I'm getting somewhere somewhat with my other thread, so I figured I'll post this one now. Hopefully I'll get somewhere...I know you may be needing more info on the Party Changer since its very unique and a little complicated, so just ask me any questions.
Party Changer: Figured I'll start it off with this one since it may be the biggest one, my RPG contains many characters...so I need one of these. Only four characters can fight at once...HOWEVER, that doesn't mean they're completely safe from the battle, especially bosses that can use big magic attacks that can target everyone, including those in the "reserve" area. Anyways, when a monster is about to use an attack that targets everyone or someone in the reserve area...a small window showing the reserved characters' (or character if its a single target) faces and their HP/MP slides in for a moment before the attack happens, it then slides back out after the attack is done. I was also thinking if its possible to have a little window somewhere listing characters and their HP/MP if they are poisoned or some other status, that way you will know when its a good time to restore HP or even heal them if possible. I'd also like it where you can switch in and out characters whenever you like, even in battles (though the character will have to wait till next tun to attack). Another thing is if a character currently fighting dies a window of the reserved characters will show, allowing you to have another character take the dead character's place...that way it doesn't go to Game Over if the four fighting characters die. This is all I can think of for this one, I'm pretty sure I got everything...
Message System: I lost the script I was given by Nisage...basically I'm just wanting some Fire Emblem-styled message system. Showing 2 character graphics as they have conversation with others. (one of the graphics will change when a third character speaks)
(new) Game Over: I don't think I've requested this yet...but the Game Over screen I'm wanting is supposed to cause the music to "fizzle" out, dunno how else to explain that really. It also causes the screen to break as if you smashed the monitor with a baseball bat, the shards or whatever would then shatter and pieces would fall (this is when the music will fizzle out and come to a stop) revealing a black screen. (where the title screen will show up then)
I'm thinking of the order would go like this.
1. The words "Game Over" will fall from the top screen to the center with a thump. The battle music would still be playing...
2. After a few seconds past, a big crack will appear like hitting the screen with a bat...
3. After that a second later the shards would fall, this is where the music would fizzle out to silence. The falling shards reveal a black screen, where it will go back to the title...or have a window asking if you would like to load the game from the last save, thinking about doing that instead.
I hope you know what I mean by fizzle, cuz I dunno how else to explain it...is there like, another name for that thing?
Scan/Bestiary/Enemy HP Bar: For Nightmare there's a robot character that has a move/command called Scan (though in the sequels where the games are a bit more serious...Samus would join in the fun, having the same option), where after you scan the enemy an enemy info window takes over the screen. It shows an image of the enemy and gives you info on HP, SP/MP, attack and all that. It also gives you a little info on the enemy itself, sorta like how it is in Metroid Prime. Using the Scan also activates an enemy HP bar (unless you have a character that has the ability to automatically show the bar) at the top left corner with the name on top that smoothly decreases at a reasonable speed when damage is dealt. The HP bar automatically appears at the start if you scanned the enemy already before in the game...although I'm planning that some enemies will have the ability to cause the bar to disappear (the move will do other stuff obviously as well) for a certain number of turns.