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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. ...Yeah... thinking of... me... *red-flag* xD Who did you vote for Nisage?
  2. Yes we love you so very very much. I guess I owe it to you to pwn you in a match of brawl or two so you don't get insanely bored. :P Get back soon, not that you're actually leaving.
  3. I will play this as soon as I get home. It looks really interesting!
  4. Well now we are getting a little off-topic, so I won't answer that question. What is AS? (The show that you said aired Shin-chan)
  5. There are no votes for "Or...wait for Kiriashi's story?".. Are you lying to make me feel better or something? Just vote man, I don't care.
  6. Actually Anime has a different meaning, so no, it is not an anime. Its funny, you just wrote Pokemon is an Anime. You aren't making an argument, you just said "no".
  7. Also if you have any other ideas on how to use this new technique (if it proves possible) then please post em' here. EDIT: Oops, sorry for the double post. I thought I was editing the last one. The FastREPLY thing pops out like the QuickEDIT thing so yeah, I was confused.
  8. Probably? You could make an RPG with VB for sure! I have books on how to do just that.
  9. [ugg, I really can't think of what to do here. Could some one please give us a jumpstart?]
  10. I remember seeing that! It looks pretty cool, with a little adjustments. Also, you don't even need to use this, Rex, it would be really easy to make your own event system for this.
  11. Well he said that he has yet to post something. Its coming Chief, its coming.
  12. Toonami aired shin-chan? Wow. Doesn't that show explicit animated pictures of buttocks and breasts? Its funny I know that much. Pokemon is not anime, its a cartoon.
  13. You can't get a worse comic relief than him, thats for sure.
  14. :( I want results! (what I just wrote actually made me laugh.)
  15. Oh, well I guess I stand corrected or whatever. :/ Please tone down the language or put strike-throughs on all heavy language, like that word, b&%$#, f^*%, and s%@t. [ s ] badword [ / s ] is how you strike-though, except without the spaces.
  16. :( I wish you luck with your busy times. A 5.0 Alpha would be AWESOME.
  17. I don't even know what that is. I can probably find out by re-reading this topic, but I won't. xD
  18. Aww :P. Thats just too bad. I guess I will just have to wait. Oh well.
  19. Kiriashi

    Your Pics

    Those are cool pictures man!. Is my being able to read my mind and know that I'm not a she more proof of me being awesome? lol. Dude, I am not female. I feel depressed that you think I act like one. I hope that it was just my username that made you think that.
  20. Well actually, you are a member silly. xD Please actually take the previous image and add your signature to it. Also, make sure you keep the same size of the picture.
  21. Please download this. Hey guys. I was looking around in the data folder(C:\Documents and Settings\INSERT_USERNAME_HERE\My Documents\RPGXP\INSERT_RMXP_PROJECT_NAME_HERE\Data) of my RMXP Project, and saw that there is one item called CommonEvents. I was thinking, hey, what if you could distribute small parts of data instead of just the game? Thats why I am here. I wanna test something. In the download at the top there are two files: an RMXP project folder called Data Testing and an RMXP data file called CommonEvents. What I want you to do (after downloading them of-course) is go into the Data Testing project folder, then drag the other file you downloaded, the RPGXP Data file called CommonEvents, into the Data file. it should ask you if you want to replace it with the other one, click yes. Now launch the game and click the switch and then post here and say if it worked or not. If my hypothesis proves correct, then I might of though of something amazing. ;) How it works is, I have a common event made that makes the character dance around and stuff. The switch event has two event commands, the switch flip animation and the 'Call Common Event 1:' command. If this does work then We can update files without re-uploading files, share weapon databases, post tileset information (so we don't have to set them, which could have prevented what's her name from leaving), Scripts and more! Thanks in advance, Kiriashi. P.S This is just one test of many, I am going to test the sharing capabilities of all the Data types P.P.S @Polraudio, you can transfer the script file for UT so people can use their old save files (maybe, we will just have to test it)
  22. Oh yeah I forgot to say that I voted for Mr. Mo's ABS. Where is everyone?
  23. So will my save file work? I'll test it. If not, send me the new scripts so it will. (DLoading) I played with my save file until I had to fight Gary, but it says there was an argument in line fifteen of Side BS Script (Y_SPACE = 40 # 縦位置のバトラー同士の間隔) and quit on me. Is there any way to fix this or do I actually have to start over?
  24. BUMP Hey guys, please post and say who you voted for so I know who to stalk down and threaten to eat if they don't vote. Also, if you haven't voted yet then please do so. We need to get this poll finished so we can move on. I voted for Jesse's story. I might still finish mine though. Thanks!
  25. I wanna bump the poll for the RMXPUP story, but if I did it over and over again it would be spamming, so I will do it here. xD Please go vote for a story so we can get enough opinions and finally get started on a game for once. CLICK ME
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