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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. That isn't a personal page. There should be a place where you have total control on what that one page looks like. So you could put your own link, pictures, graphics, topics and stuff. Not an article. I might turn my tutorials into articles later.
  2. In this picture, I have made a very (VERY) simple cliff. Now the red circles show that I have made some cliff tops on the sides of the waterfall that jet out of the structure. "I (you xD) wanted to make some variation in the cliff by making it seem like one part goes farther than the other, but, in the green circles, I (nisage) didn't remove the cliff parts next to the part I want to be farther out. In this picture, in the green circles, I have made the cliff height correct by making it match the size of the red circle part. Get it? If you don't understand what I wrote, then try to make your cliffs match my cliff.
  3. Sorry for the late post, but I wanna say that this sounds AWESOME! I would love to have a page to have maps and stuff on it. Funny quotes, good times, tips. Stuff like that. Good idea Polraudio!


  6. Hey now, I said that there was ways to get a server for free legally. Also Vent is free. So is Elluminate (well you can get the Pro version or whatever)
  7. So true. Well is this a 3d game? Or is that being decided still? Also, you can take the 5 Map Game Contest thing out of your signature.
  8. Yeah, but there are a lot of ways to get a free server, legally and illegally.
  9. I like the concept art. It looks really good.
  10. Hey Jesse, whats up? A main baddy should be evil enough turn force people at war to come together so they can destroy said baddie. :P
  11. That image isn't working properly.
  12. Oh yeah. Skype is nice. That reminds me of Ventrilio. Which is just a voice chat program. Also Elluminate Live. (Yeah I know, I spelled illuminate wrong. That is just how they spelled it.)
  13. Thats exactly what I am saying is what he didn't have, shiny armor. Thats what he has now. His old clothes were evil looking torn up red rags and stuff.
  14. What kind of stuff can you learn from manga and anime? And this should not have been moved.
  15. Well as long as I helped someone have a laugh, I accomplished my goal. The End
  16. Seriously, take ganondorf from OoT for example. His clothes were BADASS. ( even though they were pointy because they were on the 64 :P) Now he looks like a wimp with his fancy kingy clothes.
  17. Wait what? What are you saying? (Weclome back Unka Josh!)
  18. Yeah.. *depressing sigh* THEY WERE AWESOME!
  19. I like old baddies more. They have cooler clothes xD!
  20. Its like.. an exaggeration.. sorta.
  21. You said All braun and no brain. That is completely incorrect and there is no proof of that always being the case. Hence, stereotype.
  22. :o SUPER STEREOTYPE! Mean Nisage!!
  23. How about Picasa? Its not the best picture organizer but it is free and easy to use. (CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD)
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