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Everything posted by Moonpearl

  1. As far as I'm concerned, when I need to signify there is a door where it's really not obvious there's one, I use an arrow character pointing at the cell you're supposed to walk/trigger.
  2. I have only one ACMS. It does not support parties with more than 4 characters without a bit of tweaking, but that's a feature I might add to an hypothetical v3.00.
  3. I have already scripted a custom save and load menu. You can either use it or draw inspiration from it.
  4. What? I swear I don't know this person! :p Seriously, though, Enigma, why would you want to load a saved game from an event?
  5. Same answer. My script stores the ID of the currently processing event at all times in a given variable. You can always store the value in a separate variable for later use.
  6. Thanks. :) I like to think this project will eventually allow the eventing system to work how it should have. I might be a little lazy on documentations in a general manner. :P I plan to make a series of examples of how the system can be used, with in-game explanations and comments among the event commands, I hope this will be enough. If not I will consider writing a formal documentation. Anyways this is far from a release yet - actually I could very well release it in its current state but there are so many other tools I can add I'd rather wait for the time being.
  7. You can use this script I'm currently working on. It cannot do exactly everything you're asking for at the moment, but it definitely handles selfvariables among other things. Your issue gave me a few ideas, I'm going to add the ability for any events to test if they overlap another for instance, which means no need to manually mess with local x and y.
  8. We're talking about having a contest here. We're not going team against team (well that could be but it's hard enough tu find single contestants), so the game you make, you have to make it alone, there is no other guy to help you. Besides everyone has some skill at some level. If you don't judge anything other than the game developer then you're telling the contestants there's no point trying to use what their own assets to make their game original, you're encouraging an industrial game-making where standards are to be met, rather than personal creation. I see your points but as far as I'm concerned I'm against it. Sure a good quality game is nice but if we cannot explore new paths of creation even in an amateur community contest because we have to comply with a certain image of what a quality game is supposed to be, then I'm quitting game-making. That wouldn't do for me because there is not gameplay or programming whatsoever in a mapping contest. It's just about eye-candy and I don't think it's the true purpose of game-making. The good part about it is that it's easier to do and you're more likely to find contestants, but as far as I'm concerned I wouldn't be interested.
  9. It didn't ruin anything. We're still very partial to RMXP no matter what.
  10. Well I guess it's time to bring my experience of tabletop RPG and video game design together.

  11. It can be done at any time. As to whether the drawbacks are worth the benefits, clearly there will be different opinions about it, but mine is definitely no. If you want to override RPG Maker's limitations then you shouldn't use RPG Maker in the first place.
  12. Thanks Zahraa. It's a girl - I already have a boy. Agreed. Also you can put a lot in a single map as long as you design it smartly. It would be an interesting challenge - design a single game sequence which makes the most of a single 20x15 map. True, the problem is, what is fun or not is a pretty subjective concept. As far as I'm concerned I find most RPGs (and thus most RPG Maker projects) not fun at all, and the numerous discussions I have had with gamers of my generation and younger clearly show that I have a completely different idea of what makes a game fun to play. So I would be disappointed if I put myself at risk by taking the time to develop an innovative gameplay in a good quality script, and judges would not appreciate it because it's not what they're used to and there's still room for improvement, and had a better opinion of a submission which merely uses XAS. So I agree with you when you say the most important thing about a video game is that it must be fun, but I don't agree when you say your skills must not be judged, because then it puts people who want to make an original creation at a disadvantage and encourages them to borrow good quality art/music/scripts instead of risking making average quality themselves.
  13. Just as I said then. We should have known by now if there was any flawless means to improve either of the three without a heavy drawback. Well in theory there shouldn't be a problem as long as the scripts which replace internal classes are perfect rewrites. The thing is, you can never know for sure whether your rewrite is perfect since you do not have access to the original code in the first place (hence the need to rewrite it from scratch by the way). So the best you can tell is whether your rewrite results in something that looks like the original. And the more complicated and dirtier the custom scripts you want that rewrite to handle, the more likely it is you run into some issues sooner or later. As for the scripts you mentioned, frankly I'd be genuinely impressed if they would work flawlessly with a rewrite of RGSS1 on top of RGSS3. Which brings me back to my point - a lot of trouble to go through.
  14. You can't. Making any of the improvement you mentioned requires to work around the base engine more or less heavily. Well then using RGSS scripting to replace the original C++ code will inevitably result in something slower. So even if you do optimize the code all in all I'm pretty sure it will make little to no difference at all. Plus, sorry to insist on that matter, but I'm really curious as to how people decided that RGSS3 had better performances than RGSS1. On the paper it seems logical to think so, but since I was curious to find exactly how faster it could be I ran benchmark tests using the exact same scripts in both environments, and it turns out RGSS3 is just as slow as its predecessor. Now my experience might be biased and I would love to hear people showing me how their RMXP project run on RGSS3 has a performance boost - but until I do my experience tells me that using RGSS3 with RMXP is just a lot of trouble to go through for a non-existent benefit. Not to mention... ...compatibility issues.
  15. Oh, sorry. I was thinking you were talking about what happens in RPG Maker. My bad.
  16. The order in which the characters appear where? What are you talking about, the project editor? How is it a problem that characters don't appear in a specific order?
  17. RMXP, as we all seemed to agree in a recent discussion on the matter. Because basically RMXP has everything and RMVX(Ace) has nothing.
  18. "RPG Unlimited" does not suggest we're a community of game-makers in the first place. What it says is we are a community that does something that revolves around RPG. Also who makes RPGs with anything else thatn RPG Maker here?
  19. Ah, ah, thanks! Although I'm not sure you would say so if you knew my wife. :grin: (that was Moonpearl's seemingly misogynous minute)
  20. I would have participated but the period was way too short. Making an entire game, even though short, takes a lot of time and it's not as if I had unlimited free time (not to mention I've had a child in december). Also it all depends on what you're expecting from contestants. Since I'm a scripter and my strong point is to be able to program innovative gameplay, when participating in a contest I would have a submission with not only original mapping and storyline and characters and stuff, but also original scripts - which will necessarily take longer than a straightforward RTP project using only pre-made scripts borrowed here and there. And that's a shame because it favors people who use stuff that already exists, rather than people who try to make up something new, because it leaves them more time to develop their game's contents. I think if you are to throw a contest again there should be more restricted rules as to which resources (whether graphics or scripts) are allowed. One would argue that it might restrain contestants' creativity, but hey, that's a contest after all, the point is to force people out of their habits and have them create something original anyways. Plus in order to judge there need to be precise criteria specified. How can you say which is better among two projects which have virtually nothing in common in the first place, other than on a fuzzy global impression?
  21. I see. The best solution would be to bind the animations directly to the tile sprites, but the problem remains the same since the Tilemap class is hidden as well. I might look into that when I have some time, might make nice effects indeed.
  22. Animations consist of regular sprites so there's no reason why you couldn't manipulate their z value. However this would require you to go in the depths of the engine, as animations are not handled by the base engine (what you can see in the script editor), but by the layer beneath (the DLL). So, yeah, it's kind of difficult in the extent that it's a guessing game with the hidden part of the engine. Why would you want to display animations under characters anyways?
  23. Um, I understand why I said I didn't see the point of that game from your introduction - after playing it for a few minutes, I still don't see the point. I can see how you have tried to make a mechanic with power which feeds money which feeds equipment which in turn feeds power again. The thing is, what for? You don't get anyone to fight against, you have no deadlines, no objective whatsoever. You cannot even lose anything - save for money which you can trade for something else so it's not really losing - so there's no pressure, you could as well play completely randomly. This game is a grinder's ultimate dream - a game where you only get to grind forever since there's nothing else to do, with no risk of being too greedy or too bold since there's no kind of limitation. Just click again and again and see the numbers skyrocket. So, since I think grinding makes for poor gameplay in the first place, there's hardly anything positive I've got to say about this.
  24. Just started working on a script I've had on my mind for a long time, just to find I had nearly completed it already a few months ago, with no memory of it whatsoever. I love to surprise myself. :p

    1. Moonpearl


      I plan to add a few more things before making a proper release but you can already try it out http://www.mediafire.com/download/rall15q8cfy6gg4/MP Improved Event Demo.zip

    2. Polraudio


      That was a neat demo. I Like the terrain tag, and the ones that change depending if your looking at an event or impassible area.

    3. Moonpearl


      Thanks you're a real Pol (sorry had to do it).

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