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Midnite Reaper

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Everything posted by Midnite Reaper

  1. Midnite Reaper


    Banned because I'm also getting VX now.
  2. Midnite Reaper


    Banned for not making sense. I am at college. At least, that is what it is called here.
  3. Midnite Reaper


    Banned because the Tonberry insta-KOs you.
  4. Midnite Reaper


    Banned because *insert generic reason for banning somebody here*
  5. Can anyone make (or edit) an ATB sideview battle system to look like the below mock-up? Kratos has the only complete status bar. If possible, Icons for status will go to the left of the name. I will pay all of my points for a fully custom script and 150 for an edit, with any points I obtain for 1 month. The images required are attached. CBSimages.zip
  6. Yes...welcome back. Even though I hardly know you, thought I might as well say hi.
  7. I would accept this, but unfortunately I am really busy with school and music. Sorry guys...
  8. Not this time, I'm afraid. I never used mode7 because I never found a workaround for this...
  9. Please wait 72 hours before bumping.
  10. Actually, I saved it as a bmp. It converted itself during upload onto photobucket. Meh, works just the same.
  11. You are welcome. The version I have is only very slightly different. Same scripter and version, oddly. Just remember, instead of double posting, please use the 'edit' button down in the lower right corner of your post.
  12. If the 'object' you speak of is from a tileset, you need to change the terrain flag to a 1 or 2. (or at least thats what you do with the version I have) I believe they have a slightly different effect, but have yet to find out what it is.
  13. Hold on, I'll try and get one to you soon. It will be a custom sombrero merchant. EDIT: How's this look? I modified the straw hat from farmer 1. First in a plain sombrero, second is embroidered.
  14. I could just recolor it, or do you actually want it so be smoother, like in the picture?
  15. It's graphically in the region of the two sprites you asked me to make it in the style of. In fact it was made right over the top of one to get the proportions right.
  16. I shall do my best. What size? Is this better, RKO?
  17. My guess is it is because MS Paint doesn't support transparency. Try using GIMP 2.6. It is free to download and use and there is no trial period. Always full functionality.
  18. RKO, a preview of your requested sprite:
  19. I'm sorry, but can you please post your requests in this thread? --> http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/6529-pixel-art/ @RKO I will do the sprite, but as you can see in the new thread, it will cost you. Points.
  20. It requires 4 less sprites. Deal with it. JK I will change it. Changed. It now costs 36pts. One more than VX.
  21. Thanks Kiriashi! I wasn't actually expecting any form of payment for the work in the previous thread as I was still getting the hang of it. More confident now.
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