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Everything posted by Bob423

  1. why is the internet stupid?

    1. forcebreaker


      i dunno...maybe it had a stroke, or something...

  2. still 403. make sure your files are all in the "public" folder
  3. hm...cool, i'll take a look at it, thanks edit: i get a 403 when trying to download it
  4. window_selectable didnt have it. i found what i needed in window_shopcommand thanks anyway. now for that face thing. i just want a simple way to replace the character sprite with a face. edit: im just making edits to the RTP classes, so all help i need should be simple. just like 1 to 2 lines of code to do one simple thing e.g. adding " @item_max = 3 @column_max = 3 " to def initialize was exactly what i needed for the horizontal menu thing
  5. k, thats interesting and all, but how to do i do all that?
  6. i asked marked last night about this, and he said he didnt touch it, and that he was going to try to fix it, but i still dont know what's wrong, and he hasnt said anything else about it
  7. So i've been working on the menu system for my game, and i've come across a little problem. when in the target or menustatus windows (selecting a character) i need to press up and down to select, when i want it to be left and right. how do i change it, only for those windows? also, i want to replace the character sprite in window_menustatus with a face. how would i do that?
  8. what happened to the forums O.o

    1. Bob423


      np...but what the heck is wrong with the site?

    2. ShinGamix


      yea me too. All the widgets are gone on the side. I think the RMXPU is finally melting down.

    3. Wyzrd


      Naw, just sure Marked hard at work on GDU and something got a lil twitchy! haha.

    4. Show next comments  204 more
  9. im completely rewriting my current CMS, by editing the default menu. i just have one question. how do i replace the character sprites in window_MenuStatus with faces?

    1. Bob423


      and how do i replace text in a scripted window with the name of the map the player is on?

  10. how busy can someone be that they take months to finish some simple CMS edits? not trying to sound mad or anything, im just getting a bit impatient, and there's only 2 things i need in order to release my 2nd demo. that cms, and a wooden sword sprite

    1. Marked


      I understand your impatience but you've got the wrong person if theyre that busy. Highschool is a breeze.

    2. Polraudio


      Thats why i always do everything my self. Taught myself scripting so i can fill in that part. It all starts with just messing with values and stuff to learn. Not very hard if you have the time to sitdown and break. Start with Scene_End and you will lean in no time. Add windows to it like the gold window or steps. Check Scene_Menu to see how to do it. then move on to Scene_Menu and add/remove/move things around. Thats how i learned.

    3. Polraudio


      Note: Almost every script i make startes with a stripped down version of Scene_End. IT has all the basics to start a script.

  11. I finally finished Sabaku Desert, and am almost done with Sabaku Temple, the first of 4 temples in the game. the entrance to this temple is revealed after solving a puzzle in a cave north of Sunaville. The temple itself has fake chests, and living suits of armor. The music played inside the temple is the Spirit Temple theme from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The whole temple is underground, like the other 3, and, like all my dungeons and temples, is kinda short. I have a hard time making long dungeons, since i run out of ideas fast. the next temples will be... Aestuo Temple, Gelu Temple, and Caeli Temple (names may change)
  12. why is everyone suddenly learning to script but me >.<

    1. CrimsonInferno


      You should learn too, Bob! :3

    2. CrimsonInferno


      I would suggest starting off with Ruby, simple steps, if you want to learn. :P

    3. Bob423


      i dont have the patience to learn on my own. if someone was helping me or something, it would be easier

    4. Show next comments  204 more
  13. what's mine is mine. and what's yours is also mine

  14. nevermind, i got one. this thread can be deleted now
  15. mmk, so i have a desert cave. and in the cave, there is a puzzle, that, when solved, reveals the entrance to a temple. what that puzzle will be, i dont know. thats why im asking for help again. any ideas?
  16. so how would i go about making a desert cave in rmxp? would the earth cave tileset work?

    1. Polraudio


      Yup. Thats what i use.

    2. CrimsonInferno


      You could attempt to adjust/change the color of the earth tileset to a "sandy" color. GIMP can do that with three different options, if you want to try it. :)

    3. CrimsonInferno


      Otherwise, I would just use the earthtileset as well. :)

  17. my dog knows how to pose for a picture http://i.imgur.com/NhkO9.jpg

  18. i dont use my phone to browse very often, cuz it sucks, and being able to use it on GDU would be really helpful. it's a pain to use rmxpu on mine cuz its an idiot phone, the opposite of a smart phone. it's a touch screen tho. many sites tend to either take forever to load, or have delayed responses. usually both. and some sites take up too much memory and cant be loaded. not even social networking sites (there's a social networking option) work very well (even though i only use twitter to follow one person lol). i also cant post on forums in any way (or at least not this one) which is annoying >.> when i get an email notification on my phone from GDU, i want to be able to respond to the post it's telling me about, without having to get on my computer, which i cant always do i can stand to wait a bit for a page to load, since im used to that with my phone, and i dont think it can be helped, but it would be for the site to work better on it. like have a mobile version maybe?
  19. a lot of times, my dad unintentionally has an iritated sarcastic tone of voice.

    1. Bob423


      he yells at me when i do, although i can admit it. guess what happens when i mention that he does. (this applies to most things we have in common)


    2. Bob423


      but when i do it, it's rare, and im actually irritated lol

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