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Everything posted by diagostimo

  1. ye true, but at least its there if he was adamant on transferring the event, i dont think it would be to hard to acomplish, you just need to keep track of whats going where, i would attempt it myself as i think it would be a good project in creating global maps, to which you can modify maps off of map, just to see how well it functioned, but im currently focused on learning how to program in opengl :3
  2. something like this would be possible, but it may require changing how event data is read to avoid errors, all the event data is stored inside the map file within an array, the id of the event is its id inside the array. then its loaded in when the map is set-up corresponding to the current map id, so what you could do is manually open up the source map file and the destination map file, copy the event from the location to do the destination, i.e if its event of id 7 then get the array number 7, and copy it to the end of the array in the destination map file, then remove it from the source, this may be the trick part, then close and save both files, if you edited the map file with the id of the one your on, you will have to recall the map setup proccess to update the map.... actually after writing that i realized thats probably not a most suitable way, as its actually modifying core data, so when the user restarts the game the data wont be fresh, but ill leave that there as its still concept. second thought: keeping in mind of what i put above, what you could do is add a new element of event data, like visiting_events, then when you load map data, when loading events you could check if the event id is visiting any other map, if it is dont load it, if its not, its on this map, then the way i would setup the visiting events, and store them as a hash, like so: visiting_events = { #EV_ID = the id of the event #MAP_ID = the id of the map its from #MAP_ID => [ARRAY_OF_EVENTS_VISITING_ME] 1 => [[EV_ID, MAP_ID], [EV_ID, MAP_ID]], 2 => [[EV_ID]] } then when you load up a map, check the corresponding array in the hash with the map id to see if has any visitors, if it does, you would have to open up each map corresponding to there individual map id's, and load in the event corresponding to the event id, this would probably be a more efficient way to go about it, then your not editing core data, the only slow down would be that if a map has lots of visitors from lots of maps, then lots of map files are going to need to be opened and closed, another thing you will need to consider is also making sure the visiting events data is saved in a save file, then they wont reset when the data is reloaded. if you did want to make it so that you edit core data, you would need a backup file of the rxdata map files, actually what you could do if your up to modifying the way you game actually stores and loads data, is make a sub directory for each save your game has, in this directory you could copy all the map files into it on game start, then just modify these files rather than modifying the originals. anyway these are my concepts on the matter, its definitely do-able, just depends how competent of a scripter you are
  3. what you need to do is bracket your equation like so: (1 + 1 + 1 + 1) / 4 as when you don't bracket it it adds the values together plus the last value divided by 4, so your essentially doing this: 1 + 1 + 1 + 0.25 but if you bracket it, what's inside the brackets is one value, in this case 4, then you divide that calculated value by 4 returning 1, just remember that brackets are very important when calculating in programming, as the program takes the calculation very literal, also separating your equation into brackets even when not needed sometimes makes it easier to understand what's going on
  4. ye its a pretty big filesize, but it is a DEFO MUST, the actual file is an exe file that extracts all the data, and it is differnt formats of resources e.g rm2k && rmxp, but there is a hell of alot of resources. and i find myself often than not finding something along the tracks that i want in there
  5. well theres alot that you need to learn when it comes to game dev, but as far as the rpg maker series go, theres alot of resource out there, i made a public colllection of maps av available here: http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/6890-rpgxp-space-tileset/ the link to the project is at the end, you should learn some basics aswell as advanced stuff from that :)
  6. erm, i dunno, Pandora's box maybe :P then at least its universal
  7. i found these looking through my copy of Pandora's box, perhaps one might be of use: you should get it by the way, its like 10 gig file size but there is an amazing collection of resources: http://forum.chaos-project.com/index.php/topic,11532.0.html
  8. i put a small demo together, just study how i set up the skill, common event and enemy, obviously you should create more common events if the troop size is greater than 1 to handle each troop individually, also each troop would need a unique enemy setting up for them if that was the case http://www.gdunlimited.net/media/uploads/manager/transform-19396.zip
  9. so i noticed that the search bar is now hidden below the top bar thingy that follows us down the page, so i have encountered this problem with google chrome, note this only happens when i have my bit torrent search bar active, when clicking the search icon to display the search bar the y of the bar increases 2x the amount, then when clicked again to hide the bar it only decreases by 1x the amount, so if i continuously keep doing so the bar slowly proceeds down the screen like this: until eventually you will lose it completely as i said this only happens when i have my bit torrent search bar active, and operates normally otherwise, im not sure if this is a bug with the bar to be specific but putting it out there just in case
  10. hey guys, thought id share this as i had it laying around, its a master tileset i composed a while back, the main aim was to create a master tileset that was organized and didnt repeat tiles, and i think i just did that: the bottom of the tileset has a few custom pieces that you may find useful. also lets not forget a demo with all those pesky passabilities and what not set up: http://www.mediafire...huar3nqtsvltds2 the demo also has a few bits of bobs extra, as well as an auto tile made from floor tiles on one of the tilesets used, enjoy! :)
  11. the value you enter is checked corresponding to the events coordinates, so if you put 1 it checks to see if you are 1 block away in each direction, then if you put 2 it checks 2 blocks in each direction etc, just have a play with it and you will soon catch on :)
  12. diagostimo

    Import Help

    to be honest i have no idea what they where from, at first i though they were the edges of shadows where colour leaked from a bucket fill but some where oddly shaped going away from the image, anyway i just deleted them and it looks fine as it is, the steps i took to delete them if you want to give it a go: select magic want set tolerance to 0 untick anti-alias and contiguous select the pixel of choice(the weird outline one) hit delete job done! basicly that selects all the pixels of that colour on the image, by the looks of it you where pretty safe and did not have any exact coloured pixels, just follow those steps and your all good. also nice tileset :) i hope to see a public release when its finished also for future refrence to avoid leaking of colors when using bucket fills for a background, create a new layer with your background color, make that the bottom layer, then you have an idea what it will look like merged, if you want to merge them there and then right click the top layer, and merge down or merge all
  13. diagostimo

    Import Help

    did you bucket fill the background? when you use bucket fill you need to make sure tolerance is set to 0 so that the colour does not leak into others, an option is to start from the beginning, don't bucket fill, flatten the image, when you flatten the image you will have a white background, if you don't want it to be white, bucket fill it to another colour with tolerance of 0, if you still have problems post a copy of your tileset or pm it and ill see what the problem may be
  14. you can do that with that script in a conditional branch, example of an event: conditional branch: script: range_check(1, @event_id) play_bgs with volume 100% branch end conditional branch: script: range_check(2, @event_id) play_bgs with volume 75% branch end conditional branch: script: range_check(3, @event_id) play_bgs with volume 50% branch end conditional branch: script: range_check(4, @event_id) play_bgs with volume 25% branch end conditional branch: script: range_check(5, @event_id) fade out bgs 1 second branch end when you execute a play sound command, if the sound is the same as currently been played is does not reset, and only alters the volume and pitch to match the new ones set
  15. i wrote this up to check if the coordinate of a player is equal to that range check of an event: class Interpreter def range_check(range, event) #check left return true if $game_player.x == $game_map.events[event].x - range && $game_player.y == $game_map.events[event].y #check right return true if $game_player.x == $game_map.events[event].x + range && $game_player.y == $game_map.events[event].y #check down return true if $game_player.y == $game_map.events[event].y + range && $game_player.x == $game_map.events[event].x #check up return true if $game_player.y == $game_map.events[event].y - range && $game_player.x == $game_map.events[event].x #check upper left return true if $game_player.x == $game_map.events[event].x - range && $game_player.y == $game_map.events[event].y - range #check upper right return true if $game_player.x == $game_map.events[event].x + range && $game_player.y == $game_map.events[event].y - range #check lower left return true if $game_player.x == $game_map.events[event].x - range && $game_player.y == $game_map.events[event].y + range #check lower right return true if $game_player.x == $game_map.events[event].x + range && $game_player.y == $game_map.events[event].y + range #else return false end end to use it, the script call is: range_check(RANGE, ID) use that within a conditional branch and replace RANGE with the range that it returns true, and ID to the id of the event to check against, it will draw a box around the event essential with the given radius of the range and return true if you stand on that radius
  16. as for sugestions, how about a user rating system, allowing people to give there rating of the engine and then just average the ratings out so that people that are unfamiliar with the engine can see which ones are more popular and liked
  17. go into the troop setup in the database and you will see there is an event box at the bottom, in there make a change event hp command and set it up acordingly edit: also i just realized theres an event transformation command, so for your other request what you could do is make your enemy transform when a state is inflicted to it, to do that make a conditional branch, and make the condition that a state is inflicted, then you could create a skill for that enemy that inflicts the skill on itself inflicting itself with that state, also you could setup the enemy to only use the skill under a certain condition, so example of how you would do it: enemy setup to only use skill: "transform" when hp is lower than 30% when enemy uses skill transform it inflicts the state transform on itself conditional in battle event checks if state transform is inflicted on enemy when the state is inflicted it transforms the enemy the the desired on im not sure exactly how the transform event command works but im guessing that it it sets up a new enemy of your choice in its place, which means you could then set it up so that it transforms multiple times by using a simple script call in a conditional branch to determine which enemy it currently is, that script call would be: $game_troop.enemies[TROOP_ID].id == ENEMY_ID so change TROOP_ID to which troop it is on the field then change ENEMY_ID to the desired enemy you want to check it is from the enemy database
  18. thought id post this in case no one noticed it, using Google chrome the rep and friends seem to float of to the right hand side of the page when viewing a profile and looks very odd: not sure if this happens in other browsers as i only use chrome
  19. diagostimo

    Import Help

    are you giving your image a solid colour background? my guess is that your image has an alpha channel so when you import it into RPG maker it doesn't prompt you to set the transparent colours as your images is saved with an alpha channel, its easier to make images with transparency set up in Photoshop before you import them into RPG maker so you can have multiple semi transparent colours. to get rid of your background use the magic wand with 0 tolerance to select your background then delete it, then also use the magic wand to select shadow areas and set there opacity in the right hand side panel. if you want to import your image as it is now and set-up the transparencies in RPG maker an option you have is right click on your layer in the layers panel, flatten the image then import it, that will get rid of the alpha channel :) if the case is you want to give your image an alpha channel right click your layer then select add alpha channel I think it is.
  20. you guys make me blush :P im happy to see my help is recognized :)
  21. just apply the above example to each scene: changing the class name and image name where necessary
  22. i think he wants something like an overtime weakening boss, i cant remember any right now but i remember playing games where once you kill the boss they regen into a lower state, i think he is trying to pull of that sort of effect as-well as changing the graphics
  23. i think he wants it to all happen within the 1 battle sequence, i.e you defeat the monster then it transforms without you having to re initiate the battle scene, if no one gets the time to look into it by the weekend i can look into it
  24. ye, all you would have to do is add the truth/false value to the array so that when it reads it it knows whether it belongs, it might also be more beneficial to create your ellements as classes i.e: class Location attr_accessor :viewed?, :name, :info #etc def initialize(parameters) @viewed? = false @name = parameters[0] @info = parameters[1] end end #then you method that adds them in whatever class def add_location(id) @locations.push(Location.new(Config.location(id)) end #then to check if it has been viewed or not: if @locations[iD].viewed? #or to change it @locations[id].viewed? = true
  25. well it all depends on how your storing your entries, the most efficient way would be to store them in an array, and make a new array for each entry type, heres an example how i would go around it: module Config def self.places_entries(id) case id when 0 then return [false, WHATEVER_DATA YOUR ENTRY HOLDS] #the false value represents it hasnt been read yet end end end class Game_System attr_accessor :places #variable that stores places attr_accessor :people #variable that stores people alias init_init initialize def initialize init_init @places = [] @people = [] end def add_entry(type, id) case type when 0 array = Config.places_entries(id) @places.push(array) when 1 #etc end end end now as you see i made an array that contains each entry category and they get there data from the config, so what you would do is just loop through the arrays to display them under the correct category window, as for showing new entries, you will see i added a false value within the config of the entry, that represents if it had been viewed yet, so just add all entry categories to your new entries window that have the false value set, then when you view them change that value to true so that they are no longer displayed to the new entries window
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