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Everything posted by Calvinchun

  1. hey there! I am glad that you have not given up yet! Welcome back!
  2. Honestly there is nothing in the game sections that is unfunctional for me. It is fancy, in my opinion. Though, any other people than me may have something to suggest, so xD
  3. Zahraa did have a points. I just want to say that giving up is not the best way to solve problems. Face them instead so that you wont ever find that problem in the future. Of course, i don't have the permission to tell you what to do but please DON'T GIVE UP! I failed so much times before, but i take every members constructives criticism and takes them to heart while i dispose those critiques who only want to bring me down to the ground. Till now, im still learning, and i just delete the 'giving up', 'gives up' word from my life dictionary. Please, the arts is good, and i want to see more of your project. I cant say more. if you still wants to give up, it's your choice but please think about the feeling of those that had contributed to your projects. I can only wish the bestest for you, so... good luck.
  4. Justbchecked the Unity 3D enginge... I opened up the example project and was kinda "What the heck is these things??" Hahaha... i was blank and dunno what to do lolz..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zahraa


      Is C++ knowledge enough?

    3. Polraudio


      Not sure. I use JS when coding in unity.

    4. Bob423


      Would be funny and pretty convenient if it accepted Ruby.

  5. hahaha.. lolz, your english is good. More better than mine when i first introduced myself xD. Nevertheless, i hope you enjoy your stay here!
  6. oh lolz np. Of course, ur seventh question is a no for me then! :)
  7. Go for it! I will support this site to the end... (im not exaggerating..) I think this will be a good one to those who is not using rpg maker. Eventually, it will get its glory back. Dont worry, there is always little rays of hope just like zahraa said. Good luck!
  8. 1. If you could kill only one person in the world, Who would you choose? Anyone who DARED to opposed me. lol Just kidding. 2. If you could be an animal, Which animal would you choose? A tiger. 3. If you could change your name when you were born, What would you choose? I... dunno. 4. Do you choose family or career? I choose both in the future, no matter what happens. 5. Name something that you love but many people hate? I, cant think of one. 6. Name something that you like to eat right now? I want a Chocolate, nice confections. 7. Would you like to change your genre? What's this? Oh, i think you mean like goth or horror, in that case, yes. 8. Tell a good/bad memory from past year? A plentiful of good event / The day when i realized that no matter how much i tried, i will never get what i wished for... 9. What are you planning to do this week? Loafing around, game development and internet. (and hopefully, some studying) 10. Name something that you really want to have but you can't? I cant seem to muster up confidence to put up what i want but cant.
  9. I nominated Black_Mage for being friendly/helpful xD!
  10. Oh... i was shocked by the exam this morning. It was hard O.o I panicked several times but i managed to finish it. Anyway, lol it's a shame no one actually saw my face panicking that time xD Anyway, i hope everyone here aced their exams!

  11. Ummhh, Bob, maybe it was supposed to look like that xD EDIT : I could be wrong, though..
  12. *downloads* i will give feedback tomorrow, after i finished the 3rd dream. (Sry, im a scaredy cat when talking about horror at niyght..)
  13. 1st, i didn't use imageshack because it will get taken down eventually, so i decided to use the site uploader. 2nd, lol i didn't know if what i did is right, i hope i didn't change the scale or anything. 3rd, if you are a Resident Evil : Outbreak fan, you'll probably know that guy >.<
  14. Im browsing on my tab for now, so i cant really edit the image. But i'll add mine tomorrow, If i can (btw, everyone signature is very awesome and unique plus stylish xD) Cheers
  15. Thanks, Marked! I thought creation asylum address is dubealex com (without the dot to prevent spam xD) and it led me to an error. But it was creationasylum net , lol and it was solved. Anyway, sorry for being such an hustle :-)
  16. You welcome! I'll look forward to the full game!
  17. I got this script from an ancient old site.. it's nice actually, however, i did not know how to use it Because i dont have the demo and the link is dead (ancient -.-) anyway, if someone still have the Demo of this script (R4 updates?) Please upload it... P.S : this may not seems like problems with the script, but the unability to use it to the max is as same As an error itself. Thanks!
  18. Well, thanks vincestick! Thats a really nice one, definitely will experiment with them xD!
  19. I downloaded, and do you know what happens? I crapped my pants on the first and second dreams!! Tsk... dont tell anyone about it... anyway, just like omar said, the atmosphere is truly superb, (Which gives the game the true horror feelings.) And very good map. So overall, this is a great game..
  20. Wow, madanchi! Your name is indeed unique. Im not the person who misstyped your name right? Tsk...tsk *looks out for distraction* BTW, i liked your name very much, plus it has meanings to it!
  21. Silent hill is so scary that honestly, i never even get halfway in the game! BTW, that's a very nice example, vincestick! Jumpscare, or should i say, 'startlescare' is currently not my game focal point, so that's okay. However, i do not know What you mean by phobias. (Sorry, english is not my native language xD) and silent pops-in? And yes! Imagery is another kind of factor that will make the player goes in scared situation. Gosh i still have much to Improve... xD thanks vincestick!
  22. Liked with my facebook. xD Anyway, i like the game art and same as Marked, i like to see some update, So, good luck with this! ~cheers~
  23. Yeah madanchi. The feeling of isolation is indeed a good scary game traits. The first time i play Ib, It was great, the loneliness and unknown feeling was creeping me out to death! However when Gary joined Ib, the game scariness fade away rather fast, and then left me with only exploration genre and no horror element stands out anymore. So, i guess what you say is a strong point for a horror game... BTW, thanks for the replies!!
  24. That's some good example you have there! Just imagining it makes me feel uneasy! Thanks for the reply, i will try my best to come up with an unforgettable psychology scare..
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