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Everything posted by zankokunoyami

  1. Yep! It MUST have been something weird, haha! Because once I signed in, all characters were aligned to exactly how I had reshuffled them previously (though it wouldn't stick previously). So all clear! Thanks a ton for your assistance~
  2. Like i said, in the RMU Games Section, under Pages, and on the Character Profiles page. Most people tend to put the characters in order of importance. So when placing them in there, I had a specific order of good guys first, bad guys second. However, because of the way it is programmed, after you reach a certain number (which I believe to be 10) it starts putting all of the characters you add under the first character added rather than at the bottom of the page as it should. And you have a little icon you can use to drag and drop these characters to display in whatever order you desire... however... this function obviously does not work as it reverts back to whatever order it felt the need to set itself in upon leaving the editing page. For example, I want it to go Esther, Jay, Allen, Vesta. But it wants to bring the ones I added last upward and now I have Esther, Rebekkah, Vesta, Claude, Coelia, ect. I am almost certain this was not how it was intended to work, so that is why I am simply reporting the bug. I can deal with it. Just... it probably should get fixed, haha.
  3. So somewhere along the way when I would add a new character it would appear higher up on the page rather than at the bottom. I tried moving the boxes, but it will not seem to save their positions. Then it dawned on me. It was after I hit the 11th character. Which, once I realized that, it ALL made sense. Its like Word or any alpha-numeric list. When I create a new character, it would always appear under the first one. Why is that? Because the first character must be listed something like ID 1. When I hit ID 11, by order of an alpha-numeric list, that 11 should appear after 1. 20+ would appear after 2, ect. So, instead, it should do something like 01 or 001 so that when you get to 11, it appears as 11 or 011, forcing it to appear in the correct order. At least, this is my hypothesis. Otherwise, there is a serious bug messing up the order in which I want the characters to appear. (I hope my hypothesis is correct, because then it might make it easier on the programmer? I like to make things easy if I can...) Thanks for any assistance!
  4. Sky & Ocean Productions Presents SYNOPSIS: 'Twas a thousand years ago in which the Six Phantatiom Crystals that brought balance upon all of Gaia were destroyed. In their destruction a savior was born, known only unto the world as ZION. Who, with his power alone, returned harmony to Gaia through a single Phantatiom Crystal; which to this day resides within Gaia's center and known to all as the Heart of Gaia. The shattered remnants of the Six Phantatiom Crystals, through the power of the Heart of Gaia, attached themselves to human souls and through them... evolved into full, yet still spiritual, crystallized forms. Ultimately granting humanity the power the crystals once hand and giving birth to Phantatiom Users and Genius'. Here in Gaia's fourth era, peace has never been so prominent. However... a dark cloud is lurking and an evil lost within the pages of the great war Prologue to Dies Irae has been reborn. It is now up to Esther, the vessel for the reborn Goddess of Creation, Evangeline; to stop this evil before it can contaminate the Heart of Gaia and bring about the ultimate end... Dies Irae. CHARACTERS SCREENSHOTS GAME FEATURES PREPARING FOR KICKSTARTER Q&A: DEMO: ~Coming Soon~ ***NOTE: We *HAD* a demo. But after the first kickstarter failed, we decided to take it down and instead wait to put up one until after we gather newer resources. So once the GUI is completely done and installed, we will be putting up a new demo~ VIDEOS: ~Coming VERY Soon~ ***Just waiting on the voice actress to do some test lines for the animated face video as well as the programmer to finish up installing the GUI. TEAM: Producer/Writer: Jeremiah Caudle Lead Artist: M. Beatriz García Lead Musician: Jamaal Ephriam Lead Programmer: Frank Nieuwland Lead Spriter: Jerod W
  5. Haha, thought you might have forgotten. Happens all the time with myself~ Yeah, that is more than fine. I always accept my artists requests to be able to showcase their works and put them in their portfolio's. Perfectly understandable! One good thing about lending people ones expertise is that it helps them as well; more often than not, hehe. Sadly my only expertise is writing (and proofreading). So I have to get an entire team together to build my game! Hmmm... I wonder if you are good at icons, haha. My next thread will probably be looking for someone to make icons that go better with this ring menu than the current ones. Anywho! I shall look forward to it! And again, i REALLY do appreciate it! Thank you so much!
  6. Sorry for the late reply! Been busy *DIES* ANYWAY! Looks completely awesome!! Thanks a ton for all your hard work, hehe The only thing I would change is something simple. But it would be the order of the elements. From top to right, it would be: Green, Blue, Yellow, Red, Black, White Outside that, it looks amazing! And I would prefer for it to be exclusive if at all possible. Just because I am trying to keep the resources as unique as possible for this one, hehe Thanks again! Really, turned out LOVELY! EDIT: PS, no prob! I'll credit it to 'BICs' than!
  7. Wow, I think its looking great! Nothing I can really think of to add or change... so I shall trust your judgment on the final points! Thanks once again for your hard work! It's really coming along nicely!
  8. Cool! I love when any kind of inspiration hits. Makes ones job a whole lot easier. Thanks again! Cant wait to see the next product!
  9. Actually, the information I was given was enough for my script to actually figure it out. Ultimately, having an idea of what the hell was going on was enough. He doesnt actually use the RMXP system as much as he programs for it (ironically, he just likes to program, so he didnt really understand that it was a scripting error that stopped the databasing from refreshing and rather thought it was just one of the many issues with RMXP to begin with). After trying that original call script, it gave me a couple of errors when entering battle which basically referenced the EXACT three scripts that were causing the issue. First off, it was missing that little piece of data refreshing to begin with. And due to weapons being associated with two other scripts, those, as well, were missing a refresh (since they referenced particular weapons within the database and had to do something special to them. So that special something needed to be refreshed as well). Anyway. Point is, its not something that could have so easily been said; but having ideas and knowing what needed to be done, is what allowed us to get it figured out. That is what I was really after. So again, I appreciate the help! Having an understanding of 'why' really is a great step in figuring out any problem, hehe Thanks!
  10. No, wasnt able to download it. The link just was not working for me. Kept giving me an error. really have no idea why... hmm.. Well, I would think the middle of the coin would be open. Seen coins with a hole in them, and I think that would be nicer. Also, just because the order of the elements in the story have always been listed in a certain order, maybe have them in the same: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire, Darkness, and Light Hmmm... as for inscription... maybe the elements names in latin? Terra Unda Ventus Incendia Atrum Lux Lucis Just my thoughts, haha
  11. I think it has to do with dropbox. Not sure. But it wont let me view it, hahaha *sweatdrop* sorry for the inconvenience.
  12. For some reason I can't view it... could you upload it to something? Certain images dont seem to let me view them (especially on HBGames).
  13. I would LOVE to give a list of the scripts; but 60% of them are custom, hahaha. And so many have been so heavily edited, etc. So of course naturally I just wanted a quick fix for the moment. But was REALLY wondering if anyone had heard of it doing such? And I think it does it with equipmentas well. I havent really messed around with those though since armor is easy to add and I had already figured out the ratio I was going with (given only attack matters. Its a long explaination, but the way the game plays out, I can easily change enemy statistics to match def based on the armors already figured out. However, matching attack isnt possible. So I have to test the game and find out where one character is to help match the others, etc.) I know enemies can be added and customized easily. I have also been able to add items with ease. But so far, it seems weapons is the only factor. But on that note; yes, I have a custome title script. Do you think the problem lies within that? Sorry for being vague. Just really cannot find a simular problem anyway and first wanted to see if anyone knew ANYTHING before taking the next step. About the script call: do I need to split that in some way using a = or something? Given that it takes two lines in a script call and it errors out if I use it. ArgumentError wrong number of arguments(0 for 1). Not sure if that is relating to something else or simply because the line split. Realized I needed to split the line after the = to make it work, haha. That is certainly a help in the mean time! Thanks for your help thus far though!
  14. Hey, So, been having an issue for a while and I know my scripter has no idea really WHY. But I noticed that when I add a new weapon to the database, and than start up a saved game; if I have any events or anything that reference to it, it will not recognize it. Example: Testing through the game (about 3 hours in) and I realize: f'ck... I need to have two characters upgrade their weapons. I have no such weapon made yet, so I add two new weapons to the database. I make an event that adds them. They are added. But their names are not there, nor their stats. It just has the quantity listed. I also try to make them buyable. They appear, but the same way; no name, or stats. Just the price. I start up a new game, and there they are. But once I save and add something to the database, it does not exist upon starting up a new game. Now, naturally, this is a HUGE hindrance to any game maker because they dont want to continuously start a game over because they want to make a change to the database; or worst yet, a stat change. I realize that the stats on the weapons currently provided are much lower than they should be. Too bad! Because that also wont update. Is there SOMETHING I can do? Some kind of script call? Something that would 're-initialize' the starting scripts or data so that any changes to the database can reoccur at points like this? Because I have NO idea where it is in the scripts... but it most certainly is something with the scripting. Because start any brand new project and this is not an issue. And I know that when you start up a new game, there are a bunch of variables and information that initializes. So naturally, I assume there must be some kind of command that could make that happen again? *sigh* this is frustrating.
  15. Awesome! Thanks! I'll look forward to seeing what you come up with!
  16. Here http://imageshack.us.../elementsi.png/ Those are the four basic colors (since white and black havent been put in yet. But those are just regular... white and black, haha) EDIT: GAH! Forgot, I DID have the light and darkness ones. Odd... dont remember having them all... http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/692/elementscopy.png/
  17. 1) My programmer said it is 5 frames to switch between each icon. I believe that is time wise, that you were looking for, correct? 2) I envision something in the middle, some sort of orb... or even 6 different orbs overlapping or something (representing the six elements used in the game. Green, Blue, Yellow, Red, White, Black). I just imagine some kind of cool design for the circle... something sharp? Fantasy like? Possibly bringing together the elements of the game, given that is its main point. 3) Technically, the radius of the circle is 64 pixels. It doesnt have to be lined up before hand (since my programmer is going to adjust its position through the scripts). But would the picture I provided not be officiant for what you originally wanted? Given that, that already has the exact position of where it should be, haha. If not, I will gather a little time on break (starting work now) and get you what you wanted quickly~ but I thought I would answer your question on how we were planning to place it first, hehe. (oh, and the icons are default 24x24) Was that everything? Something I misunderstood? I over complicate simple things. But I feel confident I understood what you meant, haha. But if not, let me know!
  18. Awesome to hear! Let me collect some simple info first real quick: 1) What do you mean by frames? I am only asking because I *think* I know what you mean, but I also have a couple of ideas in my head, haha. Like do you mean for animation? Do you mean due to number of different actions/icons? etc? 2) Unfortunately I cannot bring to words what I have in mind... its frustrating for me, as a writer, because I always have the hardest time expressing my thoughts, haha. So I am very much open to whatever ideas/suggestions you have! 3) By template, do you mean a blank white sheet the size of the screen with the circle where it should be? Or do you simply mean something with the circle of the correct radius? Sorry for the questions! I just like to be able to answer people 100% correctly the first time, haha. So I am just making sure I understand what you want exactly~ Thanks a ton! -Zank
  19. This is for RMXP. Right now I am using a circle menu for battles. What I want to do is add some 'class' to it by having some kind of circle design that helps compliment it. Instead of the icons just floating in air. Basically, this is what I am referring too: http://i.imgur.com/bBHoL.png Though, the red circle would be replaced by the design. It can even be something sold in the back: http://i.imgur.com/pxFCH.png The red is simply filler to showcase what I mean. Pretty simple, yes? Well, for an arist I would assume, haha. Pending on how much detail and what you do with it. So any and all help is appreciated! Just want something kind of cool and looks nice. If I left something out or there is a question, ask away! Thanks in advance! -Zank
  20. Now, I shall start with saying; yes, I know, this is icon's for the game itself. BUT! Are you also able to do other types of icons? Like ones for Attack, Defense, Spells and Items? For a ring battle menu? (maybe with a round background?) I am asking here first because I am looking for original cool looking icons for my battle system (since I upgraded it some).
  21. Hello, I am currently looking for someone who is really good at making world maps for RMXP by means of The Inquisitors World Map (found here: http://downloads.rpg-palace.com/details.php?id=297). The quality of mapping should be close to that found in the demo version: http://downloads.rpg-palace.com/details.php?id=103 Basically, I am trying to design a huge world map for the world of Dies Irae. So that I can also use it outside of the game itself (since the project is a game, story and a radioplay). The world I envision is already pretty massive. Containing six kingdoms (One in which is below the soil of Gaia and the other which resides in the sky). Given that, there is at least five provenances that span the land of the world. Four in which belong to the kingdoms of Earth, Wind, Fire and Water, as well as a fifth which will serve as a frozen wasteland. For those interested, you can check out my thread here: http://www.hbgames.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=64988&start=0 (I think to this thread because it tends to be updated more regularly than other places). For more information, specifics, or even to see what I've don so far myself (pretty small thus far, but you can see some of it in the screenshots) contact me via PM or email at: zankokunoyami@gmail.com If the project proves quite big, I am willing to pay some. But keep in mind my resources are kind of thin at the moment. Thank you, -Zank
  22. Hello, I realize that with all the lovely features I have been updating, I need to start thinking of the rest of the game and getting it up to the same point of quality. Most games these days have very wonderful pictures that are used to glorify the message boxes. So what I am currently in need of is an artist who can design a lovely fantasy/beginning of a steam-punk era message box for my game. Especially since I noticed a lot of window skins really do not look that great in game. No matter their quality, when you are using custom pictures, faces or animated faces... they do not look as good as they could. And as a reference of basically what I mean: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_rUu3Rkhcslg/TTRsGVuezhI/AAAAAAAAAKw/YKYkUbAl23E/s1600/neoscreen1.jpg that is, as far as what I mean by custom message box (in picture form, not design wise). Current message box (using window skin): http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/571/screenshot006field01.png/ So, as you can see, I am using animated faces along with the name of the character currently talking up top. So this needs to be incorporated into the design. Keep in mind, I can change the side in which the name appears. So you do not need to build it around what you see completely. But keep in mind these features. As far as building it for animated faces, you can do something like this: http://resource.mmgn.com/Games/PSP/large/Ys-Seven-5.jpg or something like this, in which it is built for in case there isn't a face: http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/Ys_Oath_in_Felghana_PSP/ss-005.jpg. Hmm... I think that about sums it up. But if there are any questions or anything I cloud be more clear on, than ask away! And just in case you want more information my Project: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/6118-dies-irae-phantatiom-elements-demo-up-2711/ Thanks for any and all help! -Zank
  23. So from what I gathered, if you are running 64bit, you cant play this game. They are working on a fix. But right now, its only compatible with 32bit.
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