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Everything posted by Bob423

  1. Bob423

    My little test

    1.A gold B happy C furry 2. A Ocean B Water C Empty 3. A big B white C empty 4. A Blue B Wavy C Clear
  2. i agree, if it werent for marked, this site would suck so bad. of course im sure someone else would take his place, but marked has been working hard, at both the site, and his life. now i do agree, however, that some of us are always playing around, but we're all serious, when seriousness is necessary. but we like to have fun with it sometimes :sweatdrop: thats from my pov anyway. i dont read a lot of topics, and i lurk more than i post, but i hate seeing anyone fight. and now this is turning into a discussion, and we're getting of topic. i would say the admins should decide on a motm, and close this topic.
  3. i would like to bring up a new idea! it starts by showing the catastrophic result of a huge mistake the hero made. the hero must then travel back in time somehow(whether it be by magic or science)and fix his/her mistake. the player must then play through the story from the beginning of course, and make choices that will either result in the hero dieing, having to relive the same catastrophe shown at the beginning, or continuing with the story. some choices will result in a slight tweak to the story. if a mistake is made, the player will get a game over and must restart from his/her last save.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hBpF_Zj4OA
  5. naw, ya think? no one was nominated for motm. (and i actually dont remember there being a topic for it tbh) so this topic was made so that there would at least be a voting topic. and imo noob, your to serious. lighten up a little :biggrin_002:
  6. joko, the server crashed

    1. madanchi


      yeah did for me, and i think just when you logged in bob oo xD

    2. Bob423


      yea he hasnt reset it in hours

  7. joko, just make him an admin and he can get all that himself. plus we could use someone like him as an admin.
  8. i think i did that before marked started calling me that lol
  9. Bob423


    F0|_||2 SC0R3 /-\ND 53\/EN y34R$ Ag0 0\_/R |=/-\+h3|25 |3|20Ugh+ FO|27h 0|\| +hIS CO|\|+INENT, /-\ /\/3\/\/ /\/4+10|\|, CON(E|VED |/\/ L1B3|2+y, /-\|\|D D3|)IC/-\+ED 70 +hE p|2OpO5|+!0/\/ Th47 4L|_ M3|\| A|2E C|234T3|) EqU/-\|_. N0W \/\/E @|2E E/\/g/-\gE|) 1N 4 g|2EA7 (1\/|L W4R, T3S7!|\|g \/\/h37h3|2 7h@T /\/A7!O/\/, 0|2 A|\|y N4T!O/\/ 5O C0/\/CE|\/ED A/\/|) S0 DED|(/-\T3|), C@/\/ L0/\/g E/\/|)UR3. W3 AR3 ME7 O|\| 4 g|23@T B@TT|_3-pH|E|_|) O|= 7h/-\T W@|2. WE hAVE (O|\/|3 T0 |)3|)|C@7E 4 pOR7!0N OpH Th4T pH|E|_|), /-\S /-\ pH!|\|/-\[]_ REST|Ng p[]_AC3 |=0|2 7hO$3 \/\/hO h3|2E g@VE ThE||2 []_1V35 7hA+ +h/-\T /\/4T!0N M|gh7 |_!VE. I7 I5 /-\|_T0gE+h3R pH1T7!/\/g /-\/\/D pROpE|2 ThA+ W3 $hO|_|LD DO Th1S. BU+, !/\/ @ L@RgE|2 5EN$E, WE (4|\| /\/07 DE|)!C@T3 — W3 (/-\/\/ |\|OT (O/\/5EC|247E — WE C@|\| |\|OT hAL[]_0\/\/ — +h|$ gRO|_|N|). Th3 BR/-\VE ME/\/, |_I\/|Ng A|\|D |)34|), \/\/h0 $T|2\_/gg[]_3|) hER3, h@\/3 C0/\/5ECRATE|) 1T, |=@|2 A|3OVE O|_||2 pOO|2 pOWE|2 7O /-\|)D O|2 |)ET|24C+. ThE W0R|_D \/\/||_L []_1++LE /\/07E, /\/O|2 []_0Ng R3M3M|33R \/\/h@T W3 54y h3|2E, B|_|7 |T (@|\| |\|3\/3R pH0|2gE7 \/\/h4+ +h3y D!D h3|23. I+ !$ FO|2 \_/5 +h3 LI\/1|\|g, |2A+hER, TO 83 D3|)!(@+E|) h3|2E TO Th3 U|\|FINIShE|) \/\/ORk Wh|(h 7h3y \/\/hO |=O\_/gh7 h3R3 h4V3 Th|_|S F@|2 S0 NO8Ly @|)V/-\|\|(3D. I7 1S |2A7h3R |=0R |_|5 7O 8E hE|23 |)E|)IC@+ED TO Th3 g|2E@T +/-\Sk |2EM41|\|!Ng BE|=O|2E |_|$ — Th47 pH|20|\/| 7h353 h0NO|2ED D34|) \/\/E 7Ak3 1/\/(RE@$3|) D3VOT|0|\| T0 ThA7 (4\_/SE FO|2 Wh|Ch +h3y g/-\V3 7h3 LA$+ F|_|[]_|_ |\/|E4$UR3 0|= |)3VO7I0|\| — 7h/-\+ \/\/3 h3|2E h!gh[]_y |23SOL\/3 Th4+ 7hE$E |)34D $hA[]_L |\|0+ h@V3 D13|) 1N \//-\1|\| — +h/-\7 +h!5 N/-\7|O/\/, U/\/|)E|2 G0D, 5h4[]_L h4\/3 A NE\/\/ BIR+h 0F |=|2EEDOM — 4/\/|) 7h/-\T g0\/3RN|\/|3/\/+ OF 7hE pEOp[]_E, By +hE pE0p[]_E, pHOR 7h3 p30p[]_E, $h@[]_|_ /\/O7 pER|5h |=|2OM 7hE EARTh.
  10. lol i made almost all the signs. and its bob423 not 421 lol also my name in minecraft is brs121094. bob423 was taken
  11. who here plays minecraft? well if you do, check out this server owned by joko, and admined by him and me. (so far)

  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ik9WEW2o8FA&feature=player_detailpage http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pADF4nAUCmQ&feature=player_detailpage
  13. of course you can post a link :biggrin_002: its not like we're companies or anything.
  14. never gonna give you up! never gonna let you down! never gonna say good bye!
  15. HEY! guess what? chatting is fun!

  16. i just found something on the internet that told me how to fix my overheating problems. and my computer runs 100x bettter! and minecraft barely lags!

    1. Bob423


      y'know what a heatsync is? its a copper thing that has something to do with the fan, it had a TON of lint on it. i had to clean it out

    2. isaacsol


      Hmm.... now how do I get to it on my laptop T.T

    3. kellessdee


      VERY CAREFULLY. It really depends on the model. As long as you have patience, and small screwdrivers it shouldn't be TOO hard, but since laptops were designed to be opened by service personnel only, it isn't that easy either...I would suggest googling your laptop model/etc. I find youtube usually has video instruction on how to pull apart most laptops. The manufacturer's website MAY also have instructions.

    4. Show next comments  276 more
  17. hm...its a tough choice, they're all great members
  18. im, sorry, i just have to know, why did you lock your status?

  19. just out of random curiousity, what is your honest impression of me?

    1. Kiriashi


      Best Bob who's actually a Ben that I know.

    2. Bob423


      lol you guys are just funny XD

    3. madanchi


      a select quanitity of 000000 pixels collaborated together forming letters making up Bob423

    4. Show next comments  276 more
  20. Bob423

    Ban 2.0

    banned for forgetting your log in info
  21. and im alone in chat again.

    1. Bob423


      ...i got the joke lol :P

    2. Marked


      oh :( just trollin'

    3. Bob423


      be happy :) t'was funny just didnt tell ya

    4. Show next comments  276 more
  22. ok, i know i need to change the damage formula. to make it easier to set up the database, i have decided that i want the formula to be ((S + A)*1.2)-d where S = actor STR, A = actor ATK, and d = enemy DEF skills(a skill with the ATK, STR, and/or DEF stats = 1 or greater) should be (((S+P)*1.2)-d) where P = skill power Magic should be the same, only with int instead of str i know where the script calculates the damage, but i dont want to break anything. can i get some help? thanks :biggrin_002:
  23. is there anyone that can help me with a tileset i found?

    1. Bob423
    2. Polraudio


      The passability settings?

    3. Bob423


      mapping with a tileset, but its not a big deal, i might be able to use a para...par...a picture behind a map

    4. Show next comments  276 more
  24. and suddenly everyone but me timesout of chat

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