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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. Also get on MSN...

  2. Why thank you very much! :3 Heh, I didn't notice the date myself. More drunk jokes.. hmm... Australia is cool and all, but video games are way too expensive there. Sorry... mate.... LOLROFLMAOMGPWNSZORS... lol The drunk thing again.. -sigh- xD Thanks. @Number Two... what do you mean by that...? :shifty: Ah ha! Someone said something without the drunk joke! Thank you. But it looks like Crimson has added the classic "good day" move to her reply. Thankies very much. Oh snap, Dragon combined 'em both. How clever and sneaky... Ah ha, the drunk joke is back. Look guys, I'm not moving anywhere just to get drunk; there's rubbing alcohol in my bathroom cabinet... no? Anyone? (Thanks Isaac. c:) ....Call me. In all seriousness, thanks very much everyone. At the time of posting this (12:31 AM), it is the 9th of February. Which is, *gasp*, my older sister's birthday. Interesting, huh?

    ..whoa where did that come from.

  4. Its kinda ironic how I live in washington state from Texas, yet Texas has more snow.
  5. EMMY! I've missed you, where have you been! It's great to see you working on RMXP again. You're game seems pretty cool. Good luck.
  6. I did not see the video before it was removed, so I can't refer to it, but I don't think RKO meant any harm towards Mexicans. Mexicans ≠ illegal immigrants. So let's not get judging here and be fair and nice to everyone. You all have to be nice on my birthday.
  7. Don't screw with my sig... I'm too lazy to change it though..

  8. Hahahaha... no. xD Doesn't work like that. Unless you sound like a girl, which you don't, you're not getting a mic. And thanks Trinity.
  9. :3 Why thank you.

  10. The basic definition of a nerd would be a studious person who is socially inept. I don't qualify as either of those, so I guess I'm not a nerd in that sense. In the "computer person" sense I suppose... And do not post material that can lead to adult content please. You may discuss it in a mature manner.
  11. Steam is free man: http://store.steampowered.com/about/ Go pick something out, as my hands are... busy... typing.. EDIT: And just in case someone not so familiar with Arky, he's joking.. kinda
  12. You're all a bunch of Lorem Ipsums! xD @Chief Looks really really nice man. Good job! :3
  13. Kiriashi


    I also have some demos int he downloads manager that have doors in them, so you could check those out. Though they are quite old, so I don't know if they are my good ones or not. xD
  14. I swear I remembered. I noticed it two weeks ago. xD I'll gift you a game on steam. :3 Just tell me yer' account name. Assuming you use steam...
  15. Lol, no worries. You don't need anything, you're fine as you are.
  16. Perhaps I need to do something about this; I gotta pump some RMXP crap out... That sounded odd. And I'm temtped to delete two of your posts so that your post count is 1234... tee hee...
  17. HOW DID YOU KNOW MY NAME?! D: ..and yes.
  18. DOES WANT! Here, this should help:
  19. Guess what! I started an RMXP game. ISNT THAT AMAZING AND EXCITING! I am so original..

  20. How dare you defy the revisions of the great Arkbennett. EDIT YOUR POST AT ONCE SIR! and for the sake of on-topicness I am changing my favorite food to Arkbennett. EDIT: I'm tempted to redo mine, as that seems to be the new trend... I'm trendy right?
  21. I need a female voice actor for a particular project of mine. You need to be at least sixteen, or sound sixteen. This might seem out of the blue and information-lacking... which it is I suppose, but I figured it was worth a shot. Obviously you need a microphone, and a good quality one at that. I will buy you one if necessary. Any takers? ^_^
  22. *cough* *cough* *hint* *hint* You're welcome. :P EDIT: I still have the most posts, right?
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