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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. I'm sorry I've not been replying, I have been having some relationship problems. To take a picture, click on 'View', and make sure 'Dim other layers' is not selected. From there you can take a picture of all layers. This won't show any weather effects though so make sure if you want to show those you are playing the game when pressing print screen. Tomo, the grass shouldn't go over the water. And when you are making the water, make sure you use more logical formations. The line of water next to most northern horse is a little to linear. In your gated area, those posts things shouldn't be used repetitively. You should put them next to the horses or something so they could be like stakes that the horses are tied to. The path doesn't really make sense ^_^. It doesn't lead anywhere and it is closed up. VARIATION!! The plants need to be spread out a whole lot more. The way you have them so cluttered makes the RTP look receptive. Try looking at the pictures I made for nsigman197 in the upper posts to get a better idea on this, but that map I made could be a lot better. I might make some examples for you soon, but I really need work on these tutorials. :wacko: They are waaaaaay over due. lol Post some maps too Aya!
  2. Are you running the program as an administrator?
  3. So true. When I said we should do this, I wanted to know how many people would be willing to participate. I don't wanna spend time making an original topic just to find out I don't have enough people.
  4. Yay! You're back (for the most part)! I understand the spam posts are kinda piling up and agree that it is a little too much. Sorry. -_- Yeah you're right, I don't see it 'cause it is locally uploaded. The script stats thing is really neat, as well as the new and planned features. See ya' around.
  5. Awwww, you deleted the maps before I could see em'. :( I will get this Space map done 'cause I like the tileset and because school is out.
  6. I was looking at this project again and thought we should do one. http://www.rmxp.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=60782 I am out for the summer so I have time.
  7. Wow you must've felt good. lol
  8. My map sucks. I hate this tileset sooooooooo much.
  9. ROFL, formless, that is my desktop background. :P @Emmy: I love my card! What does it do? lol And whats all this about pip points and post counts?
  10. Cool. Very cool. I am holding out for the demo. This is NOT a joke.
  11. That looks pretty dang cool. The chin is a little pointy, but not to bad.
  12. Kiriashi

    Funny ad

    (I might see it again and if I do I will take a picture if it.) I was playing some online game, and there was an advertisement that said "click here to get a cartoon version of you), and it showed a really stupid looking guy and next to him was a character they ripped off from Love Hina, the main dude. I can't think of his name. What is it Nisage? lol EDIT: Found it:
  13. For a title screen for PoT? That sounds cool.
  14. Wow, I am really lucky. lol I Guess I have more time. xD
  15. Banns Aya for being impatient.
  16. Kiriashi


    "How do you even know the power of the bloddy stick?!" *Tosses stick to Polraudio*
  17. The battle system looks and sounds really cool. Something like my brother would make. The graphics.. well it is impressive that you re made all the graphics for your game, but they are a little to much pastel-y. A little more detail graphics could be helpful for that empty grass. I would defiantly enjoy this game, but I am going to have to see some story first. P.S Your Octobus shirt is awesome. And shame on everyone that saw this topic and didn't reply on May 29 which is when it was made. You guys let it get past the first page of "New Posts" and I never saw it. Poor LukeLukeLuke :(.
  18. Yeah, but you can't make an old-school game, you can make a re-make. :P
  19. And me.. I know about your personal issues... like.. the ones with the.. um... cats? @Joey: That sounds like an awesome parteh.
  20. :| ROFL. It sounds like something I was\am\will making\making\made.
  21. Kiriashi

    Everything o.ö

    By crosses I assume you mean passages settings, and I am working on that for ya' now.
  22. :lol:I was just about to PM you about this. I can't nominate the person I think deserves this. :|
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