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Everything posted by Ultim1337Gamer

  2. No one included me other than Omar510 :(
  3. No Pol.You reset to 10. I say 11
  4. @Marked : 10. And I say : 11 (Mods are very active here)
  5. Yeah now when the mods will reply they'll reset the count to 10.Soo... 14
  6. Y do dis Marked

    1. Marked


      I duno wat u refer to as i do a lot stuff, but heeeh :D

    2. Ultim1337Gamer


      @Marked : Sorry It was nothing but my fault XD I thought you didn''t include The Quest in te Games section,a few hours later I found it !


  7. Basically the aim of the game is to count from 1 and keep counting.This seems pretty easy until I tell you that a moderator can post and reset the count to a checkpoint.Checkpoints are 10,20,30,40,50 etc.....Moderators are also free to continue the count instead of resetting it. The highest number reached is 43 in Page 6 (Updated Daily) The current checkpoint is 40. The title is just to attract moderators and other people to the thread. Good Luck ! I START THE COUNT ! 1
  8. Welcome to GDU ! That name seems familiar...
  9. Hello, So,when making cards,I thought what if I made a yugioh deck starring you guys.Opinions ?
  10. I'll give it a spin : Marked : The site owner.An awesome web developer.A very nice person if you get to know him. Omar510 : A very active member.He's a great writer.The king of Ban 2.0 Zahraa : Probably the best game dev around. Bob423 : The MOST present username in the quotes section.I don't know him so much.Loves video games. Polraudio : I don't know him so much and I'd say he's a computer genius. Me : One Word : Pikastache
  11. Lol.But I'm not a graphic designer.But a web developer.
  12. I say sorry to everyone about the pointless quotes.I started posting ones with a meaning :)

    1. Marked


      lol some were pretty bad. I intended to keep 4, but then I accidentally deleted those too...

  13. @Marked : Then I need to reload my GIMP and work on an awesome game page lol
  14. I agree with all this.Except the demo upload.There may be people making a REAL awesome game but it's early in dev then they get featured with the fake games.Just kick out that demo upload.I think it's a very bad idea. I have some suggestions : Must have a Logo Must have at least 2 screenshots Complete with character profiles A complete Credits & Thanks list And at least one blog entry.
  15. The cost of consoles 'upgrades'.Not performace.Which mans that the cost is up.
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