Her name is Kairun! So there! Pfft, kate....
My story in nooblet form (I lost the original document 'cause of my brother)
My idea was to have her be from a town with a tyrant for a king, and the people of the village one day got fed up with the insane taxes. So they wanted to make it seem like trolls from the mountains came down and raided the village. This way they could make a town in the forest and not have to pay taxes and live with the horrible tyrant's rules. Now, on the day that a taxman would normally come to give people.. taxes, some people dressed up as trolls and others prepared to pull off the hoax. They weren't going to tell everyone what they were doing to make it seem more real, so some people were actually going to think that the trolls are attacking. Meanwhile in the mountains, a young troll is told to go hunting. He ends up seeing all of the people dressed up as trolls and goes to help. He didn't know they were humans, and the people didn't know he was a troll. Blah Blah Blah, the girl gets captured, blah blah blah, she escapes somehow (the player is the one that gets her out of the troll area) and sees the town ransacked, she thinks it really did happen. She wants to go to the king's palace or whatever and ask him what happened, king finds out that she was wearing a warriors suit, and his rules specify that only men can be warriors. So she gets sent to a prison, and that is when the prince dude that you guys were talking about comes in.
I really have some good ideas as to where this can lead up to.
What do you think?
If you don't like Kairun, (KA-EE-ROO-N) then we have to come up with something else that at least isn't a well known name. Preferably a made up name all together.