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Everything posted by TTrain427

  1. Yeah, I have it setup like that so it would appear to reflect the moonlight behind it.
  2. The Title Screen and Game Over screen for the game. http://fav.me/d4km7bi http://fav.me/d4jykhg
  3. Hooray!!! Finally got myself an artist, but still looking for spriters and scripters. Any offers?
  4. I have decided that the character I have made already is probably to small. So, this game will now be using the Mack style sprites for all adult characters. Here is the new sprite for Nikolai:
  5. hey there Sloa, I'm in the process of hiring an artist... so lets hope he joins us.
  6. kk, welcome aboard. I'll PM you when I get enough people for us all to start this.
  7. Alright, did you see the one hk sprite, the one with the cap.
  8. thx man, this really looks nice. :)
  9. Love it man, I can do the writing for you and depending what you need artist wise I might be able to help you out there as well.
  10. Update: Thx to Kevin.ds, I have finally gotten a title logo for my game.
  11. Actually the guy in the logo looks like on of the main bosses in my game, so ironically enough that actually works better then I had hope for. I love when stuff like this happens. thx again this help me out a lot.
  12. Hey, I really don't need a background as just the logo itself for now. Asylum The theme should be something cool, but also eerie No Background Standard VX style Also if you can, could you have a guy leaning on the A and all you see is a creepy smile, like this. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs22/f/2008/010/2/2/Belphegor___KH_Reborn_by_thiagorm.jpg thx, in advance.
  13. Awesome got a mapper/eventer and a musician now all I need is at least one or two spriters and an artist and we are in business. Any volunteers?
  14. Sure I would love to have you on my team. To be honest I thought this would be the hardest job to be filled.
  15. Hey there guys, my name is TTrain427, but anyone who works with me know me as NightmarePro18. I am currently in the process of trying to form a team for my new game called " Asylum ". Currently I am looking for a spriter or two, an artist who can make simple things like title screens,logos,etc... and anyone who is good at mapping and doing events. Now Just, because the position is not up here doesn't mean You can't post it, I might need people to fill other jobs along the way, so don't be afraid to say something like "I can help with you music or scripting", because more then likely I will be looking for these areas later as the game progresses and idea start to accumulate. Story Characters Currently the only main Character is Nikolai, but more maybe added along the way. Screenshots I am really appreciated to all of those who decide to help me and can't wait to work with you. Spriter Mapper/eventer Artist Musicians
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