I've been trying to figure these out for days and would appreciate if someone could lend me some knowledge.
1. I need to reduce the size of the message box for the battle screen. I'm able to change the size of the regular message box in the overworld, but it doesn't seem to affect the battle messages. Am I just looking in the wrong places, or will I need a script? I'm using Dub's AMS, by the way.
2. For the AMS, I know you can play an SE as each letter is *typed* out with the text box code, but once I reset the game or load a save, the sound doesn't play- since the NPC or event that originally activated it is already over and the game doesn't remember it. Is there a way to either script the SE for the letters to be a constant, or even just get a "welcome back" message at the beginning of each session that I can stick the code in so it plays each time?
Thank you in advance!