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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. Congratulations on making the first demo! Oh, you might wanna post a non-RTP link too.
  2. Kiriashi

    Umaro Tondaro

    This was quite fun. I can't wait to see what you come up with!
  3. I'm commenting on this regardless of it being made last year :P OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o
  4. :D Its all quite amazing! I really liked the old one though :(. Noooooooooo! lol Congratulations on admin man! *Way too friendly chick hug* Have you talked to Arky recently? How is he? Tell him I said hi! A girl on the RMXP Unlimited Forums.. and she is from Egypt? Sweet! Nice to meet ya' FieryLovieBirdy.
  5. I just reread the entire rules section for some reason.. :lol: Thanks Polraudio I didn't even know about this. I'll be using this often! (did u no that L33t speek is baned? wut did mark make l33t against the rules 4... hrmmm i wunder)
  6. I don't see the relation between 8u)3 and Peter Griffin.... :(
  7. Oh cool! Congratulations on becoming an administrator! No matter how many rank ups you get, I will always be in control!!! MUHAHAHA
  8. The worst mistake of your entire life?! What could that possibly be?
  9. What do you guys think of this awesome picture? Just kidding! lol Real Map
  10. So have you finished this? It sounds like it would be fun. :lol:
  11. http://download560.mediafire.com/un5lnh2n4ddg/2yzm25wziim/Tilesets.rar
  12. Damn! :D Everywhere? Which is better a chocolate milkshake or apple pie with vanilla ice-cream?
  13. I'm color blind.... So did I just end this topic?
  14. Hmm, this as improved since I last posted here. I'll play the demo when I get the chance.
  15. RPG Maker VX and RPG Maker XP have different layouts for making windowskins, so whoever said hasn't used both :P.
  16. That's no problem, just use this sites image uploader the next time www.imageshack.com doesn't work, and when uploading files, always use Mediafire, there is no wait for free users. Here is your picture uploaded to www.imageshack.com. Anyways, epic text time: THE SCHNEID Alright, one of the main problems of this map is the huge space of the tall grass. It is way to empty and open, and the edges are all wrong. Don't worry though, this can be easily fixed :D . The square patch of grass in the tileset has edges, you need to use those to close off the edges instead of using grass variation tools for edges. These are supposed to go over the edges on the third layer to create variation. This huge area needs to be much less open with a few more trees or water going around it. The third layer path autotile shouldn't ever go over the edge of the water like that, but when you do use it, put less rocks on it. The main path needs to have at least two lines in width or else it will give you that boxy look. Also, get rid of the undulation under the grass in the bottom right corner it looks nasty. Your trees are too close to the tent, so fix that up. And the bridge rails only work when you have them on both sides, and I don't like the look of them when they are on one-tile-long bridges. And you seemed to of copied and pasted it onto the bridge, you need to use the middle piece five times making sure it replaces that crack and the far left rail edge piece. Once again, I cannot use RMXP right now but keep mapping away and try practicing with the grass. (If this post was helpful, give me some rep' for it! :D)
  17. KODI HAMMON [You are second for me to reply to due to my absence. ;) ] Well is your little island an island of a big lake? Because if it is, there needs to be elevation around the entire island because RMXP makes grass islands look weird without it. The undulation looks a little odd, and as I said in my last post, I'm not a big fan of it no matter how it is used. The path can be dropped because there shouldn't be one on an island. Where would it start? Where would it end? Where would it lead? Nowhere.. Some tall grass would also be nice as well as more trees, and the bunnies and stumps have to go. I like the cute little critters don't get me wrong, but why would there be bunnies on an island in the middle of a lake? The frog can stay though. :P When adding the tall grass, use the tall grass circle like things that you've already placed on the map on the third layer, they add variation to the grass. I can't make a demonstration for you because I don't have access to a computer with RMXP on it, but keep mapping away! (If this post was helpful, give me some rep' for it! :D)
  18. HereYetGone [First of all, just so you all know, I am commenting on all of these maps in order, regardless of whether these members are active or not, so don't complain to me that I didn't comment on your map too because I am just about to.] @ HereYetGone: You are up first 'cause you were the first person to post a map to to my absence. Your first map, the grassland one is the not the best I've seen, but don't worry, this is for improvement! Make sure that when using the grassland tileset, you spread the details around fairly. What I mean by this is that you should use all of the little weeds and things like you did, but spread them around a little more, and try adding tall grass in the empty spaces and put some weeds in there. Also, your path is a little to linear. Try to spruce it up a bit. also try using the water and path tiles I posted in my first post of this topic. Also put a few more trees in the map around the path, which should go through the entire screen. Why else would the player even go through area? Your bridge seems to be used only as a dock or fishing pier, so I guess you don't have to, but try putting up a fence on it so it looks nicer. IMO it looks better that way. and put a water post on both sides of the bridge. Also in my opinion, undulation autotiles are always bad looking. Your second map is okay, but the cliffs in there need to be WAY more elevated in different areas and they need to have random side cliffs jetting out and such. Mountains can be kinda hard to make, but they will become second nature with practice. Lose the moat around the barracks, it looks just way to bad unless you make it look more natural and pull off a waterfall, but still it would be hard to make it look good. Speaking of waterfalls, you need one.. for sure. That empty darkness area could have some more elevation too. Another thing you need to do is play around with tall grass. This will really add to the whole experience of being in the mountains for the player. Your trees also should be spaced out a little more an so should all of those weeds. Well not really spaced out, what they need is better placement, and more of them, but variated. The second fort at the top looks really weird so I suggest you drop it, that and the bridge. It just doesn't look like it fits in a mountain area. I'm not a big fan of the path because it is to linear in some places and there needs to be more than one line in some places. Those pillar like mountain things look kinda bad too. Your third map is a little too hard to see so I can't give you a lot of advice on it, but those rooms seem to be a little much the same. Other than that I can't tell. Ohh wait, that carpet is really fancy for a fort. This cave map is quite nice. I really like it! Maybe a little bit more elevation would be nice though. Do you have a nice tint? That would be a nice edition if not already in your map. Some of the stalagmites (Sure they don't look like stalagmites but I can call them whatever I want to call them!) are hanging over cliffs, two little ones and a big one. There is an elevation error with the wall next to the cliff that is nearest the water. Other than that you just need to practice with variating elevation in cliffs. This last map, the inside one... its just.. WAY TOO BIG. Making huge interior (and exterior) maps is probably the most made error in mapping, and I DO consider it an error. Try making the house much smaller, as this will really make a difference. Cut out any rooms that aren't 100% necessary to the owner of the house. Check out the "Inside" section of this topic, it will really help ya' out. I don't have access to RPG Maker XP right now so I can't make demonstrations right now, sorry :( , but keep up the good work! (If this post was helpful, give me some rep' for it! :D)
  19. Hey guys, its been awhile. I've been gone for a long time mostly over the summer. Do I have any real reason? Well no not really, its just that I was actually scared. Yep, you read that right, scared. There have been so many changes to the forums and so many new members have joined. I thought that no one would remember me anymore if I did come back, but now I figure I HAVE to make some mapping tutorials and post them here because I promised I would, and I began working on my old RMXP game again. Well... games. Anyways, I can't wait to get back in the loop here, and I have but one request: REMEMBER ME!! :lol: P.S When did this site change?
  20. Sign me up for this! I don't wanna just win by default though, I need someone to compete with. Anyone?
  21. Well you also have to remember to make sure that the transparency color is the same for both tile-sets because they are becoming one. This color is generally 255,0,255 which is that bright magenta color in the bottom left corner of MSPaint's default color's, but if the default color IS different then that means that the magenta color as already be used so you will have to use another color. You should download the two master tilesets I made and put them in the graphics folder of your game and copy the Tileset Data file and put it in your game's data folder. This way you won't have to make the tilesets (which is easy but can take a long time) and you won't have to set all of the passage settings. Some of them are a little off but they are easy to fix.
  22. Wait what?! B-DAY?!! HAPPY B-DAY.... how late am I?

  23. Kiriashi


    There is a chinese dora the explorer now. http://www.8asians.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/nihao.jpg The name of the show is "Ni Hao Kai Lan" Seriously.. What the heck?!
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