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Everything posted by zanum

  1. comming up with character bios is long and boring process

  2. zanum

    Transfering an npc

    My plan was to put the home on one map just at different spots. Now when i put the even transfer when you put it in does it have to be event touch or how do i go about getting the npc to like will the npc tranfer if the player touches the event.
  3. zanum

    Transfering an npc

    Alright so im working on a map and was wandering is there was a way to transfer an npc like you can do with the player. I have a level that is a house that is seperated by rooms and i want the npc to be able to go to each room is there a way to set up a tranfer point for an npc or will i need a script that can do this for me if there is a script please leave the name of it so i can find it. thanks to all that help me out with this little problem.
  4. Alright I guess this will have to do ok so i created a scene here that kind of reminds me of a resturant so i made this cooking table and i would like to speak to the person on the other side of the counter i just have her say hi there for now but when i go to talk to her i don't get anything so i was wandering how you can talk to an npc that is not on the tile beside you help would be greatly appriciated.
  5. Alright guys this is the post for the game im creating. It will be made in rpg maker xp and I will go into detail about what my plan is for the game. Details: The game is about a boy who had lost his parents three years prier to the game beginning. he now lives with his sister and goes to highschool. One day he meats a girl who tells him to watch his back and stay on his gard or all hell will break loose. he leaves school grounds only to get hit by a car comming out of the gate. He dies and two beings come and talk to him. one of them is a demon and the other is an angel. the boy is given a choice to be brought back to life he can become an angel or a devil. depending on the choice you make the game will play differently so it is preety much two games in one. now if anyone would like to join the project you can get ahold of me through email or you can reply to this thread. My email is xpgamescenter@gmail.com If you would like additional info. I don't have any character names yet but I am currently working on getting names for all the main characters. I am currently looking for anyone who has any tallents with rpg maker xp so if you do please message me.
  6. Hi there guys I'm not really new here I signed up when they had the old site but I figured I would post because i havent been on in a while. I am currently working on a game and am looking for people to join the project. I will post everything about the game here shortly. All I will say is that the game will be a modern style game and i want to add a real time engine like in pokemon where if it is a certain time you will have night and day. I also want to add a way of leveling certain attributes of the player but i will get into more detail about the game in the project forum.
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