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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. I am currently working on making a tutorial for ALL of the tile=sets, so just hang in there Emmy! I will put those higher in queue than the others though, just for you! Could you please post the "Enterbrain" versions of the names please? I am kinda' confused as to what some of those are.
  2. Oh, lol. Well actually, I asked the question so there is nothing wrong with replying to it. My day was awesome, except I had to wait another day for TOWER QUEST!!!!
  3. Normally I'd agree with you since you are a chick from Egypt, but.. it doesn't matter how many frames she says, you just have to convert it to what speed your computer processes the frames for me, 5 frames is 4 frames. :D Nice tutorial Emmy!
  4. Hey guys, I finally got around to finishing my first mapping tutorial in my mapping class. I know, it took forever, but only because I procrastinated for so long. I'm going to try my best to get the tile-set tutorials started! Enjoy! :lol: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=2495 Please comment in that topic.
  5. :P Will do. Oh you are so on! I'm using the Inquisitor's tile-set sooo... yeah.
  6. That's probably the problem as that happened with me when I tried this out and I fixed it by starting a new game. This is why the Switch and Variable Managers and the Control key are useful while play-testing!
  7. Both of those screens are quite amazing! I love the underwater picture.
  8. No I have not but I will soon. Does this item of yours use any scripting? Otherwise its quite odd that the Menu crashes. To stay on topic: I noticed in one of the rooms in the top of your map you put some books on a shelf. These books are hanging off of the shelf. :o
  9. :o I'm touched. Really, you made my da-err night. I've really missed you too. I can't wait to talk to you some more!
  10. Kiriashi


    Oh thanks man! Wow, that is absolutely crazy! I'm reading all policies now! lol
  11. Alright, after reading your post several times, I think I finally know what you want. Change the graphic of this other character you are talking about into a blank graphic. This way, when you play-test the game you cannot see him. Now, in your door event, make a "SetMoveRoute" event command in the beginning (in a conditional branch with condition: switch "OpenDoorFirstTime" or whatever you want your switch to be-- is on) and make it change the graphic of the event for your other character that you want to appear, and then make him move towards the player. Make sure in the top left corner of the "SetMoveRoute" you select the name of this other character's event. Now add some text, then add a "Set Move Route" that makes the other character walk to the edge of the map, and then change his graphic back to being blank. Now turn the switch we talked about earlier off. Make sure you put all this in the Conditional Branch (with a switch condition being on) so that it only happens if it has not happened before.
  12. Thanks a lot for writing this! I can't wait to learn more! What is a 32-bit number, and what is floating point? Thanks!
  13. I'd take unique any day baby! Oh yeah! You should tottally take some pictures of Egypt I wanna see em'. And with you in them, hehehe. Jk jk. So do you live in Cairo or Suef or.... well those are the only city names I can think of right now.. :unsure:
  14. (No, this is not a necropost because I'm adding to the topic so ST...L...U!) I'm am reading all of your tutorials so you can count me in!
  15. On thursdays I do. Do you think Polraudio is a human or a bot?
  16. Japanese! Which is a better way to die? Being burnt alive or having your lungs slowly removed from your mouth? ... Alternatively, which is worse? Kissing an pretty guy or kissing an ugly girl? (Reverse the question if you are a girl.)
  17. Kiriashi


    Is there another link to this video? I really want to watch it! It sounds so creepy, plus I want to test this on my moms computer or something. :lol:
  18. Kiriashi


    O_O Oh my gosh that is crazy! I would be freaked out if that happened to me. I've got some nuclear warhead missile codes on my computer so I would never want them to take control of it, also because I have like ten billion googolplexes of folders of the same rom, 15,000 times copied in each of those folders. What ROM you say? Why, none other than Ocarina of Time! Thats 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times 15,000 copies of Ocarina of Time. Even if someone through my hard drive in a river and smashed it in twoI'd be able to get at least one copy back. EDIT: Oh wait no, its even more. Correct sum: 1,000,000,000 times 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times 15,000
  19. Please read rule 12 this is a direct link to it: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php/component/content/article/207.html#posting The reason I'm posting this is not because I'm so "by-the-book", it's because I really can't understand what you want, so don't be offended ;) . I'll try to help you out as much as I can though but meanwhile edit your posts so we know exactly what you want! :D So, in order to have an event in which the player walks into a house and goes to sleep (and maybe heal HP and so forth), edit the event you made of the door that leads your player's house, make a "Conditional Branch" with the condition Switch "FirstTimeInHouse" is on. You can name this new switch whatever you want, just don't erase one of your current switches. You could even not name the switch but that is a BAAAAAAAAAAAD idea. So, in this new condition make a "Set Move Route" event command and walk your character right next to the bed with TurnRightLeftUpOrDown (RLUD), then make the character jump onto the bed, then turn your character's graphic into the sleeping sprite. All of this can be done in a "Set Move Route" event command. Now click ok and make the screen "Fade Out" and play some Music Effects (Your choice) and then"Wait" like 60 frames or so, then make the Character change its Graphic back and move off the bed with a Turn in RLUorDown in a "Set Move Route" event command. THEN make the screen "Fade In" and put in any "Show Text" commands you want like "I feel really good now!" or "Mmmm, comfy bed." and heal your character if you want (with a "Set Character(or is it party?) HP")) event command. Leave the else section empty and click ok! Make a new event on your bed without the first "Set Move Route" event command so that you can go into your bed later. If this was helpful, give me some rep' by clicking the bottom right corner + button.
  20. Oh really? Thats awesome! Are you getting CS4 or Elements? I love using CS3 still :P Oh it's for Alone? Is that the same as your "Hope Afloat" game? (Yep, I know all about, and I can't wait for it to be completed!) TheSchneid, all you have to do is make an event on the candle and click on the "Stop Animation" checkbox and go into the character graphic and go to the bottom of the list until you find a light. For the fireplace to the same except with a different graphic!
  21. Kiriashi


    So what on earth is this thing you guys are talking about? The link has been removed so I don't know what you guys are all talking about. It sure does sound scary though, :(.
  22. He had a picture like that in his recent topics..

  23. Thanks I enjoy being back! My browser already does that for me :P Well the first thing I have to say about this map is that is too big no matter what your explanation for it is, house, hotel, manor, Inn, castle, fortress, Pentagon.. whatever! You should tune down the map to half its current size and make the hallway a lot thinner and furnish the hallway. Notice how you have a large portion of the hallway extending to the right where the stairs are? This area can be lost altogether. When you're making a map, you don't have to base the inside of the map on the outside of the map, because there can be empty spaces in a house, and because its an RPG so it looks better that way, the small way that is. Using the shadow tiles to make a room look nicer is near impossible, so I suggest you use cosmetic lighting. Another thing to look out for is spreading out your details, like the boxes for example. Why would there be so many of those in a house? There may be a reason, but I assume that you made this map purely for the fun if it and it isn't apart of any game. Before you make maps when you are just practicing, you should come up with an idea of what kind of building\area the map is or come up with a backline (storyline for the sake of not having nothingness in a map) for the map. I know this isn't the best critique because interiors can be quite hard, but I will make an example of your map soon! (Hopefully within 24 hours) (If this post was helpful, give me some rep' for it! )
  24. Welcome back UrHappyPlz! Is that you playing the song? I love Nightwish. It's my favorite band! xD How does the points system work and what do I use them for? I clicked on my points but I don't see where I can buy anything...
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