Ishtar Chronicles Ver. 1.4
Ishtar Chonicles is a series of games revolving around various characters thoughout Ishtar's history.
This game tells the story of Sophia,a young girl who,in very short life,brought an end to King Edward's reign
of tyranny and world conquest.
Sophia-the main character,blessed by the angel of death with a sword of immeasurable power.
Richard-Sophia's childhood friend who cares strongly for her.
Anita-a young archer who rescues Sophia and Richard from harpies.
Jeremiah-the mysterious Sage who's power is legendary.He aids Sophia and her group only after she proves her strength.
Weapon Evolution System-
Sophia's sword evolves with each skill use.
Money Storage and Banking System-
Generates extra cash each battle.The more you save,the more you get!
New Game+ System-
Upon completing the game,you may start a new game at your current level.
Skill Learning System-
Learn new advanced skills as you master older skills.
Screen Shots-