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Luz last won the day on February 23 2017

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About Luz

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/24/1995


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Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Legend of Dragoon, Labyrinth, Hairspray, Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny, Rentrer en Soi, Dir En Grey, Miyavi, Loveholic, Yaori, Video Games, Reading, Drawing, Crocheting, Arts and Crafts, Cooking, Sewing


  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker XP
  • Engine Level
  • Class Title
    Level Designer
  1. Luz

    Icons Galore

    I found these a long while back and I don't remember where I got them from. However, when I find something like this online and the creator requests credit, I name the image differently so I'll remember to give credit and who to give credit to. This one was just named iconset so the original creator must not have asked for credit. I googled around and I couldn't find the original source of the iconset but I did find it on allot of websites which leads me to believe it was originally offered free. I probably shouldn't have posted it since I didn't have a source to provide.
  2. Luz

    Icons Galore

    Lots and lots of icons here. From armor, to weapons, to food and plants, jewelry, potions, magic and status, etc. There are also several versions of the same icon so there is lots of variety.
  3. Hm, I see what you mean. It may be because of the knee pads. However, my Dart sprite got deleted accidentally so this is the only copy I have of it, the rest of the sprite sheet is gone. (Which is why there was such a long space between my first sprite and this new Meru one, I got aggravated and didn't feel like spriting) I'll have to remake it sometime. Looking back on it, I don't like the shading on the hair at all but Darts hair is pretty difficult. Thanks for the input! :D
  4. That's all right, I ended up deleting it and looking for another one because I wasn't very pleased with the way it was coming out. I didn't find one to my liking so I may begin trying to reshape a sprite sheet or make one from scratch when I do Shana. Ideally, I should use a thinner sprite sheet for Meru as well but I haven't been feeling like it.
  5. I'm making a Meru sprite and this is it so far Character it's based off of: Any tips or critiques? (I'm aware that she's missing her armbands, calf bands and shoes but it's 3 in the morning so I'll do those tomorrow. This is just my result thus far.)
  6. Does it cost money to make an account on ebay if you're only going to buy stuff? I'm pretty sure it costs money if you're going to sell stuff.
  7. I wanted these so badly when I was little. Where'd you get them?
  8. I added some details on how to edit eyes onto facesets that are facing different angles. I'll add a tutorial on hair, skin and recoloring soon.
  9. I'm not quite sure where to put this so if this is in the wrong place, please move it. Anyway, since I haven't been able to use RMXP I've been making some characters. As for facesets, I'm usually fine with using face maker but for main characters I like to edit the face sets using paint.net (which can be downloaded for free from here: http://www.getpaint.net/download.html ) to give them more personality and set them apart from the NPC's. The way I edit them doesn't take much skill either. So, I thought I'd give a tutorial on how I go about editing a character with paint.net. How to edit eyes: How to edit eyes onto a face set: Forward Facing Face: Face that's at an angle: Face Profile: I'll add a tutorial on editing hair and skin soon.
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