Why thank you very much! :3
Heh, I didn't notice the date myself.
More drunk jokes.. hmm... Australia is cool and all, but video games are way too expensive there. Sorry... mate.... LOLROFLMAOMGPWNSZORS... lol
The drunk thing again.. -sigh- xD Thanks.
@Number Two... what do you mean by that...? :shifty:
Ah ha! Someone said something without the drunk joke! Thank you.
But it looks like Crimson has added the classic "good day" move to her reply. Thankies very much.
Oh snap, Dragon combined 'em both. How clever and sneaky...
Ah ha, the drunk joke is back. Look guys, I'm not moving anywhere just to get drunk; there's rubbing alcohol in my bathroom cabinet... no? Anyone? (Thanks Isaac. c:)
....Call me.
In all seriousness, thanks very much everyone. At the time of posting this (12:31 AM), it is the 9th of February. Which is, *gasp*, my older sister's birthday. Interesting, huh?