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Everything posted by Bob423

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDn2Xp5ctQM& "Oh my god I am so bored! AAAAAAHH! So yeah, your face is pretty soft"
  2. riglbsryoavbwirubhvarowyighvnwrosbavirwyhbaowrgbiuvahoiayrbhrn! BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!

  3. will do, but it will be a super cheaty map, with clumps of almost every resource in one spot. edit: I figured a cobblestone castle would look more like it's from the middle ages.
  4. helping my mom with her computer

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z80FGeNnTBY
  6. lol don't scare him away. welcome to rmxpu! im still learning too, so you're not alone. if you need any help, don't be afraid to ask. everyone here is super nice. p.s. im 16
  7. i read the readme.html that cam with the mod, and it had that it there. thanks tho.
  8. didn't work Edit: Wait...nevermind. it worked thanks :biggrin_002:
  9. how do i put the files into the jar file using the 7zip file manager?
  10. oh. which is better? i have 7zip tho
  11. I downloaded Zombe's mod pack, and i need help installing it. i can't even open minecraft.jar i have windows 7 i will never use these on muliplayer
  12. I need help with the story for FFXP4. can someone help?

    1. kellessdee


      What kind of help do you need? Brainstorming? Characters?

    2. Bob423
    3. kellessdee


      do you have a blog for this? if not PM me with the direction you wanted to take and I might be able to help you get the creative juices flowing

  13. what is your avatar/photo. It looks like someone from code geass, i don't watch it, but my brother has seen the whole series and doesn't not recognize him

  14. Bob423 83 Polraudio 86 Marked 138 ProjectTrinity 63 Enigma 76 i win
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXnFhnpEgKY&feature=player_detailpage#t=21s
  16. Bob423 76 Polraudio 86 Marked 138 ProjectTrinity 63 Enigma 83
  17. im on rpgcreation now!

  18. Yeah it was sent to spam. thanks tho. even the email from this site was put in spam.
  19. I'm not getting a verification email.
  20. Making an account there sounds like a good idea to me.
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