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Everything posted by Jesse66126

  1. The game's story plays out like this, Ishtar, a planet much like Earth, except the size of the moon, was invaded by Earthlings. The Earthlings pretty much proceed to colonize Ishtar like the way Great Britain did to North America in 1607. The natives of Ishtar, being peaceful to the point of helplessness, consisted entirely of women. Basically, the Goddess who made Ishtar wanted to create a perfect utopia, free of war, famine, pestilence, and even death. She succeeded by making all of the inhabitants' asexually reproducing, use photosynthesis for energy, never grow old, and immune to all bacteria/diseases/cancers. However, due to this design, Ishtarians lack the physical strength for the weak gravity to even make a difference to them. They can move no better than a human on Earth, even at 1/3 of the weight. The hero is named Irene Summers, one of the Ishtarian girls. Despite being 4'5", she only appears to weigh 6 lbs to an Earthling, which makes fighting them very,very difficult in hand-to-hand combat. The player relies on stealth, espionage, and sabotage, avoiding direct confrontations at all cost, as even a 8 year old girl could easily overpower her. I don't know why I went into the whole back-story, but basically, she's like Batgirl; no powers, just technology, and the element of surprise. Sprite's up, let me know how well it matches.
  2. I posted a similar topic showing the pros and cons of each system. After playing around with Xas 0.5 for Ace, I did like it more. However, Mr. Mo's enemy/ally creation system still binds me to XP. I enjoyed creating a VX Ace game alot more due to it's simplicity. Easy mapping, easy eventing, but in the end, making the kind of game I was requires Allies and Enemies that only Mr. Mo's engine seems to be able to do.
  3. I think it would be amazing, no matter who did it. You can create a near perfect legend of zelda game with Xas, but I like my games to have more depth than just that.
  4. You think so? I've talked with Moghunter a few times, but I've never been able to reach Mr. Mo. If anything, I'm sure MogHunter would know how to do it, being an expert in RSS1,2,and 3.
  5. Mr. Mo's Enemy/Ally system is a work of art really. The way the user creates enemies is the reason I love using it so much, however, that's pretty much it really. See you can actually have allies with Mr. Mo's system instead of just a ton of enemies to kill that respawn the second you return to the map. I did have some issues with events retaining their sprites when changing maps, though. Like a torch on one map would replace an NPC in another map. Xas 3.91 is a near flawless ABS, except I haven't the foggiest idea how to create an ally character, or a really customized enemy character. With Mr. Mo's I could change an enemy's Ai with a single switch, and create a multi-phase epic boss battle. Addition to warring Npcs. Anyone know how to merge the two systems? I'm sure it's possible since they both use RGSS1. It's all about not getting them to clash.
  6. i honestly hate using default RTP music and sprites. I'll use Sailor Moon sprites and music, before I'll resort to RTP lol.
  7. The gameplay will be like the Mr. Mo version of Elder Scrolls, Everyone has a health bar, guards attack you,etc. However, in order to level effectively down the spiral of destruction, you have to eat their corpses, and well, everything else really. See the beast was created by a VERY hateful deity, as weapon against his siblings, however, the beast's design was too perfect for the job, and he became like Galactus, gulping planets like a boss. As the good path, you want to AVOID killing at all cost. You develope scare tacticals, like Roar, and protection skills, like Barrier, which forms an invincible shield around your target but drains SP over time. Also, you're concerned with appearances, and repeatative fighting builds up his hatred and draws out his ugly form.
  8. I use Mr. Mo's ABS, and everything is "Free-2-Kill" (even the girl) but with HUGE consequences. You play as a lion. As he grows in combat strength, he gradually becomes physically ugly. Scales, Horns,Black wings, etc. He evolves into the Devourer, the legendary monster that the gods united their power to finally kill. It's not a single-story driven game.
  9. Instead of vaguely hinting at it, like I did in previous games. The story goes like this: A little girl and her family were in a car wreck. The girl is horribly mangled by the crash, and the girl's sister was impaled through the heart. Rather than live, the girl offers up her heart to save her sister's life. As the girl's life support is shut off, a purple haired woman appears at her bedside. "You have...such a beautiful soul," she says, "I wonder… What kind of world would you create? Would you have made same mistakes as my children have? Would you be able to effectively rule over your creations with such gentle heart? ...I want to see it..." With those words, the girl wakes up in the middle of space, unknowingly endowed with the full power of God. After drifting around for a while, she finds a pile of bones, which appear to belong to a large cat. Without really meaning to, she resurrects the beast in the form of Big Blue, the lion-fox from her saturday morning cartoon show. The player takes control of the lion to assist her in creating and maintaining her galaxy, and defending her from enemies.
  10. My sister got me hooked lol. my favorite was season 5, after that it got kind of annoying. Ugh...Sam's soul, really? I also don't like how they're starting this season. it's too much like how season 4 started. Poof! Dean's back. Yay.... I wanted at least 3-10 episodes of Dean surviving in pergatory with Cas, and Sam figuring out a way to get him out.
  11. I figured it out. it had to do with me saving it to an external hard drive.
  12. Any ideas what's causing that? Or why it's even trying to convert a symbol into an integer? Anyway my new VX Ace game is coming along nicely except the player can't save the game. I thought it might be events like "Arrow Variable = Arrow(the in-game item)" I use that to keep track of the players excess arrows, so he can hold more than just 99. Also, if there's a better way to hold more than 99 of an item, let me know. The game's set up so that the quiver refills gradually with a maximum of 12 arrows equipped, while draining arrows from the bag. This is so that the bow would never be mistaken for a machine gun XD! However, the 99 item limited is still, as always, very constricting. I want to be able to hold like 3,000 arrows, but only 6 bombs or so. I'm using that XAS VX ACE system I posted a couple of months back.
  13. I changed the first option leaving off the words "without fear". In hindsight, No one can go to war without being afraid at least a bit.
  14. I never believe anything unless I see it on ABC News.
  15. Let's say hypothetically World War III breaks out. There aren't enough troops and your country starts drafting every male and female (they're desperate) between 18 and 40 in alphabetical order, and you get that letter. What would you do?
  16. For those unfamiliar with my work, This character's original name is Ninian, though I recently changed it to Nina. I'm still not dead set on a name for her, if anyone wants to throw out some ideas. Her powers are turning plants and animals into monsters and human corpses into zombies. Her personality is closet to Mikiru from the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumia, in that she's a complete coward, hates violence, and will hide from her own shadow. Hence, she makes lots and lots of monsters to keep herself safe from harm. Her distinct trait that sets her appearance apart from every other person in the world is her blood red hair/eyes. I'm leaning towards the hair idea since, it's more impossible to hide than her eyes. She is the misunderstood "villain" of the series both in the games and the book. Edit: Some questions were raised about "why zombies", the reason for that is, unlike plants and animals, humans possess a very strong free will. So, in order to turn them to her side as monsters, they would have to be dead first.
  17. it maybe "illegal", but they're not going to put everyone in jail, though. The economy is already dying with 60% of our country's population in jail, and almost all of our citizens buying imported rather than American made products because it's cheaper. However, they may make an example out of a few unlucky individuals. Other than that, the US government doesn't really have the strength to arrest everyone that pirates things, since that's over 160 million people. According to just piratebay's logs.
  18. Thank you both =). I got it to work. I even found a new status screen in my search. That sprite walks. It was made by Sephiroth Spawn.
  19. Yeah, I found it, but the site it's posted on doesn't work. Gives me a 403 error. I looked up what it means and it says the link is broken.
  20. Sorry, the title should be "Biography Script Request", if anyone can fix that. I'm wondering if anyone has one. I actually found several, but the links to the Demos were on Megaupload lmao. I'm not looking for something grand-scale like in ACMS Something my basic like If this were a biography screen. I'm trying to replace the "Save" option in the menu, since in my games, it's always disabled. This is one of the "Scripts" I found, but thanks to the loving FBI... http://rpgmaker.net/articles/102/
  21. I included a tileset made by Inquisitor, and the boat sprite from VX Ace converted to XP. Alternate Link: http://www.4shared.com/rar/Jq78AXjc/World_Map_Tutorial.html?
  22. Version 1


    A simple world map tutorial on how to make a working boat system in RPG Maker XP.
  23. I've been meaning to post this for a while. This is only for XP, since VX and VX Ace come with a built in system. This part of my "Just use XP instead" movement. Step 1: Make two identical world maps. One is the "walk on land" world map", and the other is the "walk on water" world map. Step 2: Change one of the World Map's tile set for specifically ocean-movement. Meaning go under title sets and create a separate tile set where the player can ONLY move on water, the complete opposite of your "walk on land" world map. Step 3: Create several boats on your "walk-on-land" world map, and put them on points where you want the player to get into the water (ex. a Beach). The boat serves as a transfer point to your "walk-on-water map" then transform the character sprite into the boat sprite. Set up switches so that the boats never appear at the same time. Step 4: On your "walk on water" map, create events marking the location for where you want to be able to get back on land. The events should send the player to the same location on the "walk on land" world map. Step 5: Place events on your "walk-on-land" map for the places you want to visit. (ex, cites, towns, caves.) http://www.rmxpunlim...-tutorial-boat/ I included a tileset made by Inquisitor, and the boat sprite from VX Ace converted to XP. Alternate Link: http://www.4shared.c..._Tutorial.html?
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