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Everything posted by Moonpearl

  1. I don't know the first thing about Python but I'd be glad to help you learn RGSS in any way I can; Just let me know if you need some specific help with it.
  2. Modifying other people's scripts is such a hassle. It almost takes more time than to rewrite the entire script from scratch.

  3. Did you really write this? $view_range.event_view(3, 4, , "A", true) If so, then no wonder the interpreter complains. You cannot leave a parameter empty, you have to enter something, even if it's nil.
  4. Only you can tell, we don't know what scripts you're using. But if you say you have succesfully implemented this feature in other projects before then there's no other explanation.The only other possibility I see (though unlikely in my opinion) is a use of the event command which moves the message box on top/in the middle/at the bottom of the screen, which might override your edit.
  5. Moonpearl's Workshop around the world: I found a re-post of the ACMS on a Korean site and an independant branch of the RGSS Charset Maker on a Russian forum. :)

  6. Revamped my blog, getting a fresh start. :)

    1. Polraudio


      Looking nice! Love the quick pick.

  7. And Marked is smart as well so I follow the same guy as he does. :grin:
  8. Well I don't understand why people use VX, which seems so inefficient compared to XP. :p As far as I'm concerned, as a scripter, what matters most to me is the software's limitations. I mean, if it doesn't do exactly what I expect, I can still program it myself. BUT I can't get around the soft's limitations, and both VX have a LOT more than XP do. Plus, you would expect the RGSS3 interpreter to be faster than its previous versions, and after running tests I can say it actually has about the same performances - it is even slightly slower. And this sucks since the engine's (dramatically low) performances definitely were the number one thing to improve, and they didn't. Other than that, just what Pol said. Each so-called improvement they made, they made in a bad way. For example relying on autotiles is neat in theory and can save a lot of time fo the user, but if you're forced to use autotiles and it doesn't allow to do what you want, then it turns into a limitation. In short, I feel like XP allows me to do more than any of the VX can do. And all of my work is potentially not compatible with RGSS2-3, so there's no way I'm remaking everything to match the specifications of what I consider a lesser software.
  9. Well that's pretty much the same. Just replace :C with :B or :A and see what happens.
  10. Well it's nice to make something creative, but you have to learn how to do it. For instance, as long as you can't script, you can't really be creative in the extent that you will always remain forced to rely on others' scripts. RPG Maker is about game-making made easy, but the downside of it is that you're restrained in your possibilities. As Bob said, you have to either live with it, or learn Ruby/RGSS in order to make it different.
  11. Daily Life Project 1- Time & Lighting Version: 1.00 Author: Moonpearl Date: December 31st, 2013 Description My very own attempt at a day/night script I started writing when I got tired of seeing ugly or unrealistic lighting effects (mainly). You can use it for the dynamic lighting feature even if you do not wish to have day and night cycles in your project, since you can control the flow of time - and keep it frozen at noon for instance. It's been on my hard drive for a long time (because of THE ISSUE - see below), but I finally came to feel it was a waste to keep it for myself, since I consider it a great achievement of mine, alongside the Animated Custom Menu System 2.00. Features & Screenshots Event-controlled time. time does not advance automatically - unless you command it to with a parallel event. You get to control how time changes with game variables, down to the second. a wide range of variables and switches allows you to set event to appear/occur only at specific times - specific hours and/or days in the week and/or months and/or years... Natural-looking day and night. progressive transition between dawn, day, dusk and night progressive change of daytime duration according to the season (daytime lasts longer in summer) fading overlay effects according to time of the day (sunbeams at noon and haze at night) events named "Shadow" automatically fade out as night gets closer day/night can be disabled when inside closed spaces, and luminosity set manually Realistic, dynamic lights any number of light sources can be set and blend naturally into each others real-time calculation allows light sources to flicker and even move around adjustable radius and strength lights tear through darkness but do not overlay ambient light Known Issues This script is known to make the interpreter lag, depending on the user's machine. It is not the script's fault. RPG Maker's graphic engine has such poor performances, that how the script works will necessarily confront it to its limits sooner or later. It is pointless to ask me for an optimization, since there's absolutely nothing more I can do to address this issue. See my blog for more information. Download Download links and all other information (including terms of use, instructions and FAQ) can be found on my blog. Author's Notes I put a great deal of effort into this project. Please provide feedback if you like what you see! Also, I'm interested in seeing this at work in your own project. With your permission, I might want to display screenshots of it on my blog as an illustration of how extensively it can be customized.
  12. No, as I said you should make a first blank map with the starting point on it and from there you can command any events you like. Why on earth would you want to call a common event frm the title screen in the first place?
  13. Well that's the very reason why I was suggesting getting a hub or whatever that would send you to different starting maps. I was thinking of an empty starting map (which would look to the user as a blank screen rather than a map) with an autorun event saying something like: If choice A <or> condition A is met go to map A If choice B <or> condition B is met go to map B If choice C <or> condition C is met go to map C Else go to map D End With map D being your default starting map, and maps A, B and C your special starting maps.
  14. Yes it is, you should change each and every command which looks like: Input.trigger?(Input::C) with the button of your choice. You might find that it takes a lot of time and energy for just a small benefit (especially considering you have to make the changes in every custom scripts you add as well), but that's the only way to go.
  15. Oh ok. I thought you were saying that's how your game actually behaves, so I was a bit confused. Yes, that's a good idea, I quite like a hub room instead of a menu.
  16. You can simply start the game on a blank map with an autorun event that gives you the choice between all of the special modes. My New Game Plus script can help you with this, it allows you to have events behave differently based on the number of times the game has been completed.
  17. Not without a script. This happens because the computer remembers how the map looked before the battle, and transitions to it before processing the rest of the event.
  18. I don't understand, it looks like you're asking two different things at the same time. Can you clarify a bit?
  19. You should put the command that retrieves the actor's level right after the battle processing command, before anything else, and on all pages too.
  20. Can you post screens of your event programming please?
  21. After each battle, insert a command to retrieve the player's level in variable XX ("manage variables" command) in order to ensure that it's always up-to-date. Then set each monster event's conditions panel to "variable XX is YY or higher".
  22. The scripts are inside the script editor. It's just that the demos weren't on Mediafire. :grin: Fixed that just now.
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