For those of you didn't see and/or are too lazy to look it up, here's the trailer for Monster Hunter Tri G for the 3DS.
Other than gameplay footage, it doesn't really show anything new...other than Plessioth and the new Brute Wyvern somewhere in the middle of the video. (and of course new attacks)
Maybe during TGS we'll see more, I think it starts on the 15th.
Notes from this video...
1. Real time shadows, main reason why this appears to look better than the Wii and PSP version.
2. The Lagiacrus can enter area 5 at the D. Island, I'm assuming the Royal Ludroth and Plessioth will be able to do this too.
3. From that same clip in the trailer, the Lagiacrus can also use its Electric Charging attack on land now. (where it charges it back with electricity, damaging anyone nearby)
4. Jhen Mohran has a sand beam attack thing.
5. Hard for me to tell, but Uragaan seems to have a new attack...immediately smashing his jaw after rolling.
6. Someone also pointed out that Barroth can also sling mud after his charge attack.
7. I didn't catch it, but someone says that Qurupeco can now use a dance that will put everyone in the area to sleep. o.0
8. Turns out Gigginox CAN lay an egg on its back...
(obvious stuff)
9. Underwater is back.
10. Because of this, the Lagiacrus, Gobul (yay!), and Ceadeus is returning....after missing from PSP's Portable 3rd.
11. PSP's Mountain Stream will be in this game.