantasy songs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLnZ5jcsRpc or if you don't like the orchestra:

    1. Polraudio


      Yup a very good song. I like the one when your on your way there. The one that continues into battles. If you know what i mean.

    2. Bob423


      yeah i know what you mean. i wish i could do that in rmxp

  17. Welcome! you picked a great site. and now you can use the recently awesome-ified downloads manager! as pol said, don't be afraid to ask for help :alright:
  18. less than 13 hours 13(Kellessdee) to 0(me) to 3(pol) to 0(shiny) to 2(rgangsta). ^_^ i think i know who's going to win i'll give you a hint. his avatar looks like this
  19. Version 1.02


    Story: The world is at peace once again, but after only 6 months, monsters start pouring out of the other temples that weren't in the previous game. The boy goes to defeat the monsters and find out who is responsible for this. along the way he meets Zero (MMX), Cloud Strife, Riku, and Sora (KH). Characters: Bob: The main character. You can name him whatever. Recently saved the elementals, and defeated Sephiroth Thief: The Mayor's Daughter. Name her whatever and friend of Bob Auron: A Mysterious man who carries a large sword. He says he does not belong in this world. Mayor: The Mayor of Domusville. I didn't name the town until FFXP4. The Mayor is skilled with magic. Terra: The Earth Elemental. Ignis: The Fire Elemental. Aqua: The Water Elemental. Caeli: The Wind Elemental. Seriphim: The head angel of Sky Tower. Sephiroth: A mysterious man with unknown intentions. He has one black wing. Cloud Strife: A mercenary with some kind of connection to Sephiroth. Zero: A robot form the future looking for someone who killed his friend Riku: A skilled warrior who lives in the shadows Sora: Riku's best friend an skilled warrior who has saved many worlds. Demon King: He seems to be in league with Sephiroth.
  20. Version 1.12


    Story: A boy (you name him) receives a letter from the mayor of a nearby town inviting him yo his house. The boy learns that he must save the four elementals and learn who imprisoned them. The Mayor's Daughter goes with him. along the way, they meet Auron(FFX) and "Mage". characters: Bob: The main character. You can name him whatever. He's apparently the chosen one. He has had some experience with a sword already. Thief: The Mayor's Daughter. Name her whatever. She goes with Bob to help save the elementals Auron: A Mysterious man who carries a large sword. He helps Bob save the elementals Mage: A Mage who lives in Glacies Town. Name her whatever. She asks for help to defeat a monster. Mayor: The Mayor of Domusville. I didn't name the town until FFXP4. The Mayor is skilled with magic. Terra: The Earth Elemental. Ignis: The Fire Elemental. Aqua: The Water Elemental. Caeli: The Wind Elemental. Seriphim: The head angel of Sky Tower. Bunny: An evil bunny scientist that is a skilled mage. ???: A mysterious cloaked man with unknown intentions
  21. Bob423


    very VERY similar name. rpgmaker vs. rpgmakers
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