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James Anthony Hyatt

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Everything posted by James Anthony Hyatt

  1. as for a combat system, i wonder how hard a tactical set up would be ? i mean i know its not MMO , per se , but it could be fun if it wasnt too hard to set up . Or its possible that i am really really crazy ,lol
  2. A browser based MMO thats turn based? sound pretty cool.Probally be hard as crap , but cool
  3. Honestly, with the way the ui looks in the trial, and the fact that in the trial i didnt get the plug ins i most wanted to test , i can honeslty say i wont e paying 80 usd for this , not when i can use unity for free and still make the games i want just fine, even if it does take me a bit longer .now if i was able to pick this up cheaper, then yeah i probally would get it , just to have it .
  4. TS is great , but Gamevox is cheaper , and it has a free version as well
  5. Thank you for letting me know , As i go along in my projects i do plan of doing a few more tuts , in fact i am working on one right now ,lol -James
  6. LMAO, thank you , i really was just wondering ,but thank you ,lol
  7. Greetings , I hope i have placed this in the correct place.Please forgive me if i have not. I was wondering if the submit tutorials area is working correctly? If it is working properly, can anyone point me to somewhere that it states what the average time frame to get a tutorial approved is ? Again if this is in the wrong section please forgive me.Thank you for your time. -James
  8. Agreed, and yes I personally think its a great ideal, i also think that it would make the game pages look a bit more professional, which IMO , is a good thing , if the page looks and feel professional, then people will start to treat the game pages more like they should be treated, and not like i see on other sites ,with one or two line descriptions, little or no story-line, and standard RTP stuff, I know that it wont stop people from doing that , but if the page feels more legit, then maybe people will treat it that way ?
  9. So very true, And as far as i can tell, the only really issue im going to have is building the main characters Sprite, it shouldnt be too hard , i mean i am not a total noob at sprite work , im just not really that good at it , so ill end up taking my time and seeing how it turns out ,as it is right now , the characters image isnt quite set into stone , so i can still change it if i have to, lol As for mixing the two engines , i wish they would actually mix them, Ace's scripting and data-basing ,with XP's Sprites and mapping , that would be epic IMO. but i think i have made my choice , XP/Mack sprites with parallax mapping , that way i can change the hgts of everything i need to so they fit the sprites, with out having to figure out the right measurements in the engine its self:).
  10. Ahhh i see what you mean , and thank you ,I wont be making that mistake again. -James
  11. First , let me say sorry about posting in the wrong section , my mistake ill try to se eth at it doesnt happen again . Secondly here is the video URL if that is what you meant : https://youtu.be/gAKK9ZxNCeE
  12. the thing is , from my point of view , the game should be built around the sprite style your going to use , mainly because building a standard map and then using the XP/Mack sprites ,would really make it look weird when your doors/trees/windows/ect ect are built for chibi, at least to my way of thinking , I do tend to agree that each type has its uses , but i honestly think the XP/Mack Sprites look better overall as well.I mean , some of the more complicated battle systems out there , wouldn't look right if you used Chibi, there are quit a few that only look right using sprites based off of the XP/Mack style .But over all i would say , that the choice of which to use and how to use them are up to the designer of what ever game, i mean i used chibi over world sprites for my pokemon game that i have on standby, and they looked fine , in that world the other style of sprites would look out of place.but for my current project i think that XP/M ack sprites would look way better than the Chibi style
  13. @Polraudio I agree , which is why i was leaning towards the XP/Mack sprites, you can do so much more with them ,plus the level of detail is amazing compared to the chibi. Im actually looking around to see ifi can find a XP/Mack generator so i can make the ones i need, if i cant find one ill have to take a template and make em ,lol but yeah ill probably use them since they do look that much better. -James
  14. Greetings, Well i am trying to decide which sprite type i want to use in my project, and personally i am leaning towards XP/Mack styled sprites, but what do you all think, what is your favorite type and why ? here the reasoning for my thoughts: Chibi-tons of them around along with lots of generators,works with ACE RTP quite well.but lack level of detail that i like to see. XP/Mack-not as many around as Chibis, but still a fair number of them,there is even a few generators around i think, but you have to map differently ,use different doors and such or it just looks weird( using the editor for mapping that is ) -James
  15. Greetings, I seem to be having an issue with posting videos on my home tab on my game page, I saw how it is done in the default page, when you first start to make a game page, and there is a video there, from what I saw on that page all it is a link and it is then shown as a video screen with a play button on it? I tried that and all I got was the link at the bottom of the page where the video should have been? Am I doing something wrong? Any help in fixing this matter would be greatly appreciated. -James
  16. Link to my Project: http://www.gdunlimited.net/games/1-on-1-a-medabot-fan-game Greetings one and all, I’ll try to keep this short and sweet. I understand I am new to these forums, I have no actual complete games to my name ,and I know that I am going to be asking all of you if any of you would be willing to help me in this endeavor. I understand that all of the above makes me a unknown and most people will just look over this post as another person who probably wont finish there game , and will think why should I waste time on a unknown. All I ask is that you consider the possibility that I will finish this game, mainly because I will, lol. Also please let me state this is a non-commercial game, and I am a broke father of 2, so I will not be able to offer any kind of recomp other than credits in the game.If any of the things listed below are something you might be interested in helping with , please feel free to send me a PM. Now on to what I would like for my Project: Artist-to draw/redraw whole battler images of the Enemy Medabots Artist-to design an Image that will be on screen during battle, it’s not really a hud as it doesn’t actual display anything , it’s just a mood setter .Basically it’s an image that will make it look like you are looking through the head/eyes of the Medabot as you are battling. Composer- this is not something that I really really need, since I’m am trying to keep as much of the original concept going, I plan on using the sounds from the other games /cartoon/anime for this project, but if any composer out there feels the need/desire to compose something, I will be more than glad to use it. Mapper-I plan on using parallax mapping for most of the maps, but again the same with the composer, if anyone feels the need/desire I won’t turn it down, lol Scripter-I have most if not all the scripts I am going to be using, but the same as with the two above here, I won’t turn something down. Let me clarify my statements above: I feel that custom things in games make them unique, I am not well enough known to just go around willy nilly asking people to do things, so I am planning on using mostly freely available resources to make this game, but if someone wants to provide something, I won’t turn it down, the only things I really need are the two artist, and out of them the first one Is the only one that I feel without, it would hurt my project. For the second I can probably knock something together, but it wouldn’t look nearly as good if someone who knows drawing better than me made it. -James
  17. Please close this thread , the problem has been taken care of, thank you all :)
  18. Greetings, This is a script request and I am not 100 percent on how to explain what I want/need for my game, but from what all I can understand is it’s a rewrite of the class Window_BattleEnemy. I can be, and am probably wrong. But from what I understand that is the class that handles the targeting window in combat. Basically what I am wanting is to take that and change it so it displays icons for battlers in a ring menu style. I have no idea how to do this though. So I am asking, a few things here: 1-the rewrite, if indeed that is what is needed. 2- the ability to somehow designate icons for each battler ( preferably with note tags) in the enemy database ,not the troop data base( I say this because I am using multiple enemies to make on battler image to be able to target different parts of the battler.) 3- if at all possible it would need to be on the left side of the screen, kind of where the default target box is drawn( if I remember the positioning correctly) Here are some images of what I mean, they are mock ups of what I need/want. This one is the multi-enemy that makes up one battler. This one is just showing what/where I mean: And this one shows what window I mean that I need changed: I have no ideal how hard it would be to script this, so if someone sees this and knows it will be too hard please let me know so I can start to rework my game. Thank you for taking the time to read this. -James
  19. this requests seem to not be going any where , i am changing the direction that i wanted to go with this , so please close this thread
  20. I hate to say it , but if this will get me out of the H . E. double hockey stick that i am in when ever i use 8.1 then yeha ill upgrade, i really dislike 8.1 if i could go down to vista or win7 i would but i cant , so ...yeah ill be upgrading
  21. Im fairly new here , but gratz on your degree ,and major kudos on your kid ( careful though, once they learn the words why and no , you may regret having him...lol jk , i have 2 of my own both boys). It is nice to see that , those who have gone before sometime do come back and attempt to share there wisdom with those of us who are not yet as wise as they are.
  22. Greetings, I am here to ask, this great community if they have ever heard of a thing, and if so if they have any earthly ideal as to how it was done. I am looking for a way to put an animated Battle cursor on an enemy, and at the same time put a glow or halo of some sort around the battler. I know it’s possible , I played a demo a little while back , that had that type of set up in it, I just can’t remember what demo it was , or what site I found it on. But when you placed your battle cursor on a battler it gave you the option to “Scan†the battler and get vital info. I have all the pieces ,minus the ability to put a halo around the targeted battler and to have an animated battle cursor with it , I have an animated BC script , but I have no idea if /when I figure out the halo thing if it will work tighter or not. This has had me banging my head against a brick wall most all day today and part of yesterday, please anyone who can help please please do help. Thank you in advance for any and all help, -James
  23. I would say that if you are comfortable with it , and as long as you plan ,and plan, and plan, have decent storyline, an dialog script( at least a rough draft, so you know who’s going to say what ,when) ,and are as prepared as you can be , then sure shoot for the stars on how big /complex of a game you want to make , even if it is your first time , I say this cause even if you fail , you will still learn something to help you the next time. Also while I don’t normally work with other people on a project ( never have in fact) I think that if you have partners to split the workload with , you might be surprised at how fast and well a game can come together. My very first project was a massive failure, it was an attempt at FF3 remake in rig maker pit lasted probably right around a month before I said …eh forget it, I drop RM for a long time, then a buddie of mine let me try his copy of VX, I liked the changes, thought about buying it, decided not to remembering how rough it was in XP. Then the humble bundle came out for ACE and I had to get it , I then started working on a simple game, just a single quests line game, finished it , and decided I was ready for my FF3 remake, only to find it was already done ,lol. So I decided , eh why not go big, and I planned and planned and planned, gathered resources, planned some more, and then started on my Pokémon fan game (Pokémon-The Awakening)Took a while , but I had it almost finished, ten my computer died a horrible death and I lost everything. Come up to present and I have started two projects…my Pokémon game( which I probably will never finish now) and my Medabot fan game( which im still working on and loving every minute of, lots of evening and data basing though) Which is part 1 of 3 ( prequel) of a trilogy chronicling the early teen to adult life of the main character.
  24. Greetings, This is a game concept/ideal that I have, but due to my lack of ability (for now) in RGSS3, I had to shelf the Ideal. I would at some point like to pick it back up, but if anyone else wants it they can have it. Just let me know that you are going to use the ideal, so I can mark it as used. I had planned to make the game in RPG Maker VX Ace. Game Title: Hobo-An Urban Survival Simulation Genre: Survival Simulation/Realistic Sim Theme: Urban Players: Single Player Project: Indie Platform: RPG Maker VX Ace Release Date: TBD [shelved] Game Company: [b.F.] Brain Fade Studios Synopsis: How well could you survive the urban wilderness that only the homeless among us know about, how long can you survive, and can you overcome the obstacles that are in every Homeless person’s way to get back on their feet? Short Storyline: You play a person (we will say he but maybe not), who by a twist of fate, Lost everything on a bad investment. By everything I do mean everything, his house, car, wife, job, money...everything. You play as him as he discovers that there are people still worse off than himself and he figures out how to survive the Hobo world that he has suddenly found himself in.Choose to be a villain of the hobo community, beating up other hobos and stealing from them, or choose to go the good path and share and help others, the choice is up to you while you are trying to get back on your feet. Planned Features: Multiple Job Options- Be a fast food worker, city employee, salesman, day laborer, etc., etc. Reputation System-Build your reputation with other hobos, with the city employees, with pretty much anyone, you never know when knowing the right person might give you the leg up. Needs/Body Care System- keeps track of many things, such as hunger, tiredness, thirst, body odor, facial hair (the need to shave) How clean your cloths are, when you need to shower, etc. There will be penalties/bonuses for what each value is at in game. Tactical Object Based Combat-a tactical combat system that focuses on items for actual combat, there will be basic melee attacks as well. Most of this is available in one format or the other on many different sites as scripts or tuts on how to do something, but the one thing hat made me decide to shelf it was my lack of RGSS3 skills, I couldn’t code a needs system that was that advanced. Like I said if anyone wants it, please feel free, if no one does, then any advice on how to improve it would be greatly appreciated. On a side note: I originally chose the theme of homelessness, because I know about homelessness, being homeless myself a couple of times in my life. I wanted to bring to light in a semi funny way, the issues that many homeless people face in the struggle to get back on their feet. I did not intend for this game to make fun of the homeless or any such thing (yes a friend of mine accused me of that when I was talking about the ideal at one point) -James
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