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Eric Matyas

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Everything posted by Eric Matyas

  1. Hi folks, Please be sure the check out my puzzle music pages…there are tons of cool tracks that can be used for all kinds of things in addition to puzzle games. Speaking of which, two of this week’s new free tracks are on my Puzzle Music 6 page: “LIGHT PUZZLES 7” “FROSTY WINTER NIGHTS” https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-6/ We also have a new addition to my Horror 2 page: “THE ISLAND OF HORRIBLENESS” https://soundimage.org/horror-2/ And last (but not least) a strange new track on my Sci-Fi 10 page: “THE WEIRD LAB AT THE EDGE OF TOWN” https://soundimage.org/sci-fi-10/ If you feel that my free music is helpful, please consider making a small donation on my site to help support my efforts, but only if you are able to…(I know times are hard for a lot of people.) In the meantime, enjoy this week’s new tracks…and keep being creative!
  2. Greetings Artists and Creatives, Brand new seamless texture images are waiting for you on these pages on my website: ROCK/STONE (Artistic) WOOD (Artistic) VEGETATION (Artistic) https://soundimage.org/images-home-page/ If you happen to be using my music in your projects, don’t forget about my Puzzle Music pages. You’ll find over 120 cool tracks that can be used in all kinds of things…not just puzzle games. Enjoy…and have a great weekend!
  3. Hi Everyone, This week’s new free music tracks are: On my Fantasy 12 page: “FLIGHTS OF FANTASY” https://soundimage.org/fantasy-12/ On my Puzzle Music 6 page: “DANCE OF THE SNOWFLAKES” https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-6/ And on my Sci-Fi 10 page: “FUTURE CLOCK CHIME” https://soundimage.org/sci-fi-10/ Enjoy…and keep on creating!
  4. Hey Fellow Artists, You’ll find this week’s new seamless texture images are on these pages on my site: GROUND (Artistic) METAL (Artistic) ORGANIC (Artistic) https://soundimage.org/images-home-page/ NEWS It’s great to see that people are starting to use my Ogg music packs…I’m glad they’re helpful! SOUND EFFECTS PACKS? Is anyone interested in sound effects packs? Just an idea I’m thinking about. OGG MUSIC PACKS I’ve also created a page where all my Ogg music packs live together. It’s here: https://soundimage.org/ogg-music-packs-2/ Enjoy...and please stay healthy.
  5. Greetings Creatives, This week’s new free music tracks are: On my Sci-Fi 10 page: “WEIRD THINGS APPROACHING” https://soundimage.org/sci-fi-10/ And on my Puzzle Music 6 page: “BRAIN TEASER 3” https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-6/ NEWS It’s great to see that people are starting to use my Ogg music packs…I’m glad they’re helpful! SOUND EFFECTS PACKS? Is anyone interested in sound effects packs? Just an idea I’m thinking about. Anyhow, enjoy my site...and please stay healthy.
  6. Hi Everyone, This week’s new seamless texture images are on these pages on my site: BARK (Artistic) CONCRETE (Artistic) FUR (Artistic) You can access them from here: https://soundimage.org/images-home-page/ NEWS How You Can Help to Support My Efforts If you find my free assets helpful, please consider making a small donation on my website to help support my efforts. I pay for everything myself and donations from the creative community really help a lot. http://soundimage.org/ Thanks in advance…and please stay safe.
  7. Good news everyone: More bulk music downloads are now available for these genres on my website: Action Dark/Ominous Horror/Surreal Now you can download all of my tracks at once as higher-quality Ogg music packs. That said, this week’s new free MP3 tracks are: On my Fantasy 12 page: “GOBLIN MISCHIEF” https://soundimage.org/fantasy-12/ And on my Funny 8 page: “TROPICAL WEIRDNESS” https://soundimage.org/funny-8/ Enjoy...and keep being creative!
  8. Hi Everyone, This week’s new seamless texture images are on these pages on my site: ABSTRACT (Artistic) BRICK (Artistic) METAL (Artistic) You can access them from here: https://soundimage.org/images-home-page/ NEWS More Music Genres with Bulk Downloads For those of you who are using my music tracks, I’ve added even more bulk music downloads. Here are the newest genres containing them: Action https://soundimage.org/action/ Dark/Ominous https://soundimage.org/dark-ominous/ Horror/Surreal https://soundimage.org/horrorsurreal/ Enjoy…stay safe…and keep being creative!
  9. You asked for it, you got it: Bulk music downloads are now available for these genres on my site: Chiptunes Fantasy Puzzle Sci-Fi Now you can download all of my tracks at once as higher-quality Ogg music packs. Enjoy! That said, this week’s brand new free music tracks are: On my Fantasy 11 page: “ISLAND OF MYSTERIES” https://soundimage.org/fantasy-11/ And on my Sci-Fi 10 page: “FUTURE SMOG” “ARCADE OF THE FUTURE” https://soundimage.org/sci-fi-10/ Please stay healthy and safe.
  10. Hi everyone, This week’s new free music tracks are: On my Puzzle Music 6 page: “POPSICLE PUZZLES” https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-6/ And on my Sci-Fi 10 page: “BROKEN FUTURE” https://soundimage.org/sci-fi-10/ NEWS Bulk Music Downloads are now available for these genres: Chiptunes, Fantasy, Puzzle and Sci-Fi. I’ve received an increasing number of requests to make my music tracks available as bulk downloads (rather than having to download them one at a time) so that people can load them into their media players and listen to them while doing other things. Now you can download all of the tracks at once from these genres as Ogg music packs. I hope they're helpful!
  11. Hello Fellow Creatives, Brand new seamless texture images are ready on these pages: CONCRETE (Artistic) METAL (Artistic) GROUND (Artistic) You can access them from here: https://soundimage.org/images-home-page/ NEWS Bulk Music Downloads are now available for these genres: Chiptunes, Fantasy, Puzzle and Sci-Fi. I’ve received an increasing number of requests to make my music tracks available as bulk downloads (rather than downloading them one at a time) so that people can load them into their media players and listen to them while doing other things. Now you can download all of the tracks at once from these genres on my site in higher quality Ogg format: Chiptunes, Fantasy, Puzzle and Sci-Fi. It’s a cool way to support my efforts, too. Enjoy…and keep being creative!
  12. Just for fun, I’ve been creating short videos featuring some of my music tracks and posting them on my site. I also post them on YouTube. If anyone is interested, here’s a link to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6mnTEE6xP74YcZDpkKGy-A/videos Please feel free to like and subscribe! That said, this week’s new free music tracks are: On my Puzzle 6 page: AROUND THE BEND – (Looping) – And back again? This is one of those pieces that’s meant for puzzle games that cheerfully drive players insane. https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-6/ A new addition to my Epic/Battle page: NORTH RIDGE – (Looping) – Maybe for troops amassing? https://soundimage.org/epic-battle/ And on my Sci-Fi 10 page: CYBER GRUNGE CITY – (Looping) – A short piece that might work under the title screen or menus of a game. https://soundimage.org/sci-fi-10/ Enjoy!
  13. Hi Folks, Some cool new seamless texture images are ready on these pages: WOOD (Artistic) BARK (Artistic) ORGANIC (Artistic) You can access them from here: https://soundimage.org/images-home-page/ Enjoy!
  14. Wow, it’s hard to believe that April is here already. Soon summer will be back. So this week we have: On my Fantasy 11 page: “THE WINDS OF STRANGE” https://soundimage.org/fantasy-11/ And on my Funny 8 page: “QUIRKY CHOIR” https://soundimage.org/funny-8/ OTHER NEWS: The following genres on my site now have super high-quality Ogg versions of every track: Dark/Ominous Fantasy Horror Puzzle Music Sci-Fi Give them a try…they sound fantastic and loop really well in game engines. Enjoy…and please consider making a small contribution to support my efforts if you can.
  15. I can’t believe it’s April already…pretty soon summer will be here again. Anyhow, this week’s new free-to-use-with-attribution texture images are on these pages: GROUND (Artistic) ORGANIC (Artistic) STONE (Artistic) You can access them from here: https://soundimage.org/images-home-page/ Enjoy and have a safe week.
  16. BIG NEWS EVERYONE! All of my Sci-Fi music pages now have Ogg versions of every track. They sound great and loop really well in game engines…check them out! That said, here are a couple of new music tracks on my Funny 8 page: CHEESY SILLINESS – (Looping) MORE CHEESY SILLINESS – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/funny-8/ Enjoy…and keep being creative!
  17. BIG NEWS! All of my Sci-Fi music pages now have Ogg versions of every track. They sound great and loop really well in game engines…check them out! That said, here are my new free-to-use-with-attribution texture images for this week. They live on the following pages: BRICK (Artistic) METAL (Artistic) WOOD (Artistic) You can access them from here: https://soundimage.org/images-home-page/ Enjoy!
  18. Greetings everyone, Another busy week, but I got a couple of new music tracks done for my Fantasy 11 page…free to use, of course, with attribution: "THE SPUNKY PRINCESS" – (Looping) "KINGDOM QUEST" – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/fantasy-11/ NEWS My Sci-Fi 5 page now has Ogg versions of every track on it. Soon, all of my Sci-Fi pages will have them as well. They sound awesome and loop really well in game engines. Check them out! In the meantime, please stay healthy and safe…and keep being creative!
  19. Greetings Fellow Artists, Here are my new texture images for this week…as always, 100% free to use with attribution. You’ll find them here: CONCRETE (Artistic) FUR (Artistic) GROUND (Artistic) STONE (Artistic) You can access them from here: https://soundimage.org/images-home-page/ NEWS For those of you who use of my free music, my Sci-Fi 5 page now has Ogg versions of every track on it. Soon, all of my Sci-Fi pages will have them as well. They sound awesome and loop really well in game engines. Check them out! In the meantime, please stay healthy and safe…and keep being creative!
  20. Hi Everyone, I had a really rough week but managed to get a couple of new tracks done. They’re on my Sci-Fi 10 page: "FACTORY ON MERCURY"_v001 "EERIE CYBER WORLD"_v001 https://soundimage.org/sci-fi-10/ I see some folks picked up some of my Ogg tracks this week. Glad they are helpful. Have a good weekend and stay safe.
  21. Hi Fellow Creatives, This week’s new texture images…100% free to use with attribution…are on these pages on my website: SCI-FI BRICK (Artistic) BARK (Artistic) You can access them from here: https://soundimage.org/images-home-page/ More cool music is on its way, too. Enjoy!
  22. Greetings Fellow Content Creators, This week’s brand new free-to-use-with-attribution music tracks are: On my Sci-Fi Space page: "WORLD OF AUTOMATONS_v001" (Looping) https://soundimage.org/sci-fi/ On my Chiptunes 4 page: "ARCADE ODDITIES" https://soundimage.org/chiptunes-4/ And on my Funny 8 page: "WEIRD THINGS" https://soundimage.org/funny-8/ Don’t forget about my Ogg tracks, too. They sound great and work really well in game engines. Enjoy!
  23. Happy March Everyone, Wow, February went by so fast…I guess spring is just around the corner. Anyhow, to start off March, we have: On my Chiptunes 4 page: “TOO COOL FOR WORDS” “BOUNCY PLATFORMER” https://soundimage.org/chiptunes-4/ And on my Puzzle Music 6 page: “LIGHT PUZZLES 6” https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-6/ CUSTOM MUSIC FOR YOUR PROJECTS If anyone needs some custom music created special, just let me know. One of my goals is to make good-sounding music available to anyone…especially indie content creators with limited budgets (I’m one myself.) I know how challenging it can be so hopefully I can help. My contact information is here: https://soundimage.org/custom-work/ 100% COMMUNITY SUPPORTED My website is 100% community supported…there is no advertising on it. If you feel that my free music is helpful, please consider making a small donation to help support the site. Stay safe and keep being creative!
  24. Hi Fellow Creatives, A whole bunch of new texture images need good homes in your projects. Free, as always, to use with attribution. They are on these pages: GROUND (Artistic) VEGETATION (Artistic) FUR (Artistic) ORGANIC (Artistic) CONCRETE (Artistic) BRICK (Artistic) BARK (Artistic) You can access everything from here: https://soundimage.org/images-home-page/ OTHER NEWS I’ll be releasing some cool new music tracks tomorrow so make sure to check my free music thread. CUSTOM WORK If anyone needs some custom work created, just let me know. One of my goals is to make everything super affordable for indie artists and content creators. (I'm one myself so I know what it's like working with limited budgets.) Anyhow, information is here: https://soundimage.org/custom-work/ Stay safe and please share my work!
  25. Hello Fellow Content Creators, This week’s new free-to-use-with-attribution tracks are: On my Action 4 page: NIGHTTIME ESCAPE_V001 – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/action-4/ On my Fantasy 11 page: THE CITY OF ICE – (Looping) https://soundimage.org/fantasy-11/ And on my Nature/Science 3 page: ALONE IN THE GREAT NORTH https://soundimage.org/nature-science-3/ Please don’t forget about my super-affordable Ogg music tracks and packs. They sound great, loop really well in game engines and are a cool way to support my efforts. Stay healthy and keep being creative!
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