Hey there!
I've played RPGs since I was a tiny one, but at 21 and after studying Computer Science for a couple of years I thought I might as well make one.
Considering it's completely out of my field, I assume coding one from scratch would be a little too ambitious. Then I found RPG Maker VX... I was going to use this, but whilst looking for Ruby scripting tutorials, I realised there was RMXP too. I read up which one was better and it seems XP is? I assume it probably is (from what I've read) for a most programming-proficient user as well.
The game I'm planning/wanting to make is classic RPG style one, but instead of 'battling' you duel with cards... A bit like the old Yu-Gi-Oh card battling video games. I used to love those but always wished you had an avatar to play whilst not duelling.
So my question is, how hard is it going to be rescript the battle system? Can it even be done? And was wondering if you guys could give me any general pointers?
I would also appreciate links to what are considered the best/most useful tutorials, as I've came across a few already.
(Note: I'm fluent in Java and C from a straight programming perspective. Only touched on C# but it's just a child of Java anyway. Obviously know the old SQL but it bores the tits off me.)
Thanks to anyone who read this!