Name: Ben
Aliases: Bob423, brs121094, NOT Ben 10
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Birthdate: Dec. 10, 1994
Height: 5'2"
Weight: about 100
Shoe Size: i dunno
Eye Color: Hazel, i think
Hair Color: Orange, not red
Favorite Color: Blue
Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings: nothing i know of. i have freckles though.
Dating/Marital Status: single
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Religion: Catholic
Family: Brother-23, Mom 57, Dad 60
Pets: Perfect puppy dog.
Occupation: I have none
Favorite Movie: hmm...maybe one of the Harry Potter or Star Wars movies?
Favorite Music Genre: nothing specific
Favorite Video Game: changes a lot. minecraft or rmxp right now
Favorite Book: i don't read
Favorite Food: ice cream?
Favorite Beverage: Fruit Juice
Favorite Cartoon: Not sure. Avatar maybe?
Favorite Other Members: Kellessdee, Marked, Shiny, ah heck, just about everyone here is awesome :biggrin_002:
Preferred RPG Maker: RMXP
Preferred Web Browser: Chrome
Preferred Email Service: Gmail
Website?: soon...
Vegetarian?: heck no
Where you've traveled: Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska. Never been outside the us. i live in Washington
Dislikes: screamo music, loud noises, jerks
Likes: dogs, videogames, happyness
Useless Facts: I can't whistle, i can only snap with my right hand.
Pictures: no.
Do you drink? im 16, so no. and not ever either
Do you smoke? why would i poison myself
Did you ever skip class? no
Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily? no
Have you ever been on an airplane? yup
have you ever broken a bone? nope
Do you wear jewelry? no
How do you dress? does it matter?
How many keys are on your keyring? don't have one
What time do you go to bed? i dunno
How many hours a day do you spend on the computer? 12-18
What are your goals/dreams in life? not sure yet
Who do you admire? i dunno, Jesus i guess.
Are you into sports? not really
What is your dream job? something with computers
What was your first screenname? Ben aka Bob423 (flipnote Hatena)
Do you have any piercings? no
Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous? Correct
Do you have any tattoos? If not do you wish/plan to get one? no and no
What is your favorite website? your on it
Do you play computer games?
Do you play video game consoles? GB, GBC, GBA, DS lite, DSi, N64, PS2, Gamecube, Wii, PS3, PSP
Are you married or planing to get married? maybe someday