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Jesse66126 last won the day on December 4 2013

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About Jesse66126

  • Rank
    "The Man"


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  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere between Heaven and Hell
  • Interests
    Story writing and drawing comics.

Engines I Use

  • RPG Maker VX Ace
  • RPG Maker XP


  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker XP
  • Engine Level
    The Best
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  • Other Skills
    Spriting and Eventing
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  1. I'd just use RPG maker for Visual Novel-Style games. The basic engine has "Show Picture", play BGM/sound effects. If you know C++ Programming, you can write your own program. It can't be THAT hard to have Pictures show up on the screen. For expressions, you need at least eight per character. Here's Atelier Totori for some examples of emotions. Though, she's kind of a Mary Sue with a wooden personality.
  2. It's true. The US government are the greatest terrorists in World History, really. I can honestly see things from that perspective. We say don't use chemical weapons, or we'll nuke you, just like we did to Japan. Simply put, we're that crazy kid that brought a machine gun to class to end the bullying. We literally went to New Zealand to arrest Kim Dotcom for breaking US law. How fucked up is that!? We went to Europe and arrested some kid for pirating music. The US is NOT the flipping world police! Sure it sucks to live in Syria, but has anyone sent troops to Detroit or Chicago? Nope. They're still like forth world countries with severely understaffed police. While we keep invading other countries for oil and profit under the guise of giving a shit. Oh, and it's really not even Obama's fault. Do you know how many penises that man had to suck in order to get elected? He's just a puppet for the 1% that rule America's wealth.
  3. It's not really a consequence of failure. Odds are, most deaths would come from the spike traps or rabid dogs. The Enemy NPC, Kyle, walks towards you, you run away. But if he catches you, you can still struggle free, unless you're low HP. I show in the video series that I don't even get grabbed that often. Kyle, the enemy, moves quite fast, but he's not difficult to out run.
  4. There's no random encounters, and most deaths are caused by spike traps. I'm going to set it up where you can't get stuck ,and you'll always be able to find and reach the corpse of the previous character. Plus it autosaves every death. That and it really suits the story.
  5. I'm currently adding a corpse system to this game. If the player dies, a new girl will appear, and the player will have to find the corpse of the previous girl to retrieve their key items.
  6. I'm working on the Corpse System for my game. Instead of a game over, a new girl will appear in the room, and the player will have to find the previous girl's dead body to get their key items back.
  7. Did I mention he kills her after raping her? The rape event is a game over. The player doesn't survive it. It's more like an extra torturous humiliation before the kill. The idea is a cat and mouse game. He's chasing you, while you have to get around spike traps, rapid dogs, things that shoot at you, while trying to get out of this prison-like fortress. I wanted the heroine to be a normal, everyday girl, with no magical powers what so ever, who happens to be pretty. Moreover, kidnapping and rape go hand in hand, realistically. That's generally the motive for kidnapping. It is what it is. I could have given him some divine reason for kidnapping her, but I didn't want to make her super powerful. I wanted the player to feel helpless and scared.
  8. It's a horror game! You're not supposed to be comfortable! You're supposed to be scared!
  9. I've been trying to get feed back on my recent game, Pandemonium, for several days now. My videos for the game haven't even received any dislikes or comments, though according to statistics only one person from Estonia has seen the whole video series in full. My posts, all across the internet have gone completely unanswered. www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/9874-ace-pandemonium-v3-complete/ The story is about a young girl who was kidnapped and has to escape from her captor. The villain, Kyle, would pursue her endlessly, and if he caught her, he would rapes and kills her. Granted that the game is intended for a mature audience and the horror genre, but is rape worse than gruesome murder? Would the game just be more appealing if he just hacked her to pieces instead? To me, it doesn't make sense for him to kill her outright. It's made very clear in the game that if he wanted to kill her, he could easily have done so. He wouldn't have kidnapped her. He would have just been an assassin. I was going to make another game, but I'm feeling quite discouraged. Like I said, I could change it to him tearing her limb from limb while guzzling down the blood gushing from her severed arms like in Ninja Scroll. Or something like in Blood C.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQnBVlAXQeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQnBVlAXQeg This game is horror genre, and recommended for a mature audence. The player assumes the role of Maria (Name change available). The story is simple. Guide Maria out of the castle to safety, avoiding capture by Kyle. The Scripts used are Xas by Moghunter and AutoSave by DoctorTodd Here is the DL link for the game and the RPG Maker Run Time Package: DL Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/b5hqq88xlho1ftj/Pandemonium_8.30.rar RPG Maker VX Ace Run Time Package: http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/download/run-time-package Edit: Had to remove anime opening place in for testing.
  11. their movement AI is move toward player 3x, move at random 3x, and wait 30 frames. Basically, you have to lure them to the side and then run past them. V2 has fewer dogs but no carpets.
  12. I decided to add four more playable characters to the game, each making the game progressively easier. Basically, Clearing the game with Maria equals A rank, with Emily equals B rank, etc.
  13. Patch Notices for V.2 (Also fixed that issue of missing music.
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