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Everything posted by Joey

  1. They hate remakes apparently....lol. I don't mind it since I AM playing something I never played before, like MQ.
  2. ....I'm confused, am I offline? lol Almost all of the sites aren't working, and my messenger went out...yet here I am. o.0

    1. Joey


      Ok, back to normal...that was weird though.

    2. madanchi


      you temporarily whent to an alternate reality then came back

  3. ....I need a hug, lol. (girls only. xD)

    1. ProjectTrinity


      Do you know that character in some animes who grows closer to the group when people force him to do things, like GROUP HUGS?



    2. Joey
    3. kellessdee



    4. Show next comments  42 more
  4. It's not like they're releasing ONLY remakes, we're still getting new Mario's and new Zeldas and whatnot. eShop, if it detects that your system has went on the eShop before whatever date, then it's registered as part of this Ambassador thing.
  5. Yay a new member!!!...>_> ...<_< ...Ok I can't think of anything else to say, but yeah, hi. lol
  6. They're still working on a new Zelda, so who cares about the OoT remake. Besides I never played the Master Quest before, so I actually went with the remake.
  7. ...Ok I kinda figured this thread would have a lot of posts by now, lol. Also....A LION ISN'T CUTE!!! (unless if its a cub) xD
  8. Intelligent Systems. There, just gave you an exclusive developer, lol
  9. Ok you guys are giving me a headache...lol.
  10. Digital downloads, FREE...digital downloads. (apparently they're not going to release them normally anytime soon either, so...yeah)
  11. I didn't mind the price really. (since I got two of them for the price of one anyways. xD) But yeah the 3DS did have a crappy start, I miss Yoshi's Island, can't wait for them to release the GBA version. (kinda wish the Wii could emulate the SNES one, but oh well)
  12. ....I don't, you know what....I'll just stay out of it, lol
  13. Um, yeah its kinda what you're saying, a PS3 is the same as a Playstation. An XBOX is the same as a Wii. A Mac is the same thing as a PC, a cat is the same thing as a dog-, ok you get my point. >_>
  14. Maybe...I dunno right now, MMOs tend to get boring for me regardless of what I play. But I saw a video or two when you posted a while back and it somewhat reminded me of Monster Hunter, lol.
  15. ...What's this game like, I was gonna say it looks like MH. Wasn't those videos you posted before in Rated's thread from this game?
  16. ...Just, make sure Kell doesn't divide by zero this time, lol.
  17. ....Frickin' gnats everywhere...I miss my carnivorous plants. T_T

    1. kellessdee


      nom nom nom nom


      eat 'em yrself :3

    2. Ecowolfsteen


      lol, i want some plants that eat people... >.>

    3. kellessdee


      I gotta couple. How much you willing to pay?

  18. Joey

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for being a FF person.
  19. Joey

    Ban 2.0

    Oh...well I'm not a FF person, so...whatever. *bans you for no reason*
  20. Joey

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for-, wait you hate Final Fantasy?
  21. I found a puppy on deviantART. :3 I demand this thread to be a cute animal picture...thread...thing.
  22. Joey

    Ban 2.0

    Banned because of Final Fantasy. (also because you double posted, lol)
  23. Just looked like you were treating it as another GameBoy when it really isn't. xD And its not really the same thing, lol EDIT: Besides he said dead consoles. lol
  24. ...What's with the GameBoy DS names? You can't just say DS? xD
  25. Wow, Mandachi is still at it with this thing huh?...lol *sighs* Just like with the consoles, the same can be said about the handhelds. The GBA is probably slightly more powerful than the SNES, the DS is around the N64 I have owned both systems and noticed it myself. Don't make me bring of spec comparisons again like I did with the GCN and Wii, lol.
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