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Everything posted by Klokinator

  1. RRR was removed by iEntry. They sold the site with no notice, the staff and users were very upset. This forum still works for P-Z-E. http://p-z-e.net/ I dunno what's going on, I don't even know who runs the site. (Is it still Norodo/Charles or is it someone else?) But hey, it still exists '3'
  2. Thanks to his extensive customizations, 99% of all scripts don't work in FEXP and I doubt yours will. He customized the window system and etc. If you can see anything in the last script that might indicate a command that animates the title screen, that's all I need.
  3. Okay so this is a great find. I realized that if you put his second title script in, it DOES animate the title screen, but ONLY if the class reel is running. That means somewhere in the script is the command that animated the title screen, and if I can port it over to the default title screen I can make it work. This script, that is. I found that modifying the BG_UPDATE line slows and speeds up the transition, so right in there is the key... moving it to the other title script smoothly is what needs to happen.
  4. I'll use that same excuse xD Oooh I'll try that... thanks! Edit: Didn't work. So, you mean that my screen works in my game, you managed to reproduce that? Would it be possible to get the demo back from you so I can examine it, if that's the case? I'm not sure exactly what to rename though, that's the issue. Pressing Ctrl+Shift+F in his scripts for his original version brings up zero results for the name "Title BG", which is what needs to scroll. His original title bg scrolled great, and when I replace it with mine, it scrolls fine too, however I can't find anything in the scripts linked to that at all, leading me to believe it's hardcoded into the moverange.dll (which would majorly suck). So, if you could send me the dermo where you got it working, whenever, that'd be amazing.
  5. I posted three scripts in the second post, that includes all three versions. I also made a download just for the purpose of being able to check yourself, it includes everything. Edit: Oh you mean putting the FE7x title script into my game. Well, that actually doesn't work and it crashes the game I do believe. Edit2: I spoilered the other post, nobody likes a wallotext :V
  6. Site seems legit, but it also seems to be dying :C
  7. What part of "Sarah was genius but gaga was lame" don't you get? :V as for the Vader thing, I don't give a crap if the characters cuss, as long as it's within the realm of their character. And since, you know, Vader doesn't cuss in any of the movies/books, it's not within the realm of his character. Leonidas? Sure. Beethoven? Possibly. Vader? No.
  8. Awesome, thanks for the help, anything will aid me. I'm probably just overlooking something obvious. This is the single title script for my FEPS project. The two after it are the first and second title scripts for FE7x, respectively. FE7X TITLE 1 FE7X TITLE 2
  9. Why... why would you think Darth Vader VS Hitler was a good video? Don't get me wrong, it's not bad, but Einstein VS Hawking was a truly brilliant rap battle. Darth Vader cussing a whole bunch makes no sense, it's not part of his style. Being only their second rap battle, they hadn't perfected the style yet but it's really not that good. Part 2 was a bit better yeah, but if they don't make the rap "in-character" then it's really not a good rap. Stylistically my favorite battles were, in order... Einstein VS Hawking (The Hawking chorus was the best line in any rap battle to date.) Bieber VS Beethoven (Beethoven was embellished a bit, but Bieber was hilarious.) Abe VS Chuck Norris (Chuck Fucking Norris obviously won) Sarah Palin VS Gaga (Tbh though, Gaga was kind of lame, but the chick who played Sarah was pretty goddamn spot on.) Mr. T VS Mr. Rogers (I liked Rogers a lot because he sounds identical to the RL Rogers.) Easter Bunny VS Ghengis Khan (I liked the bunny because he was so gay and happy it was heartstopping hilarious.) Vader VS Hitler Master Chief VS Leonidas (Master chief sucked really bad, but that's probably because he's not supposed to talk. Leonidas was goddamn brilliant though xD) Dr. Seuss VS Shakespeare (You rap fast you do, yes you rap fast it's true, now let's see how you rap VS Things one and two!) Billy Maes VS Ben Franklin (The shamwow guy was gutter material though, just awful) >Everything else Bottom: Mario Brothers VS Wright Brothers (Just awful, hated it, not even slightly funny.) I personally want to see Bill Gates VS Steve Jobs haha
  10. Okay, but it'll be pretty complicated no matter how I do this. I'm going to upload two projects. The first is the "FE7x April Demo", this is not my project, this was the pre-release for the FEXP system. This is the one with the scrolling title screen. (Note that if you try to play the game itself, it will pop up a message saying that you should wait for the FEXP official release, as it was released here this is safe to ignore. We only need the title screen, nothing ingame.) Open up the project and go into the scripts. The two, I think, you need to look through are Title, and Title. (Yes, there are two title scripts lol) The first Title is in the middleish of the scripts, and the second is near the bottom. Somewhere in there, possibly something I looked right past, is the code that makes the image scroll. There is another possibility, (And if this is the case then you probably can't figure it out anyway) that it's hardcoded into the moverange.dll in the main folder. I included the other project, FEXP Save System 1.5, to show what my title screen looks like as of now. You can use this to compare the two projects and see if theres something I missed in the title scripts or whatever. There's only one title script in this one though, and it's at the very bottom of the scripts. Also, the game uses a custom 320 x 192 resolution, in case you were wondering. I included my BG in both projects, you can easily see how it works just fine (Changes too fast if you check with the FE7x project, but that's just a matter of retiming it.) by renaming it in the Titles section of the art folder. Download it Here.
  11. Hi guys, so my game has need of something... unique. It really shouldn't be terribly complicated, so if you'll take a listen, maybe a senior scripter or someone with slightly more skill than me can help. I have this image. http://puu.sh/i1J0 This is my title screen background, as of now. I have other images that alter it, but this is the image I need to get to work properly. http://puu.sh/i1J8 Now, see this image? It's an 8 frame image that scrolls onto the title screen, or rather it's kinda been gif'd and animates well. I know this, because another guy has done this with his game, and I even have his code that works, but I searched and searched through it, and couldn't find what makes it work. http://puu.sh/i1J4 This is my 4 frame version, I just want my title screen to have an oscillating beam of light over the phoenix's head. Before I get into anything complicated, is there a simple way to make this work? If nobody can come up with something, I'll give more information as needed. Edit: I've actually plugged my image into his project and it worked perfectly, we both also use the same engine. Therefore, I know it can work, I just don't know how it's working. That's why I need help.
  12. Hey guys, I'm Klokinator, and I run the PZE Forums. I'm making a game with RMXP, a pretty popular one actually called Fire Emblem Phoenix Saga, and since this is sort of the RMXP forum to be at, I decided joining here was a smart move. Since the PZE also runs on RMXP, that's another added bonus haha! I'm a fan of strategy games, some FPS games, many RPG's, and etc. I don't watch movies but I do run a whole anime review section on another site (I've been busy with my game for a couple months so I haven't updated that, it's on my todo list though) and a blog, and multiple facebooks, and all sorts of stuff. Then there's volunteering for my community and... well we can just say I do a lot.
  13. Hey guys, I'm Klokinator from the RRR forums. With the approaching of Update Patch 4, we on the PZE team have decided to create a forum where everyone will be able to share their games they've made with the PZE. Since this engine is so unique, using a ton of custom graphics made by Silent Resident, coming with maps made to resemble even the first town in LOZ: The Wind Waker, and many other things, including 90% of the old events being transformed into scripts thanks to the hard work of our own Maximusmaxy, this forum has become necessary. When you join, you'll notice it's brand new. We literally made it and had a little debate about what to use, culminating in the final decision, a professional MyBB forum and our own domain, all given to use by my good friend Norodo. If you want to be a part of what will surely become an exciting community, filled with many advancements and soon, some of the best Zelda fangames ever, be sure and join us at www.zeldaengine.net Also, for anyone who can prove an exemplary record of forumgoing, we may also be hiring moderators and such once activity picks up.
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