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Everything posted by omerpaz

  1. Okay, I will try to help: I looked at the screenshots as I couldn't find any demo and will try criticize your mapping according to what Iv'e seen: Clouds near Cashis-I really liked that foggy clouds kind of effect, but you should really try blurring out the coastline. It is too straight and therefor has an unnatuaral look. Same about the forest. Try scattering some random trees around the main border of the forest. Outside Cashis-Looks pretty good, I perhaps you should use less these brown dots thingy and put in some trees? Cashis Gates-The map itself is alright, though it needs more detail: Throw in there some high grass, plants, flowers and whatnot. Commander's Tent-I think you should consider changing tileset in this one, I'm pretty sure there is a specific tent tileset out there in the internet. Additionaly, he has too many stuff in his tent, such as three sets of armors, two swords, an axe, two stands of javelins three spears. Six boxes, two shields, a rope and five barrels. This is enough equipment for a whole company :) Church01-Is pretty empty, you should put in some people and perhaps in the sides passages to other places within the church. Church02-Much better, however I can't say I'm a fan of these pink-framed blankets. The pillar in the middle of the library is really offset, I recommend removing it. The stairs are a bit out of place too, you should make them reach the floor. Church03-Beautiful map. I advise putting in some detail, as I explained in the Cashis Gates criticism. Community housing01-Looking good. However, the left, wide wall with the corner should be the same height as the right one, you should fix that. Community housing02-I recommend scattering and decreasing the ammount of food on that long table. Also, you should just make one stove and sink, all the rest can be just blank marble surface on which you can put stuff. Also, it's supposed to be "Communal housing" if I'm correct, not community. Mining Town-Beautiful thing. Here I recommend to ease down on the grass and replace it with stones, rocks and these nettle thingies. That's basically it, good luck with your game!
  2. Knight Of The Rose shows the epic tale of two brave warriors that saved their land and nation from complete destruction, challenging the gods themselves to rise against them. This game is a MONSTERPIECE of mine, and has TONS of awesome features that make this game a one of a kind! I am currently finally publishing the first chapter, after years of on-and-off work, and I really hope you guys will like it Year 10,000 BD. When the world was still young, Aeldor, one of the greater Ancient Gods, was banished from their heavens, and became a Fallen Ancient. He took the rule of The Abyss, and started making his creations, then unleashed them upon the earth. Horrors have raged freely in the world of Sylvarrah, the beloved creation of the Ancient Gods. Aeldor, together with his minions-Countless hordes of goblins, orcs, trolls, drows, and other creatures which their nature is dark, declared war against the ancient gods. In the head of his army, was the Bamiath, Aeldor's most horrible creation, a mighty titan, possesing powers almost equilevant to the ancients themselves. Aeldor rose the land of Tura from the depths of the ocean, and gave it to his minions, as a favour to them, yet also to give them something to fight for. The war almost destroyed Sylvarrah, after the Bamiath was unleashed, raging, killing and destroying everything in its path. Year 0 AD. After seeing they will not be able to defeat Aeldor before the world will end, the Ancients were helpless. Giving it a last, huge, desperate effort, The ancient gods have rapidly casted an enormous spell. Unleashing unimaginable ammounts of energies, they have managed to seal Aeldor into three seals, one in the land of Tura, one in the land of Igaia, and the last one, which also contained the Bamiath, in Theltos. The Bamiath has fought the Ancients back, causing a disruption of the energies, which created a massive energy explosion, seperating Igaia and Theltos with a new ocean, The Adaar Ocean. The Ancients have lost most of their powers as a cause of the enormous powers they have unleashed, and were forced to leave Sylvarrah, yet they managed before to bury the seals under the bones of the world itself, thinking nobody will ever dare opening them. Even the gods were proved wrong. Year 215 AD. Somewhere around the mines of Aegos, in the land of Igaia, a group of Orc slaves are assigned to work there. In the depths of these mines, Arais, an Orc slave, just digs in the wrong place. He accidently breaks a small crack in the seal, and Aeldor is unleashed once again. He takes control of Arais' mind, and gives him the rule of the Land Of Tura, where another seal is hidden, and then, after opening the seal, he raises the armies of Tura once again. Year 235 AD. Arais declares war against the free nations of Igaia in the east, and sends a massive force through the sea to capture them by surprise. His armies, consisting of goblins, ogres, trolls, orcs, turenian humans and drows, and some of Aeldor's abominations, raid the coasts of the state of Adel in west Igaia and swiftly get the upper hand. The knighthood of Igaia, which is called the Knighthood of the Rose, manages to stand up against the might of Tura. The war reaches a dead end, and thousands of lives are lost each year. Our game begins in the year 239 AD, as the game's protagonists, Lance and Thomas, escape their village after it is destroyed by a turenian force. There starts their journey to the knighthood. Note that much more features will be added in future chapters, but meanwhile, this is what the game offers: -Approx. two hours of gameplay. -Lots of massive army fighting, with a very realistic atmosphere. -Side-view Battle System (With individual animations). -Visual Equipment System, also in the battle scene. -A minigame in which you ride on a horse and cut everyone in your path. -Pretty good mapping. -Quest screen which is the first script I ever wrote! -Horse-riding system, with changeable speed, level and horses! -Two secret maps where you can find treasures and valuables. -Ten different types of enemies (However, in future chapters more enemies will be added). -An advanced visual-equipment system. The army of Telander marches to the north. On the way to Rohym. The keep of Fort Telander. Mount Aral, where the orc slave are stationed in for mining. A house in Rohym Town. A secret cave. There will be many hidden places like this throughout the game, usually cosisting treasures and valuables. An example of the horse riding system. You can see here Lance training at horse riding. Download: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/88621929/KOTR2.exe and you will need to download the OldTypeFaces font: http://www.sendspace.com/file/n15ocq (To install, put it in C:\WINDOWS\Fonts ).
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