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Everything posted by Aelvir

  1. No just the dual wield one and the default scripts. The dual wield for default RTP weapons work just fine now. Now I just created new armors and now I can't give him a stiletto in his left hand. but for some reason he can equip the body armor "Hauberk" IN HIS LEFT HAND. Now I'm just confused. Why would you remove the option for dual wield in after RM2K3....
  2. Used it. Tested it with the a copied event that you used for the test stage. The swords added to the inventory became shields ie. : iron sword became iron shield, and steel sword became steel shield) and when I removed said named shield, It shows an item but its stats are empty and it has no icon or name but has a x0 marking. All i did was remove the default scripts mine had and replaced with those of the test project.
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