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Everything posted by Bob423

  1. About 10 days until I can legally drink alcohol. I don't actually care, I just thought I'd mention it.

    1. Bob423


      No one under 21 can drink alcohol in the US.

    2. Kitsuki


      oops D: well gimme a sec, I'll just go turn myself in to the cops

    3. Polraudio


      yea but..... 90% kids under 18 even still drink lol.

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  2. WARNING: I know very little about music, so there's only so much I can say that would help you. If I even just knew the proper terms for any parts of songs, I might be able to help more. #1 (DON 02). Sounds good. Like part of a Metroid Prime bgm kinda lol. Not much else to say except that I expected the music to pick up at a certain point like it would in MP, but obviously that's not a bad thing since I doubt that's what you were going for. #2 (DON 03) From the name, I can definitely tell it's for a spider boss lol. But...at 24sec in and beyond, it doesn't sound all that great to me. Sounds like someone sitting in their room playing with the electric guitar mode on their electric keyboard to be completely honest. Unfortunately, I don't know how to tell you to improve it. Sorry :( Sounds like it would be good with more instruments or chords at certain parts, but idk. #3 (DON 06) Reminds me a tiny bit of Xenosaga at first...could be because of the word "Ether" though. Later turns into something out of Ocarina of Time. That's a pretty high compliment honestly. #4 (DON 08) Starts out sounding like the start of a Metroid Prime boss. I feel like I need to start scannin' shit. But that part of the song continues longer than I expected lol. That's not a bad thing, but what it turns into isn't as good. Not bad, but not the best. No clue what kind of constructive criticism to give :( They all start out great, but some of them have middles that aren't as good as their beginnings. These would all be awesome with just a little extra work :D edit: Just saw that you want to reupload Creepy Crawlers. I'm looking forward to that :D
  3. The notifications and status updates things are the only parts I use, so as long as you don't get rid of those completely, I don't really care. ...but personally, I think it's perfect the way it is. Don't fix what's not broken...like Google likes to do with Youtube >.>
  4. Why are there so few monster sprites and battlers in MV? Honestly, it's making me not want to finish this game.

    1. Polraudio


      Welcome to game development.

    2. zahraa


      You can use Ace battlers if you own it, Also there are a lot of custom battlers and sprites, So don't give up just yet ;)

    3. Bob423


      What I need most is sprites to go with the battlers actually. There aren't enough battlers or sprites to go with them lol. Battle sprites would be best actually...and I know I can't import sprites from another RPG Maker because they're a different resolution. Plus there doesn't seem to be any good custom sprites for MV yet.

  5. I'm mostly thankful for being able to stuff my face on Thanksgiving. Granted, I could technically do that a lot more often, it's just much more likely to happen today than usual. I'm a little weird...I don't eat often, but when I do, it's either a small snack, or I inhale a ton all at once. Nothing in between...and I'm super skinny too lol
  6. Thanks, I'll see if it works with Yanfly's Equip Core. I think that only changes the equipment screen itself, so there shouldn't be any issues...
  7. Added "Improved Counter Attack State" by Janusz on RMW
  8. Awesome, thanks :D I'm gonna add this to the useful plugins thread http://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?/topic/50418-improve-counter-attack-state-snippet/?hl=counter
  9. Oh, I forgot to post saying that I don't think I need this anymore. I changed the settings and moved the ATB bar somwhere else, which gave move room for the other bars. I changed it to this because it was closer to FF7, but the other way isn't too bad either. Thanks anyway :)
  10. Just the default. This is the only script I need that's equipment related I think. Edit: Could you take a look at these, too if you have time? http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/11908-edit-party-abilities/ http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/11870-resize-hpmptp-gauges-in-battle/
  11. I'm looking for something like this http://rpgmaker.net/scripts/299/ I have certain characters who are able to dual wield and others who can't, but the characters who can dual wield can also equip two-handed weapons, which are supposed to disable the shield slot. On a dual wielding character, however, the second slot is a second weapon so it doesn't get disabled and the player is able to equip two bows at once. I'd like for two-handed weapons to completely disable whichever of the first two slots is not being used...otherwise, dual wielding is pointless.
  12. Honestly, I think it's easier for other people if someone just makes sprites for all the RTP battlers (obviously not easier for the person making them though...) I still don't get why they didn't just make animated enemy sprites for everything to begin with...it's really weird.
  13. http://i.imgur.com/qNfzZw1.png The page just stops there.
    1. black mage
    2. Bob423


      It doesn't happen anywhere else, so I doubt it.

    3. Kitsuki


      lmao I just posted about this in the complaints thread. I'm using Chrome, and it doesn't work for me, either.

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  14. Kevin.ds, (who I like to call the photoshop wizard) to come back? I have no clue what happened to him...
  15. If possible, I'd like a script that could let me edit the party abilities instead of having them always be a constant rate. For example: I want a class that gives the player 25% more money if they have a character with that class in their party. 2x more gold is a little ridiculous, except for an end-game item. Or maybe increase the rate of Preemptive strikes (or decrease the chance of ambushes) by 25% instead of whatever number it uses by default...and I really wish it said what that was >.> ...and maybe, as a secondary thing, it would be great if counter attacking, at least when set to 100%, worked more like an actual counter attack, rather than reflecting damage. (so the actor who counters still takes damage)
  16. Naw, I'll complete my MV game, just not my huge trilogy project. Not gonna start that one till I've learned enough JS and Unity...and have someone to make graphics.
  17. I just learned that if you add an ally to the party using a battle event command in MV, it adds the character to the battle. Has that always been possible?

    1. Marked
    2. Bob423


      In other RPG Makers? Like XP?

  18. Welcome back Noob :D. MV is probably my favorite RPG Maker honestly. It has a lot of issues and is still not really worth the price since there are more power, completely free engines available, as RPG Maker's go, it's awesome...I do miss XP's way of mapping and scripting, and it's graphics style, but for what I'm doing with MV, it's definitely better than XP.
  19. Well I'm out of ideas. My scripting knowledge is...lacking.
  20. Also, try this out. It might help with that http://yanfly.moe/2015/10/17/yep-13-auto-passive-states/
  21. You would have to disable the part in, I think... scene_map where it says to not allow the player to open the menu when an event is running. You should fine these lines in the Scene_Map script. (line 122 - 131) try replacing them with this: # If B button was pressed if Input.trigger?(Input::B) # If event is running, or menu is not forbidden unless $game_system.menu_disabled # Set menu calling flag or beep flag $game_temp.menu_calling = true $game_temp.menu_beep = true end end Make sure to backup Scene_Menu first. Good luck with whatever you're trying to do, I make no guarantee this will work perfectly lol. It was disabled for a reason. Although...this may remove the message and just allow the player to enter the menu and may screw up the event. I haven't tested it at all. I'll see if I can find something that would keep the message on screen if you want.
  22. This is awesome, but I suggest not letting people vote on their own games, including anyone on the dev team.
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