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Everything posted by Nisage

  1. I'm just testing a few thing out on how to make a bar. I think I got it, except for the colors.
  2. No problem. That'll take a lot of re-editing to do for that animation, and besides, that's what it's supposed to look like in one way. Edit: Nice new Unlimited Member User bar Polraudio.
  3. I'll join, but a few questions must be answered first before I officially do. We can have anything in the 5 maps right? I know less battles the better, but any 5 maps correct (the tilesets, any tilesets right?) Does the game have to be encrypted or not? And scripts, how many, or any at all like Polraudio's Personal Save Files (that is a good script to use). If we're unable to upload the project here, can we upload onto 2shared.com? for prizes, is it a "we get to choose who makes the prize for us"? (like say OverlordMao wins and he wants a windowskin) or is it a "Prize pack" (it's filled with a few custom creations for the winner)? I think the first one sounds better. And finally, but certainly not least........... Can my name be orange when you put it for the "Current Contenders"? :P I'm guessing that anything else goes, like we can use any amount of variables, events, switches, etc............ right? Also I modified my sig so now if you click the picture, it'll send you to here.
  4. Guess I'm doing Kiriashi's sig huh? Well the dog is pretty cool, especially with the "woof!" in it, 7/10 :P And the sig, I like the "Kiriashi" part, nicely done. 8/10
  5. I'm apparently going with ebay, once the reply to a messege comes that is. And question for the Radiata Stories, are you suppose to lose in your first fight in the coliseum or not?
  6. First, I don't drive, I bike. Second, I did but 4 out of 5 GameStop stores din't have it, the 5th is to far away to bike it to.
  7. Hey not bad, looks good to me. I'm going to play it later, and then Ys: The Ark of Napishtim.
  8. Maybe I should play Radiata Stories first. I googled the game info on wiki, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiata_Stories but what does the battle system look like?
  9. Sounds somewhat easy to get her, and Guitar Hero you say? (This'll be very easy then since I rule at it) But the whole time loop, that's unique, and makes things more fun ^_^ I mean, why make it easy to get the characters right? No fun in that if it was.
  10. I wish I could get it new, but the only place to get it new is on Amazon which cost $40, and I dont have enough to get it new :( And besides, I like games to come in their original cases with their own pictures in them (along with the booklets).
  11. The game would not have come with its original case, so I'm going to try ebay.
  12. @Arkbennett: Ebay, of course. Forgot about ebay, that's an option. @Jesse66126: And that's all the more reason to get it, hard RPGs are fun (besides, how hard can a game be?). And what if I do complete it without a guide, and without a walkthrough on it, no internet cheat help at all? This'll be fun. :)
  13. Nisage

    [XP]Unknown Error

    This was its first time. And the odd part it, when I tried opening the XP project to see if the error appears, it doesn't, it's like it never happened. But I rather be safe then sorry and see if anyone else had ths problem.
  14. Nisage

    [XP]Unknown Error

    while trying to figure out the level breaker script, I decided to just try in the morning, but when I tried to close XP, a small error window appeared and had this.......... OS: Windows XP Professional, SP2 CPU: AuthenticAMD, AMD AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+, MMX @ 1990 MHz Application data: VmVyc2lvbjogVTFGRldsTXZKRFVwSlRZcUp6VWtLRGtFQURzbE9EZ3N iM2huWW1zdklDUS9JQ0l5UVhaNGNYUm1jemc9DQpJbWFnZUJhc2U6ID AwNDAwMDAwDQpFaXA6IDEyMTFBQjANCkVheDogNzA2DQpFY3g6IDI2R UMNCkVkeDogMTI2MDAwMA0KRWJ4OiAyREYwDQpFc2k6IDEyNjUyMEMN CkVkaTogMTI2NTkxMA0KRWJwOiAxODZGRENDDQpFc3A6IDE4NkZEQTg NCkVycm9yQ29kZTogDQo4OSw1MCw0LDVCLEMzLDhELDQwLDAsOEIsMT UsOEMsQTQsMjMsMSxFQiwxMCw4Qiw0QSw4LDNCLEMxLDcyLDcsMyw0Q SxDLDNCLEMxLDcyLDE2LDhCLDEyLDgxLEZBLDhDLEE0LDIzLDEsNzUs RTgsQzcsNSwyQyxBNCwyMywxLDMsMCwwLDAsMzMsMC4uLg0KQ29kZSA 9IFsxMTRdDQotIDIyMQ0KLSA5Ng0KLSAyMjANCi0gMA0KLSBbXQ0KPi BDOlxQcm9ncmFtIEZpbGVzXEVudGVyYnJhaW5cUlBHWFBcUlBHWFAuZ XhlDQoNClJQRyBNYWtlciBYUA0KMSwgMCwgMiwgMA0KUlBHWFANCkNv cHlyaWdodCAoQykgMjAwNSBFbnRlcmJyYWluLCBJbmMuIC8gWW9qaSB PamltYQ0KUlBHWFAuRVhFDQoxLCAwLCAyLCAwDQpSUEdYUA0KDQo+IE M6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcbnRkbGwuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV 1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJca2VybmVsMzIuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lz dGVtMzJcdXNlcjMyLmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXEd ESTMyLmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXGNvbWRsZzMyLm RsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXFNITFdBUEkuZGxsDQo+I EM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcQURWQVBJMzIuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJ TkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcUlBDUlQ0LmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN 5c3RlbTMyXFNlY3VyMzIuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMz JcbXN2Y3J0LmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXFdpblN4U1xYODZfTWljc m9zb2Z0LldpbmRvd3MuQ29tbW9uLUNvbnRyb2xzXzY1OTViNjQxNDRj Y2YxZGZfNi4wLjI2MDAuMjk4Ml94LXd3X2FjM2Y5YzAzXENPTUNUTDM yLmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXFNIRUxMMzIuZGxsDQ o+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcd2luc3Bvb2wuZHJ2DQo+IEM6X FdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcb2xlZGxnLmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dT XHN5c3RlbTMyXG9sZTMyLmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTM yXG9sZWF1dDMyLmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXHJnc3 MxMDJlLmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXHdpbm1tLmRsb A0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXHdzMl8zMi5kbGwNCj4gQzpc V0lORE9XU1xzeXN0ZW0zMlxXUzJIRUxQLmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1d TXHN5c3RlbTMyXG1zYWNtMzIuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdG VtMzJcaW1tMzIuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFByb2dyYW0gRmlsZXNcRW50ZXJic mFpblxSUEdYUFxwc2lrZXkuZGxsDQoxLjMuOCAoUmVsZWFzZSAwKQ0K UHJvdGV4aXMgSW5jLg0KblRpdGxlcyBBY3RpdmF0b3INCjEuMy44Ljg 4DQpTZWN1cmVJbnN0YWxsDQpDb3B5cmlnaHQgKEMpIDIwMDAtMjAwMy BQcm90ZXhpcyBJbmMuDQpQU0lLZXkuRExMDQoxLjMuOC44OA0KUHJvd GV4aXMgblRpdGxlcw0KIA0KDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJc SU1BR0VITFAuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcdmVyc2l vbi5kbGwNCj4gQzpcV0lORE9XU1xzeXN0ZW0zMlx3c29jazMyLmRsbA 0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXHV4dGhlbWUuZGxsDQo+IEM6X FByb2dyYW0gRmlsZXNcRW50ZXJicmFpblxSUEdYUFxTY2lMZXhlci5k bGwNCg0KTmVpbCBIb2Rnc29uIG5laWxoQHNjaW50aWxsYS5vcmcNClN jaW50aWxsYS5ETEwgLSBhIFNvdXJjZSBFZGl0aW5nIENvbXBvbmVudA 0KMS41OA0KU2NpbnRpbGxhDQpDb3B5cmlnaHQgMTk5OC0yMDAzIGJ5I E5laWwgSG9kZ3Nvbg0KU2NpbnRpbGxhLkRMTA0KMS41OA0KU2NpbnRp bGxhDQoNCj4gQzpcRE9DVU1FfjFcSFBfQURNfjEuWU9VXExPQ0FMU34 xXFRlbXBcSWFkSGlkZTUuZGxsDQoNCkJhY2tXZWINCklBZEhpZGUNCl ZlcnNpb24gNi4zLjIgKEJ1aWxkIDExNlIpDQpJQWRIaWRlDQqpIDIwM DMgQmFja1dlYiBUZWNobm9sb2dpZXMgTHRkLiBBbGwgcmlnaHRzIHJl c2VydmVkLg0KSUFkSGlkZS5kbGwNClZlcnNpb24gNi4zLjIgKEJ1aWx kIDExNlIpDQpCYWNrV2ViIElBZEhpZGUNCjUNCg0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1 dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXG1zd3NvY2suZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzd GVtMzJcaG5ldGNmZy5kbGwNCj4gQzpcV0lORE9XU1xzeXN0ZW0zMlxy c3Zwc3AuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcVVNFUkVOVi5 kbGwNCj4gQzpcV0lORE9XU1xzeXN0ZW0zMlxyc2FlbmguZGxsDQo+IE M6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcQ0xCQ0FUUS5ETEwNCj4gQzpcV0lOR E9XU1xzeXN0ZW0zMlxDT01SZXMuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lz dGVtMzJcZHNvdW5kLmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXFd JTlRSVVNULmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXENSWVBUMz IuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcTVNBU04xLmRsbA0KP iBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXHdkbWF1ZC5kcnYNCj4gQzpcV0lO RE9XU1xzeXN0ZW0zMlxtc2FjbTMyLmRydg0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN 5c3RlbTMyXG1pZGltYXAuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMz JcS3NVc2VyLmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXE5UTUFSV EEuRExMDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcV0xEQVAzMi5kbGwN Cj4gQzpcV0lORE9XU1xzeXN0ZW0zMlxTQU1MSUIuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFd JTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcQXBwaGVscC5kbGwNCj4gQzpcV0lORE9XU1 xzeXN0ZW0zMlx4cHNwMnJlcy5kbGw= The window had 3 options, Ok, Copy, Report. The report button kept getting an error, and I copied with the right mouse button and saved it in a text file. Does anyone understand what this means, and sorry if I put this in the wrong place. No idea where to put it.
  15. I'm about to get another PS2 game, and it's Ephemeral Fantasia. True I found it as a "Used" game, but it's still in good condition, but I like games that come with those game booklets, which this Ephemeral Fantasia doesn't have. Maybe one that another game store has, but that store is about 100 miles away. Should I just buy the game and send a letter, and or email to the company to see if I can buy a game booklet from them? Anyone know what I should do? Also on a side note, the other PS2 games I got are Ys: The Ark of Napishtim, and (I know some of you have heard of this one before since I've seen it in here somewhere) Radiata Stories.
  16. I'm on almost everyday, a wonderful habit to log on here everyday :P
  17. I mean.................. When you use the skill, it'll check and see if any of your teammates are KO'ed, if they are, then they are revived and add's 1 variable to Variable B. Then it'll multiply Variable A by Variable B and do damage to all enemies. The way it's set up, you can't store the "energy" (Variable B) and unleash the power at any time. Though that could be done with a "Show Choises" that say "Unleash Energy" and "Keep Storing" if Variable B is 1 or more. But then have a setting for Variable B if it's 10 or more, the skll will be like a self-destruct and kill you and your party, making it a game over. Oooh, I like :P Edit: Darn, I replied to slow. I didn't know you replied already.
  18. This seems kind of easy to make, shame some of it is cut off at the top. But it looks like it'll only be at maximum power if 3 of your teammates are dead (I could be reading the picture wrong).
  19. Do you think making a variable that equals "Play Time" would work? It would be in Operand, Other, Play Time.
  20. Do you mean this script? http://www.creationasylum.net/index.php?sh...ic=6405&hl=
  21. You could have rated someone else's /avatarsignature :P Oh well. The Eureka pictures are really cool, it matches great with your avatar.
  22. I don't get it. That doesn't make sence.
  23. Wow, Gate Keepers...... I haven't seen that in years, and I should finish it, I stopped at around DVD volume 4 (well I watched vol. 4 so I guess I stopped at 5). And I can't really reply to this with a favorite song since I used to hate music, that's right, you now know someone who hated music. But how am I now a fan of music now you ask? That's easy to answer, it's all because of anime :P Or one anime to be specific, which is called Full Moon wo Sagashite. Thanks to that anime, I like music, I have about 1,000 different anime songs (ok some aren't anime but it's roughly about 97.1% anime) So now I have tons of favorites, including this one here...... Manga Maniac Youtube Video -> But I guess, if it really needs to be an anime song. Then this one....... Inuyasha Ending 4 Every Heart (Japanese Version) Youtube Video ->Original Video Inuyasha Ending 4 Every Heart (English Version) Youtube Video ->Original Video But note, I still hate music. Just not Japanese, Chinese, Koreon, video games, and catchy songs (example Manga Maniac), those I like :P.
  24. I'm able to get a mage up to level 145 (or something close to that level) alone. And we're getting off topic here, this is Sakura's Sprites forum, not a Ragnarok Forum.
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