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About DeM0nFiRe

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  1. Oh, Sudoku is good fun every now and then. If you do it too much in a row it gets repetitive though.
  2. [lies]Yeah, but I taught him everything he knows[/lies]
  3. Oh, so you're new to RMXP. If you want I can teach you how to Script XD
  4. Woo! happy birthday, I know I've just started posting in this site, but the 1 year mark is an important milestone. I hope to see some great changes for this site.
  5. In conjunction with a platformar script, these could be pretty cool. If you're planning on adapting them for a regular top-down RPG, I kinda doubt I'd use those. They seem to cutesy for an rpg.
  6. If you're trying to make a pokemon game, I'm making a pokemon starter kti you'll be able to use. If you want the script for another type of game, I can make it for you seperatley I think.
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