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Everything posted by nekoyarou

  1. btw i just remember that something like this actually happened a long time ago, (i don't remember when exactly) but it just fixed itself -___- then i stopped working with my rpg maker 'cause i had exam (i stopped for about 2 months), but then when i want to continue to work... this damned thing happened again :ehh: :cry: i can still using it but that damn window prevent me from increasing the number of my skills, characters, etc. and now i'm frustated... :cry: :dizzy: :ehh:
  2. my resolution is 1366x768, it should be okay since the recommended resolution is 1024x768 right? lol i did that on purpose, i've been looking for a new one though i've already tried to change the resolution but still no luck with it :cry: i've already tried lowering the resolution then increasing it again, and it still didn't change! man i'm totally SCREWED :cry: :cry:
  3. Please help! i dont know what to do anymore, i have tried almost everything!!! from dragging the edge of the window to change the resolution ... but NOTHING worked!! :cry: :cry: this also happen to my database window... if someone know how to fix this please tell me! :ehh: :ehh:
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