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Everything posted by NightmareFelix

  1. Then I guess I could figure out a way to just arrange the tile priority to be above the sprite legs but beneath its head. Somehow. Thanks though!
  2. I'm surprised nobody had ever tried this before really.
  3. Hey guys! First I want to thank you all for the amount of help you've been for developing my first game. I owe so much to you guys promptly answering my questions. Now, new game, new ideas. I'm trying to create an autotile for standing water, which the character can walk through. I've made my tile, but im using the bush flag to look like you're in the water, however, the character's legs are way too visible. I'm trying to find where in the scripts it specifies just how much to lower the sprite's opacity while on a bush tile but so far to no avail. Anyone knowledgable on this?
  4. Okay. I want a couple opening graphics for production team logos, prior to the main menu. Help me script this. I figure it goes in Scene_Title right before the title graphic is made, but I don't know how to ensure it shows each graphic for a second. I would also sort of like to let the player skip it by hitting enter.
  5. Old Felix is slightly redder than his default scheme in my game. I made him look more irish. It's not that I couldn't recolor him, but the original idea for my game was to throw together a survival horror title out of RTP, and his name and slightly shifted graphic colors are things that just stuck.
  6. Finally got my beta out a couple nights ago. Got some huge problems and things I never dreamed of trying in my own game, but that is sorta what beta is for..

    1. Kevin.ds


      let me beta test dammit ! :D


    2. NightmareFelix


      Gladly. You designed my main hall didn't you?

    3. Kevin.ds


      i might have :P

  7. You know what... that's exactly what I just did on my own while waiting for your response. The thing was, I thought I had tried that a minute ago and turned back some sort of problem, but I tried it again about 3 seconds ago and it fixed it. Thanks Kell. You've been instrumental. I'm ready for Beta now!
  8. That should be a picture of my menu, there. I may need to post the Scene_Menu code, right? Basically when the player selects "inventory" the item menu becomes active. I designed this over a year ago and God knows how. EDIT: Here's my Scene_Menu:
  9. I'm having trouble making the Item targeting one work since my Inventory all takes place on the main menu screen now instead of in Scene_Item. It may be something you'd have to look at to solve, or maybe you'll just pull it out of your butt like you always seem to.
  10. I feel bad because for like a year I've been saying Felix's Nightmare will be done in a month. I promise this game will come out. This is not Duke Nukem Forever.

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Lol. Well, for that reason I will always have a release date of 'When it's done', that way you're never wrong.

    2. NightmareFelix


      So I ended up just using the music I wanted as long as it was bands that were all over YouTube. if I've learned anything about being on YouTube it's that some bands care about their rights and some don't. Besides, everyone is going to be properly credited.

    3. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      I personally think unique music of the same style and caliber would have more impact.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  11. I feel bad because for like a year I've been saying Felix's Nightmare will be done in a month. I promise this game will come out. This is not Duke Nukem Forever.

  12. I'll give it a shot when next I have actual internet.
  13. Ooh... that add character status to item menu one is snazzy. Kell to the rescue, just as I remember you. Although now that I think about it, I won't need it because I've incorporated the inventory into the primary menu screen, which has a status window a-la old-school resident evil. But thanks for all the other bits, that should do wonders for me.
  14. I think after I'm done with this survival horror game I'll start making a happy-go-lucky traditional RPG. This Silent Hill type stuff really drains your positivity. Even in dorky RMXP graphics, it just feels so dark and hopeless. Maybe that's why, because it's innocent looking. Making sprites all bloody doesn't help either.

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Good point man, plus it'll help give you range in your development style. Also no reason you cant have the scary part in the happy go lucky game hehe.

    2. NightmareFelix


      Ha. it'll be mine. believe me.


      BTW, I might be needing a beta player soon... project is pretty much built.

    3. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Cool, I'm down, PM me or post in my shop.

  15. I should probably avoid the entire issue. Create more original music and keep this soundtrack to myself.
  16. Thanks... will that remove the item target window from the menu too?
  17. The difficulty lies in obtaining permission from Lacuna Coil and the Distillers. :(
  18. Alright. it's been far too long since I've scripted (scripting for me = read, change, test, if that gives you guys any idea of where I am) and I need assistance. In my game, you have one party member and never fight multiple enemies, so I think I want to bypass the target window altogether. I just can't remember how that sort of thing works. I created my own menu system a year ago but that part of my brain seems full of cobwebs now.
  19. I recently started a thread about project size, and one of the main reasons it concerns me is because I'm considering using licensed music on the opening, credits, and some cutscenes of my project. My question being, do you guys think this is a no-no? I figured as long as I give all the song credits from the albums and I'm not selling the game this should be fine, but I remember a while back when a Guitar Hero knockoff got into licensing trouble because the songs being provided were still free copies of major label music. I just wanted to run it by you guys and see if it's something that's been discussed before. I can live without it and the game will still be just as good.
  20. I think you're correct that it's better and more realistic and pretty durned convenient. I admire your perspective. BUT. I don't think folks would be as willing to do it if it's not CLICK DIS BUTTON FOR YER GAME. At least, most people. However, I have to say, with the amount of interest in my product, it should probably be however you want it, Jon, since you're the only person who seems fantastically interested. On that note, I should probably promote more... hoom. Or at least post more to raise interest. EDIT: Oh, and one more thing. My question about how to publish things: Do you guys think I should use RMXP's built-in publishing stuff, or just send the project folder with a copy of the RTP installer?
  21. I'd like to be user friendly and I just wanted to see what the demographic considered reasonable.
  22. ...oooooh... Thanks. So the animations should appear directly over it when I make that move? Awesome. I'll give it a plug and chug and see how it works out for my interface. WORKED! Thanks. :)
  23. I guess it'll boil down to how big it is when I'm completely and thoroughly done.
  24. Still can't figure this out... anyone got any advice on moving the fighter graphic? I can post pics of what I'm doing if you'd like.
  25. Wishing I was finding as many people using chat as I did a year ago when I was more active. Oh well. I REALLY WANNA TALK ABOUT MY GAAAAAAAME

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Understandable. I think you are one of many who feel the same. Chat is down, and was the last thing Marked was working on before his recent small break for studies, 2 weeks. I believe he plans GDU, site relaunch soon, chat with it.

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